The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2115 God Bone (5 more for subscription)

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However, this ability is only possessed by the real soul bell tree flower, and the soul bell tree flower is one of the eight strange flowers, and the number is definitely not too many, so this ability does not have a great effect on Zhao Fu.

Now there are five kinds of strange flowers in the world, the dark night flower, the evil demon abyss flower, the golden flower of another world, and the soul bell tree flower.

The remaining three kinds of strange flowers are one of the demon attribute, one is the spiritual attribute, and the other is the water attribute.

Collecting the eight strange flowers can not only restore the power of Fairy Hua quickly, but the power of the eight strange flowers themselves will also help Da Qin a lot, so Zhao Fu must collect them all.

Judging from all the above information, the effect of subduing the soul bell tree flower is very important to Zhao Fu. Zhao Fu smiled and looked at Hua bell, who was still breathing without clothes in his arms, "Put on your clothes. , let's get out of here."

Hua Ling glared at Zhao Fu and said angrily, "Who wants to leave with you!"

Zhao Fu chuckled and lifted her chin, "Now you're still stubborn, so don't blame me!"

Hua Ling's face understood what Zhao Fu meant. She had a deep memory of how Zhao Fu trained her just now, so her face flushed, she waved Zhao Fu's hand to lift her chin, and began to put on clothes in anger.

She used to be an existence comparable to a half-immortal, but now she has to submit to Zhao Fu, she is still rather angry and somewhat unacceptable.

Zhao Fu didn't say anything, he left the consciousness world of Soul Bell Tree Flower with a smile and returned to his body.

In reality, Zhao Fu retracted the hand that was on the soul bell tree flower, and the soul bell tree flower emitted a silvery white light, and then kept changing, and finally turned into the appearance of a flower bell.

As I said before, Hua Ling has long been the ancestor of Hua, which is older than the ancestor of the golden flower, so it can be transformed into a human form.

Now that all the visions have disappeared, Liu Li looked at the scene in surprise. It seemed that Zhao Fu had subdued the Soul Bell Tree Flower.

Liu Li wanted to go up to congratulate her, but she suddenly thought of Zhao Fu's identity as a saint, and she was just a maid next to someone else. The identities of the two parties were too different, which made her hesitate.

However, Liuli thought that Zhao Fu's gentle attitude towards her should not be that kind of arrogant and arrogant person, but regarded her as a friend, so Liuli still smiled and stepped forward, "Congratulations! The soul bell tree flower has been subdued. ."

Zhao Fu had a smile on his face at this time, and stretched out his hand to hug Hua Ling into his arms. Hua Ling struggled a few times, but found that he couldn't break free, so he could only let Zhao Fu hold her, and looked at Zhao Fu with a pair of beautiful eyes.

Hearing Liu Li's words, Zhao Fu replied, "Yes! Thank you."

Liuli looked at the flower bell in Zhao Fu's arms, and there was a trace of complexity in her heart, a trace of discomfort, and the smile on her face was also a little stiff.

At this time, Zhao Fu said with a chuckle, "Now that the greatest danger in the flower forest has been lifted, there may still be some treasures in the flower forest. Let's look for it next, and maybe there will be a great harvest."

Liuli also returned to normal, and nodded with a happy smile.

At this time, Hua Ling snorted softly and said, "Where I grew up, there are many god bones, which are extremely precious materials."

Zhao Fu was a little surprised. Looking at the flower bell in his arms, he didn't expect that she would take the initiative to say that there was something good there.

And Hua Ling turned her face away, she didn't want to give such precious materials to others, and she was already Zhao Fu's person, although she was very reluctant, but it was a fact, so she also thought of Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu chuckled lightly, let go of the flower bell, and then waved at the place where the flower bell had grown before, a force emanated, and the ground was lifted directly, revealing many white-gold bones.

Divine Origin Bone is made up of countless god bones, and it is extremely precious in the world. It can also be used to create Emperor Heaven Artifacts. Ordinary people can't get such materials at all, and they have never even seen it.

Those white-gold bones have various shapes, including skulls, hand bones, foot bones, and some beast bones.

Zhao Fu put away all the bones. There were more than 160 bones in total. Zhao Fu took out three of them and handed them to Liuli, "This is for you!"

There was also a surprised smile on Liu Li's face. This divine source bone was very precious to her. She didn't expect that Zhao Fu would give it to her. Liu Li felt that he did nothing for Zhao Fu, but Zhao Fu saved her two. Second, I am a little embarrassed.

Zhao Fu saw Liu Li's thoughts, and said with a light smile, "You and I have known each other once, it's fate, and there are many things like this."

Liuli didn't refuse either, she said with a smile, "Thank you!"

Afterwards, Zhao Fu and Liuli also searched for other places and found some good things.

Zhao Fu looked at Liuli next to him and said with a smile, "I'll leave here after I'm extracting some souls. I'll see you in the future!"

Now that the soul bell tree flower has been subdued, there are many benefits. Zhao Fu's mission has been completed, so he will leave here soon and continue to look for the inheritance of the main god, as well as the divine power of robbing many gods.

Liuli Zhao Fu knew her identity, and she was not from Zhao Fu, so it was impossible for Zhao Fu to take her with him all the time.

Liuli watched Zhao Fu's smile fade, and there was a hint of reluctance in her heart, but she also understood that Zhao Fu and her were not the same, and she was the maid next to Mie Liu, and her character was to stay by Mie Liu's side. It is impossible to leave with Zhao Fu.

In the end, Liuli showed a faint smile and nodded, "See you in the future!"

Zhao Fu hugged Hua Ling and flew to the side.

In front of a highland flower forest, he stretched out a hand and was about to extract the spirits of many flower trees.

Hua Ling only now understands what Zhao Fu means by extracting the divine soul. She can understand that if these divine souls are extracted, all the flowers and trees will die, so she stops Zhao Fu, "You can't do this!"

Zhao Fu's expression was stunned, and he immediately understood Hua Ling's consciousness. These flower trees have a lot to do with Hua Ling. If he wanted to extract the spirits of these flower trees, Hua Ling naturally didn't want to see Zhao Fu do this.

Seeing Hua Ling's angry look, Zhao Fu chuckled lightly. Now that he has Hua Ling, these spirits are not as attractive to Zhao Fu as before.

Moreover, Zhao Fu will leave at most when he is extracting some souls, and he will not stay here to extract the souls, because this is a waste of time, and Zhao Fu has more important things to do.

Zhao Fu looked at Hua Ling and said with a smile, "That's good! I won't extract the soul, let's leave here."

Hua Ling was a little surprised, she didn't expect Zhao Fu to promise her not to extract the soul so quickly, she thought that Zhao Fu would domineeringly and forcefully extract the soul, and she would try to stop Zhao Fu, but none of these things happened.

Now Hua Ling looked at Zhao Fu with her beautiful eyes, and her anger towards Zhao Fu was relieved.

At this time, many flower trees felt the breath of the flower bell, and a great mutation occurred.


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