The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2146 Devour

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

Mie Liu's feeling is similar to Tianyue's. This person is extremely terrifying and puts a lot of pressure on her. She also thinks that person is her biggest opponent.

There are also stone statues of the main gods on his side, and Mie Liu has also suffered a lot of blows. She is the number one powerhouse in the realm of the gods, and she also has the supreme emperor star of the gods, but she does not have that treatment.

Everyone began to pay no attention to a roar, because it was expected that someone would soon acquire the inheritance of a main god, but three roars sounded in a short period of time, which was somewhat unacceptable.

"You bastard! You have obtained all three powers of the main god's inheritance so quickly, and you are still short of three powers of inheritance to start the third stage of the gods competition, and now the second stage is not over yet."

"Good anger! In the second stage, all parties are fighting hard to get points and want to stay in the secret land, but the second stage is not over, and the third stage is about to start. Who can get so many points so quickly?"

"Hey! These peerless geniuses only get a lot of benefits, how can they care about us ordinary people, our group of people can't compare to them no matter how hard they work, let's just accept our fate honestly!"

"What you said is a bit wrong. Not only have we been greatly affected, but you can see that those geniuses don't have a lot of points. They don't want to start the next stage so early. Everything is caused by that person."

"That's right! It's all that person's fault. Don't you feel that the beam of light that shoots into the sky is the same in the end? This time, she really caused the public's anger, not only us, but it is estimated that Tianjiao also wants to find that one. people."

"Yeah! That person caused the gods' test phase to start so early. I seem to have taught him a lesson. Of course, since I don't have the strength, I asked everyone to beat that bastard together. It's so annoying."


At this time, Zhao Fu, with a smile on his face, continued to take Hua Ling to find the inheritance of the Lord God. Now that he has combined the power of the inheritance of the destruction of the Lord God, Zhao Fu feels that his power of the gods has become terrifyingly powerful.

If all the powers of the twenty-four main gods are fused together, it will definitely be a supreme-level power, no weaker than the power of the six reincarnations.


A scream rang out in one place, an ugly face, disheveled hair, opened a huge mouth, and ate a beautiful woman into the stomach in one bite. This young man was swallowing a corpse. The top ten talents ranked seventh, with a very strong Strong devouring power.

There was a beautiful woman next to her, who knelt on the ground and begged for mercy when she saw this scene, she knew that she couldn't escape from such a terrifying peerless genius.

There was a cruel smile on Tun Zhe's face, and he walked towards the beautiful woman, but the woman was so frightened that she bowed her head and knelt on the ground, her body was trembling constantly because of fear, and she didn't dare to make any movement.

But the corpse stepped forward and stepped on the woman's head, stepped on the woman's head on the ground, let him bend over to grab the woman's hand, and pulled hard, tearing off the woman's arm, blood splattered, and the woman uttered in pain. A scream.

With a cruel smile on his face, the swallowing corpse opened his huge mouth, ate his arm in one bite, and then grabbed the woman's arm.

The woman begged in pain, but swallowing the corpse didn't mean to let her go. Pulling hard, blood splashed out, the woman screamed and her body struggled on the ground, but she couldn't break free.

When the corpse was about to eat the woman's arm, a young man with a knife appeared there, who was the owner of the divine sword of heaven and earth.

The young man frowned slightly when he saw the scene in front of him.

Just as he was about to eat his arm and swallow the corpse, he stopped, and his expression became a little serious, because he felt the horror of the youth.

The young man looked at the corpse with a pair of eyes, "You are a little disgusting, let's go before I get angry!"

Although swallowing the corpse understands the horror of young people, but he is also one of the peerless talents and ranks seventh, how can he be so easily afraid of this person, he sneered, threw his arm away, and then stepped on it hard, crushing the head of the woman under his feet, " What if I don't go?"

The young man's eyes were cold, and his body disappeared in place in an instant. At that moment, he appeared in front of the swallowing corpse, and he punched the swallowing corpse with force, with a powerful palm wind.

Swallowing the corpse was startled, and hurriedly exuded a force, forming a gray-white energy cover, exuding an evil aura.


The palm slapped on the defensive cover, the defensive cover shattered, and the palm hit the swallowing corpse's chest, and the powerful force knocked the swallowing corpse flying a dozen meters and fell to the ground, but was not injured.

"Damn you!"

The swallowing corpse got up from the ground with a look of anger, stared at the young man with a pair of eyes, and shouted loudly.


A roar sounded, and a terrifying gray-white aura gushed out from the swallowing corpse, turning into powerful hungry ghosts. There were dozens of them. The momentum is very scary.

The young man looked serious, stretched out a hand, and a powerful force burst out, his body exuded a white-gold light, and a white-gold sword shadow formed in the surrounding void, exuding a huge sword force.

ah ah ah...

Many hungry ghosts looked at the young man greedily with their blue eyes, and let out a roar, wanting to swallow the young man. The speed was very fast, and they had come to the young man.

Puff puff……

The young man's outstretched hand pushed hard, and the sword shadows brought a powerful force.

Flying out, one after another hungry ghosts penetrated, and those hungry ghosts turned into countless gray and white breaths and dissipated.

Those white-gold sword lights continued to shoot towards the swallowing corpse with powerful power.

The swallowing corpse stood still and did not move, a powerful force condensed on his hands, which turned into a pair of sharp claws, exuding a penetrating cold light,

bang bang bang...

The corpse-devouring claws waved a few times, bringing out arcs of light to smash those knife lights, turning them into countless white-gold light spots and dissipating.


The body swallowed hard and stepped on the ground, his body shot out like an arrow, swept past in mid-air, and rushed in front of him, the sharp claws grabbed the young man with powerful force, as if he was smashing the young man.

There was no change in the youth's expression. The palm of his hand had a white-gold light, and the palm of his hand hit the swallowing corpse with a fierce wind.


The two forces collided together, making a loud noise, and a strong wind blew away, causing the surrounding vegetation to sway.

The corpse-devouring eyes showed a hint of viciousness. Seeing that he couldn't hurt the youth, his body disappeared at that moment, and the next moment he appeared behind the youth, and a claw grabbed the youth with fierce power.

The young man ducked to the side, easily dodging the claw.

Swallowing the corpse was furious, swung his claws hard, and cut out five sharp arcs, flying towards the young man.


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