The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2118 The Power of Inheritance (Subscription)

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As for the reason, it's the same one before. It is impossible for a powerhouse in the extreme heaven to have the ability to control a powerhouse in the virtual realm.

Everyone started to be shocked by this news, and then everyone began to fight, the roar continued to sound, and a wave of terrible fluctuations spread, and there were fierce battles everywhere.

Some people who don't have much power, and those who automatically admit defeat, were all sent to the platform outside the secret.

Now that these people come out, there is no possibility of entering at one time, and they have already missed the Lord of the Gods.

Zhao Fu and Hua Ling flew to a remote area. This time, Zhao Fu robbed a lot of divine power, and was trying to merge into his body in this place.

Hua Ling was a little surprised to see Zhao Fu sitting cross-legged on the ground, integrating the power of many gods into his body, "How can you have such an ability? It is the first time I have seen that you can devour all gods to grow. "

Zhao Fu sat cross-legged on the ground with a smile, "There are many reasons for this, I will tell you later when I have time."

Hua Ling continued to ask, "How strong is your kind of divine power now? If you can obtain the inherited divine power of the twenty-four main gods, plus these numerous divine powers, your power should be able to become the supreme divine power in the realm of the gods, no Weaker than the power of creation given by the Pantheon Mirror."

Zhao Fu absorbed the power of many gods with a smile. He also said this before. Sooner or later, his power of the gods will become the supreme power of the gods. Now Zhao Fu has such confidence.

However, Zhao Fu didn't understand what Hua Ling was talking about, so he asked.

Hua Ling briefly explained that the power of creating the gods was a source of divine power given by the Pantheon Mirror at the beginning, and it was also the supreme divine power in the realm of the gods.

At that time, the twenty-five main gods used the power of creating gods to seal countless people as gods, thus opening the age of gods.

This kind of power to create gods has not been handed down. In so many years, only the main god has such power, and no one else has pure power to create gods.

The first soul bell tree flower grew up in the flesh and blood of countless powerhouses, and it became the soul bell tree flower under the influence of the power of creation of the pantheon mirror.

Now the soul bell tree flower has this kind of power to create gods, but after some changes, it is impossible to directly seal people as gods, but it can create countless gods.

And Zhao Fu's power of the gods has such a terrifying power when he grows up.

After Zhao Fu heard Hua Ling's explanation, there was a smile on his face, and he concentrated on the fusion of many divine powers.

Afterwards, Zhao Fu and Soul Power continued to move forward and found the entrance to a place of inheritance under the induction of Hua Ling.

This is a green wood several hundred meters in size, in the shape of a hexagon, floating in the air, emitting a strong green light, and a very powerful force, which makes people feel surprised.

Without any hesitation, Zhao Fu flew straight ahead with the flower bell.


That hexagon exudes a huge power and emits a more dazzling green light. This kind of light shines on the ground, and plants grow rapidly. In some places without plants, a large number of plants also grow.

This kind of green light has the ability to flower objects. If a creature is irradiated, the body will grow plants and then die in pain.

When the green light hit Zhao Fu's body, Zhao Fu felt the power of a plant stinging his skin, and immediately a defensive shield emerged, blocking all the green light, and flew into a space full of trees.

This is the inheritance place of the tree master god, the tree attribute attack power is average, and its forehead is the power of life.

The stone statue is an old man, about sixty years old, wearing a long robe, holding this wooden staff, his hair seems to have grown many leaves, and he has a powerful divine aura.

Having obtained so much inheritance power, Zhao Fu did not hesitate to fly directly to the stone statue, while Hua Ling waited in place.


A huge roar sounded, and the stone statue radiated a strong green light, and leaves emerged from the void. The whole sky was filled with a hint of cold light, very sharp.


Pieces of green leaves with sharp power shot towards Zhao Fu very quickly, bringing out a stream of green light, which felt like they could cut them apart.

Zhao Fu's expression didn't change, he didn't even go to the Emperor Killing Sword, and directly activated the immortal mode. A huge force burst out from Zhao Fu's body, and a circle of colorful runes emerged.


A huge immortal power was injected into the rune circle, and the colorful rune circle exuded terrifying power, spread outward, became several times larger, and then began to spin, and a terrifying force began to spin. .

bang bang bang...

The green leaves that shot past with cold light were directly crushed by that terrifying force, turning into countless light spots and dissipating, without harming Zhao Fu in the slightest.

Zhao Fu continued to fly forward, and a huge coercion slammed on Zhao Fu.

The stone statue of the old man emits a strong green light, and there is a huge momentum. A green magic circle also emerges, emitting a slight green light, and there is a powerful force of life.

Zhao Fu was prepared for this, flew down from the sky, resisted the huge pressure, and easily came to the stone statue.

The stone statue looked down at Zhao Fu,

There was no accident, a green light radiated from the eyebrows, and a powerful tree power spread out.


A green beam with enormous power and an astonishing aura shot at Zhao Fu at a very fast speed, and a powerful ancient tree master god's power was continuously injected into Zhao Fu's body.

Then, two more roars sounded, and two beams shot out from the eyebrows of the stone statue, giving Zhao Fu three inheritance powers in total.

After the stone statue has given all the power of inheritance, the momentum and light emanating from the body are also rapidly weakening.

The hexagonal wood in the secret realm exudes a strong green light, with an amazing momentum, it turns into a streamer and shoots into the sky.


With a loud sound, the green light ball exploded, and a green wave of light spread out with a mighty force.

I saw a huge circle in the sky with twenty-four circles, one of which radiated green light, as if a circle was filled with green.

In the secret realm, Zhao Fu was a little surprised. When he came here, there was no one at all. He thought that no one had entered this inheritance place, but it turned out that there were only three inheritance powers. Some people obtained the inheritance power faster than himself. Who will it be?


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