The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2130 Divine Power

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

Zhao Fu looked at Sha Ming with a pair of eyes. He exuded a strong smell of blood. He should have killed a lot of people just now, and he was the only one around. Those people should all be killed by him.

Ordinary people who practice the way of killing, no matter how restrained they are, will not become a monster who can only kill, but they will also be a person who is addicted to killing, otherwise the power of killing will be difficult to grow.

Zhao Fu is considered to be a better one, because he is too strong and has too much power, restraining that kind of killing intent, and can also make the killing intent continue to increase.

Shaming didn't even look at Zhao Fu, let alone care, those gods were indeed killed by him, just to open the entrance to the inheritance of the killing gods.

Others naturally have little resistance to killing Ming, and they are scared to flee this place if they are not killed, so there is no one in this place.

After killing Ming came out, it directly turned into a blood-colored streamer and disappeared.

He didn't even look at Zhao Fu. Naturally, it was impossible for him to do anything to Zhao Fu, because his business had already been completed. For him, Zhao Fu was just an ant in front of him, and he didn't have anything to care about.

Zhao Fu didn't say anything, and he didn't care about him. Now that the entrance to the Land of Killing God is open, then he doesn't need to trouble himself.

With the flower bell, Zhao Fu flew towards the blood cell.


A roar sounded, and the blood cell emitted a strong blood light, and a crazy killing intent burst out, sweeping the Quartet like a tide, with a very powerful erosive force.

If ordinary people carry it into it, their bodies will be eroded by this killing intent, turning into a monster that can only kill, and completely lose their senses.

However, this is nothing to Zhao Fu at all, because Zhao Fu has a more crazy and twisted killing intent.

Even Zhao Fu's defensive cover was not opened, and he flew directly into the blood cell, and Hua Ling's strength was strong, and he easily resisted that killing intent.

After coming to the place of inheritance, I found that this is a blood world.

There are corpses lying on the ground, with all kinds of dead faces, some with their heads down, some with their arms cut off, some with their bodies cut in half, and a look of pain on their faces.

These corpses covered the ground, exuding a strong bloody smell, the sky was also bloody, and there was no business around, it looked like a hell.

There is a statue in the center of the corpse. It is an extremely cold young man with long hair and a long coat. He holds a knife in one hand and a sword in the other, exuding a terrifying killing intent.

Zhao Fu and Hua Ling were not surprised, because they had seen a lot of this kind of scene, let Hua Ling wait on the spot first, Zhao Fu flew forward with a smile on his face.

As long as the power of killing gods is obtained, the power of killing swords will be greatly enhanced. The key is that the thousand sword gods will also complete the transformation and become god-killing sword demons. At that time, the power will be even more terrifying.

Originally, Zhao Fu thought that it would take a lot of time to transform them, but he did not expect to speed up the speed through the power of the Lord God.


A roar sounded at one time, and a huge murderous aura erupted from the body of the stone statue, and countless blood-colored rays of light shot in all directions, shrouding the surroundings.

ah ah ah...

A roar sounded, and countless remnants poured out of the surrounding void. There were all kinds of dead faces, and they had something in common. All of them had blood-colored eyes, and they looked hideous and full of murderous aura.

These are the remnants of the people who died here. Now they are controlled by the killing power of the stone statue, and they are all revealed, each with a powerful killing power.


A roar sounded at once, and countless slaughtered and remnant souls rushed towards Zhao Fu like a tide. The momentum was extremely ferocious, as if it could not be stopped at all, and everything would be destroyed.

Facing this flood of slaughtering remnants, Zhao Fu did not have any fear, instead he showed a smile.


A huge black blood-colored sword energy gushed out from Zhao Fu's body, and then formed a black blood-colored vortex on Zhao Fu's back.


The huge black blood-colored vortex was spinning, and an amazing suction force was emitted, and the countless remnants that rushed past were sucked into it like a tide, just like finding a drain.

Zhao Fu is now inhaling these slaughtering and remnant souls into the Emperor Slaughter Sword World, where these remnant souls can all be transformed into sword souls, enhancing the power of the Emperor Slaughter Sword World.

It can be said that this attack is not harmful to Zhao Fu, and it has great benefits.

With a smile, Zhao Fu inhaled all the slaughtering and remnant souls into the Emperor Killing Sword Realm, and then continued to fly towards the stone statue.

At this time, Zhao Fu's body exuded a powerful force, and when he was about to resist the coercion emanating from the stone statue, he found that the stone statue did not exude coercion, as if he had recognized Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu came to the stone statue without any hindrance. The stone statue lowered its head and stared at Zhao Fu. Bloody light radiated from the center of his eyebrows. A powerful killing force spread to Kaili, which made people feel a sense of fear.


A roar sounded, and a blood-colored light beam shot at Zhao Fu with a powerful momentum. The speed was very fast, and it landed on Zhao Fu at once, and a huge killing force was injected into Zhao Fu's body.

Zhao Fu's body exuded a blood-colored light, and he felt the huge killing power. Zhao Fu had a smile on his face, and closed his eyes to absorb this power with all his strength.

The powerful killing power was injected into Zhao Fu's body, causing Zhao Fu's body to be filled with killing power.

The power of the meaning of killing the sword is also rapidly increasing, and the emperor killing sword world is also becoming stronger. The thousand sword gods in the killing sword pool have changed at one time.

Countless black and blood-colored powers poured in. Half of the godheads in their bodies were originally black-blooded, but now the black-blood color continues to spread, eventually covering all the godheads.

At this moment, the bodies of a thousand sword gods exuded a suction force, and the water of countless killing sword pools poured directly into their bodies.

boom boom boom...

A loud roar sounded, and the thousand sword gods in the Slaughter Sword Pond turned into a black blood streamer and shot into the sky. Shen.

The thousand sword gods exuded a strong black blood-colored light all over their bodies, and they looked like they were holding a sword in a demon. They had messy hair, a pair of blood-colored eyes, fangs, and they looked ferocious.

They are also different from ordinary swordsmanship. They not only have crazy killing intent and pure swordsmanship, but also have a divine might.


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