The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2112 Holy Son

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"Come out, I know your existence, your illusion is invalid for me." Zhao Fu looked at Huashu and said seriously.

Now Zhao Fu feels that the flower tree has an aura of a flower ancestor. Zhao Fu is very familiar with this aura. Not only has Zhao Fu seen the first flower ancestor of the Evil Demon Abyss Flower in the world, but there is also a golden flower ancestor by his side.

And the scent of the flower ancestors emitted by this flower tree, although not as strong as the demon flower ancestors, is far stronger than the golden flower ancestors, and it is older.

The golden flower ancestor grew up for countless years, and finally became the flower ancestor by relying on Zhao Fu's holy blood. The flower tree in front of him has been the flower ancestor for many years.

It must have its own consciousness, and it should be able to communicate. Maybe it can also change into a human form. Generally, Huazu has this ability.

However, Zhao Fu waited for a while, but there was no reply. The scene was a little embarrassing, and Zhao Fu was also a little puzzled.

Zhao Fu continued to walk forward.


At this time, the flower tree burst out with an amazing momentum, emitting countless silver-white rays of light, and the divine inscriptions in the little flowers lit up, shooting out countless rays of light.

Divine inscriptions emerged one after another in the void. Each divine inscription was very complicated and mysterious, exuding silver-white light. Surrounding the flower tree, it exuded a supreme divine might, like an emperor in a god. The feeling of wanting to kneel down.

Zhao Fu was a little surprised. This divine might was not under the divine might emanating from the Supreme Emperor Star of the God Race. It was definitely a very terrifying divine might.

Liu Li, who was originally cultivating in the sea of ​​bones, felt this supreme divine power, and was startled, opened his eyes, and looked at the flower tree surrounded by divine inscriptions.

"This is the power of the real soul bell tree flower!"

It was also the first time that Liuli saw the power of the Soul Bell Tree Flower. She had only heard about it before, and she was also very shocked.

As one of the eight wonders of the world, it is truly extraordinary.

Now Huashu exudes such a terrifying divine might, directly pressing on Zhao Fu's body. A divine might is a kind of pressure on the body and mind, and the average genius may not be able to bear it at all, so he just kneels on the ground.

The void seems to be filled with this kind of silver-white light, and the space is distorted and solidified under this divine power. The position close to the tree and the position not close to the tree are like two worlds.

Zhao Fu was suppressed by this coercion at this time, let alone taking a step forward, even standing up was very difficult.

The supreme divine power radiated by the flower tree is powerful, but Zhao Fu is not an ordinary person, and he is also a very terrifying existence.

It is absolutely impossible for Zhao Fu to kneel on the ground and submit to this supreme divine might.


Under this terrifying divine might, Zhao Fu unleashed the power of holy blood with all his strength, without leaving a trace, a terrifying aura gushed out from Zhao Fu's body, submerging everything like a flood, and no one could resist.

Liu Li, who had regained her strength in the sea of ​​bones, felt the surging momentum, and was shocked. She stood up from the ground and looked at Zhao Fu with a shocked expression.

At this time, Zhao Fu's body emitted a strong black light, and the dragon pattern faintly flashed, and the momentum on his body became more and more powerful.


The momentum finally reached a critical point, and a black dragon-patterned beam shot into the sky with a huge momentum, making a huge roar, and the black light waves spread out.

A huge black beam of light was formed, standing in the sky, with an aloof and powerful aura.


A coercion that overrides everything, is otherworldly, and is not bound by any laws, instantly envelopes the whole world, and the world freezes at that moment.

The countless terrifying geniuses in the secret realm, whether it is Mie Liu, the God of Kerr, Lei Tianba, Yuechan, and Shen Qianhua all felt the pressure from the pure holy blood, and their expressions changed one after another. in this direction.

"Holy bloodline!"

Everyone looked in that direction, with expressions of surprise on their faces. This time, the competition of the gods might be really fierce. There was a Holy Son involved, and based on this coercion, it was definitely not an ordinary Holy Son.

Tianyue and Mie Liu, as the owners of the two Emperor Stars, also felt a pressure. The Holy Son came from the Saint-level forces, and the terrifying power there was far stronger than that of the Emperor-level forces. Even if they were useful Emperor Stars, they should not be careless. .

Because their current bloodline is only the emperor-level peak bloodline, they will be suppressed in the face of the holy-level bloodline, which will make them very disadvantageous. If they are careless, they are likely to lose.

Moreover, the Holy Son is more likely to awaken the Emperor Star than the Emperor Son. Who knows whether the Holy Son has the Supreme Emperor Star or not, this is the most worrying thing.

The God of Kerr and Sha Ming became very serious. The appearance of the Holy Son meant that it was more difficult for them to obtain the Lord of the Gods, because not only did they have to face the owners of the two Emperor Stars, but they also had to face the one with the Holy Bloodline. Son.

The same is true for the people at the top of the rankings. Those at the bottom of the rankings feel more pressure. Now they have no confidence in getting the Lord of the Gods, because there are too many terrible people involved.

The green-clothed youth was also the one who had obtained the inheritance of the tree master god. His name was Lu Ming. He himself had a holy bloodline, so he was most sensitive to this momentum.

Now Lu Ming's face is a little ugly, this saint's breath is much stronger than his saint-level aura, the one among the saint-level forces

Terrible characters also participate in the gods' test?

Only the famous holy sons of the holy-level forces have this power, otherwise Luyin would not have thought of anyone with such a terrifying holy power.

Now Luyin is feeling a headache. This time, there are too many changes. First, some people continue to gain the power of the main god's inheritance. Now that such a powerful saint has come out, his advantage is not very big.

And the few people hidden in the crowd felt the momentum, and their faces became serious. There was no trace of carelessness or contempt on his face, and things exceeded their expectations.

With their identities and powers, it is clear how terrifying the people who radiate this power are.

The news of the appearance of the Holy Son also spread in the secret realm, and the whole secret realm boiled, and one person showed an excited expression, wanting to know what the rumored Holy Son looked like.

At the same time, they are even more looking forward to it. Now that the Holy Son has joined the gods in the competition, the battle in the later stage can be described as tragic.

These ordinary people don't have to think about it at all, and there is no hope that they can get the Lord of the Gods. They are the audience, so they look forward to whoever gets the Lord of the Gods and the terrible battle between the strong.

Of course, some people can comprehend something through the battle between the strong, thereby enhancing their strength.


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