The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2108 magic weapon

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

After Zhao Fu had extracted the spirits of flower trees for a period of time, although it was very fast to extract the spirits of hundreds of flower trees at once, Zhao Fu still disliked it too slow, because this flower forest was really big, and I don't know how long it would take to extract the spirits. All spirits.

At this time, Zhao Fu also thought of a way, and stopped, raised a hand, and a huge black aura continued to pour out, a black ball in the air.

Liu Li was behind Zhao Fu and did not disturb Zhao Fu.

Looking at the black ball condensed by Zhao Fu, Liu Li was also a little curious about what Zhao Fu wanted to do.

Continuous black aura gushed out, and the condensed black ball became bigger and bigger, and finally it was several hundred meters in size, exuding a huge coercion.

Zhao Fu stopped pouring out his power and threw his hand forward, and the black ball flew forward with enormous power.


A huge explosion sounded, the black ball exploded hugely, and countless black light beams shot in all directions with powerful force, flashed through the air, and submerged into the flower trees.

A terrifying force spread in the flower tree, the trunk of the flower tree emitted black light, and the silver-white light balls were forced out by the black force and floated in the mid-air at the top of the tree.

One by one silver-white light balls floated in the air, emitting a slight silver-white light, the number of which was at least five or six thousand.

And the flower trees that lost their souls all began to wither, and petals fell from the trees like a rain of flowers. This scene was very shocking.

As soon as Zhao Fu waved his hand, a powerful force waved out, and collected the souls into the storage ring.

Next, Zhao Fu continued to use this method to extract the soul, and the efficiency was more than ten times faster than before.

At the same time, Zhao Fu also kept walking towards the inside of the flower forest.

Liu Li followed behind Zhao Fu, because Zhao Fu extracted so many souls, the power that devoured the soul disappeared, and Liu Li didn't have to worry about the danger in this regard.

Zhao Fu didn't refuse, and let her follow him without hindering him.

At this time, Zhao Fu came to the interior of Hualin.

The flower trees here are dozens of meters high, the trunks are six meters thick, the trunks are snow-white, and the crowns are very large. Spectacular.

Moreover, these flower trees do not look young, as if they are all 100 meters old trees, and the aura of the gods they exudes is also very strong.

Zhao Fu looked at so many flower trees and was about to take action to continue extracting their souls.


Each flower tree exudes a powerful momentum, and countless silver-white rays of light are also exuded, and the small flowers sway in the wind, making a crisp sound.

Wearing silver-white armor and holding a long spear, soldiers with icy expressions and awe-inspiring aura walked out from among the flowers and trees, looking at Zhao Fu with a pair of eyes.

These soldiers are the souls of Huashu. Not only can they leave Huashu, but they also have strong attack power. Their bodies are not entities, but incorporeal ones.

Zhao Fu also looked at the spirits that appeared in front of him. These spirits were not comparable to the spirits outside. Not only were they of high level, they were also very powerful, and their value was more than ten times higher than that of spirits outside.

The number of soul soldiers who appeared in front of Zhao Fu had reached tens of thousands, and they were densely standing in the flower forest in front of them, exuding a powerful aura of fighting.

Facing so many soul soldiers, Zhao Fu had nothing to fear.

And those spirits had an icy expression and charged towards Zhao Fu with a powerful aura, because they were spirits themselves and possessed a very powerful power to devour spirits, which was several times more dangerous than the flowers and trees outside.

Others may be very afraid of this kind of power that devours the soul, but Zhao Fu is not afraid of these powers that devour the soul at all, because Zhao Fu himself has five senses, holy blood, and yin and yang soul fire.

In front of them were the soul soldiers who came out with long spears, but Zhao Fu stepped forward with a confident smile, and greeted those souls who came out, giving people a dashing and heroic look.

Liu Li stared blankly behind Zhao Fu, and couldn't help being a little fascinated. She didn't want to cause trouble to Zhao Fu, so she didn't get too close behind Zhao Fu.

kill! kill! kill!

The group of Divine Soul Soldiers had an icy expression, holding a long spear and shouting a killing sound. The speed was also very fast, and they immediately rushed to within ten meters of Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu still had no fear, and with a confident smile, a huge momentum spread out.

clang clang...

The sound of a chain sounded, and the iron chains shot out from the ground with a powerful momentum, shooting at the soul soldiers like black lightning bolts.

The faces of those soul soldiers changed, and they waved the weapons in their hands, knocking the iron chains shot into the air, or dodging them away, but the number of iron chains was too many, and they kept shooting from the ground.

Some soul soldiers just dodged an iron chain, but another iron chain quickly bound him. tied his arms.

There were also some soul soldiers who tried to block with a thin defensive cover, but were shot through by several iron chains, and the bodies of the soul soldiers were tied.

The casualties and soul soldiers who had rushed over with a fierce momentum were all tied up in a few seconds.

The smile on Zhao Fu's face did not change, and the chains that bound the soul soldiers began to

The soul soldier pulled down, and black holes appeared on the ground.

Now Zhao Fu has pulled all the soul soldiers into the sealed space and put them there for the time being, and will deal with them later.

After tens of thousands of soul soldiers were pulled into the sealed space, tens of thousands of flower trees withered at the same time, and countless petals fell like rain, like a rain of flowers in the sky. The picture is very beautiful and very spectacular.

Zhao Fu's expression did not change, and he continued to walk forward.

Looking at the beautiful scene in front of her, Liuli couldn't help but exclaimed, then continued to follow behind Zhao Fu.

The interior of the flower forest is basically a hundred-year-old flower tree, each of which is dozens of meters high. They have already given birth to their own soul soldiers. In the eyes of others, they are very terrifying, but they have no power to fight back against Zhao Fu.

One by one Divine Soul Soldiers with a powerful momentum, just walked out of the flower tree, a chain of iron quickly shot out, pulling these Divine Soul Soldiers into the sealed space.

Now it's not that Zhao Fu is afraid of these soul soldiers, but these soul soldiers are afraid of Zhao Fu.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

After a while, Zhao Fu's behavior finally angered the powerful beings in the flower forest. Four huge auras erupted, and the terrifying aura continued to spread like a tide.

Under this terrifying momentum, Hualin became even more dangerous, making people feel a little bit of fear.


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