The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2107 Flower Forest

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The reason Zhao Fu knew about the Evil Demon Abyss Flower and the Otherworldly Golden Flower was because Zhao Fu himself possessed the power of the Evil Demon Abyssal Flower, and he had conquered the Otherworldly Golden Flower Ancestor.

The Golden Flower Ancestor of the Different World is already considered its final form, and it does not need to be planted, grown and cultivated.

In other words, Zhao Fu has to cultivate the world's rare flowers, Mingye Youhua, and Xiemoyuan flower planted in Daqin into flower ancestors, just like the golden flower ancestors.

This Zhao Fu doesn't know how long it will take, because the world's rare flowers that have been planted for nearly ten years have not bloomed, Zhao Fu does not know how long it will take to cultivate them into flower ancestors.

Zhao Fu didn't know what powerful ability Soul Bell Tree Flower had, but it shouldn't be simple, it must be a very powerful ability.

However, Zhao Fu looked at the ground below, and the number of flower trees was not clear at all. Logically speaking, the number of eight strange flowers in the world is very rare, but why are there so many growing here.

Moreover, the eight rare flowers themselves are considered very rare treasures. Most people would not let such treasures go, so these trees should be taken away, but why are these trees nothing?

Zhao Fu was full of doubts, and was about to go down to take a look.

A female voice suddenly sounded, "Don't go down, it's a forbidden place in the secret realm, I don't know how many gods died there."

Zhao Fu moved for a while, then turned his head to look to the side, a woman with a graceful figure, a beautiful face, and a cool temperament appeared in front of him.

Seeing this woman, Zhao Fu had some impressions, as if she was the maid next to Mie Liu, and Mie Liu was the God of Destruction and the owner of an Emperor Star who participated in the competition on behalf of the God Realm.

Why did she appear here? Could it be that that person, Mie Liu, went inside?

This time, Zhao Fu was wrong. As the owner of the Emperor Star, Mie Liu is also the most terrifying person in the Divine Realm. The place she is going to go is very dangerous, so she did not bring the maid, but let the maid go to find a chance.

The maid's name is Liuli. As the personal maid of Mie Liu, her own talent is also very powerful. Although there is no way to compare with Mie Liu, she can also be a strong person.

Mie Liu probably wouldn't have thought that she let Liuli find her own opportunity, but she accidentally met an existence that she would be afraid of.

Zhao Fu looked at Liuli. She didn't seem to have any malicious intentions. She just reminded her kindly. Zhao Fu smiled and replied, "I see, thank you!"

Then, Zhao Fu continued to fly down.

Liuli looked surprised, just after hearing what Zhao Fu said, she thought that Zhao Fu understood how dangerous it was and would not go there, but she didn't expect Zhao Fu to fly directly there.

And Zhao Fu, who kept flying down, also immediately noticed something was wrong with the sea of ​​​​flowers. From a distance, he felt that the sea of ​​​​flowers was beautiful and did not look dangerous at all, but now that he flew closer, he realized how terrifying it was.

This sea of ​​​​flowers actually has an extremely terrifying power that devours the soul, just like a huge mouth.

In front of this mouth, Zhao Fu felt as small as gravel, his body was cold, and he couldn't help but feel a trace of fear in his heart.

With Zhao Fu's strength, he has this feeling, which is enough to prove how terrifying the sea of ​​​​flowers is. Generally, gods will definitely die if they step into this place, and there is no possibility of survival. No wonder it is listed as a forbidden place.

However, it is not so easy for this sea of ​​flowers to devour Zhao Fu's soul.

Now Zhao Fu's strength is extremely terrifying, and now Zhao Fu's soul has merged the power of yin and yang to become the soul fire of yin and yang.

Zhao Fu still flew down from the sky and landed directly in the flower forest.

Liu Li was stunned, why did Zhao Fu fly into the flower forest, and there was nothing at all? Could it be that the power to devour the soul is gone?

This is a forbidden area in the secret realm. No one has ever stepped in. There are treasures everywhere in the secret realm. There may be some rare treasures in the forbidden area.

Thinking of this, Liuli flew down.

Liuli didn't feel any danger at first, but the moment he approached the flower forest, the entire flower forest immediately turned into a huge mouth and swallowed it at her. Liuli's body was like falling into ice water. The body trembled instinctively.

Liu Li's soul power quickly weakened, and she only felt a strong dizziness, and her body fell directly and weakly.

Zhao Fu raised his head and looked at the falling Liuli, stretched out a hand, and a colorful force poured out, shot at Liuli, and surrounded her, forming a colorful bubble with a talisman on it. arts.

Now Zhao Fu is using the power of the immortal mode, because the five senses of heaven and man opened by Zhao Fu also have a strong spiritual defense, and the immortal mode based on it also has a strong spiritual defense.

The colorful energy bubble brought Liu Li's body and landed in front of Zhao Fu, Zhao Fu stretched out his hands to catch her body.

At this time, Liuli lost a lot of mental power, and now his face is a little pale, because the colorful bubbles blocked the swallowing power of Hualin, Liuli's spirit was no longer swallowed.

Liuli looked at Zhao Fu who was holding her, her face flushed, and now she realized that the terrifying power that devoured the soul did not disappear, but it had no effect on Zhao Fu.

But who is the person in front of him? To be immune to such a terrifying power of devouring the soul, ordinary people can never do it.

Zhao Fu looked at her with a smile, "It's very dangerous here, your strength can't be resisted.

, or leave here. "

Liuli got down from Zhao Fu's arms and said with a smile, "Thank you for saving my life, I will leave here immediately, and can you tell me your name? I will have the opportunity to repay you in the future."

Now Liuli naturally understands that without Zhao Fu's help, she is expected to die here, and this place cannot be explored with her ability.

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "No need!"

Liuli didn't continue to ask, and said with a smile, "I will keep your kindness in my heart, and I won't bother you anymore, you have to be careful."

Zhao Fu responded with a smile.

Afterwards, Zhao Fu began to explore in the flower forest, and Liuli also left the flower forest, but she did not leave much, but stayed nearby.

This place is so dangerous, Liu Li has some worries in her heart, she wants to wait for Zhao Fu to come out, and then leave after seeing that he has nothing to do, and she has nowhere to go.

At the same time, there is also a hunch that Zhao Fu might cause some kind of change when he enters this forbidden area.

She didn't know why she had such a hunch. She didn't know Zhao Fu at all, but she had this hunch.

And her hunch has always been accurate.


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