The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2148 Magical Sword (Subscribe)

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

It is not shameful to swallow and lose in the hands of such a person, because he is far stronger than the average peerless genius, and it seems that he does not use all his strength at all.


Suddenly, a huge roar sounded, and a terrifying gray arrogance rushed out from a pile of rubble. The huge force knocked out the countless boulders, and a terrifying and evil aura spread like a tide.

I saw the swallowing corpse standing there in a big pit. At this time, the swallowing corpse changed a lot. First of all, the hair became much longer and more fluffy, the eyes became pure black, a bone horn grew on the top of the head, and the skin was pale. , his hands like sharp claws became much longer and bigger, and many mouths full of fangs grew on his back.

Now the power emanating from swallowing the corpse is extremely terrifying. It is a power that devours everything, and the world begins to mutate because of his appearance.

Everyone was also a little surprised. They didn't expect that the swallowing corpse had not lost, and a terrifying force had erupted.

boom boom boom...

The swallowing corpse rushed towards the youth with a force that devoured the world. The void on the ground seemed to be swallowed up by an invisible force, making a loud noise. The ground and the sky were disappearing quickly, and the picture was very terrifying.

In an instant, swallowing the corpse rushed in front of the young man, raised a sharp claw, and grabbed the young man with the power to destroy everything, with a sharp momentum.

The young man waved his knife, and a white gold knife light flew out with a powerful force.


There was a loud noise, the claws and the long knife collided, and a strong wind blew away.

Seeing that one of the claws was blocked, swallowing the corpse, his face was fierce, and he waved the other claw, with fierce strength, and grabbed the young man.

The young man's body immediately stepped back, avoiding the corpse swallowing claw.

The corpse-devouring youth stretched out a hand, a gray-white hole appeared in the center of the palm, and a terrifying swallowing power surged out, forming a huge ball that attacked the youth, and the ground and the void were being swallowed.


The young man swung his knife, and a sharp knife slashed out at that instant, smashing the gray-white ball, but an amazing devouring force exploded, and everything around was like being eaten by one bite, and a huge pit.

The young man was also knocked back a few steps by this force, with a slightly surprised expression.

A huge force of swallowing the corpse gathered in the outstretched hand, the circular hole in the palm, and the force of swallowing poured out, turning into huge balls and attacking the youth.

bang bang bang...

The young man waved the knife in his hand, and streaks of white gold knife light with amazing power slashed at the gray-white balls, directly smashing the balls, and the balls exploded, also emitting A force of devouring devoured everything around him.

This made the young man keep backing away to avoid being hurt by that devouring force.


The body that swallowed the corpse appeared on the top of the young man's head, one hand was facing the young man, and a terrifying swallowing force poured out, wrapping the young man's body at that moment, forming a huge gray-white circle wrapping the young man's body.

At this time, there was a sinister smile on the face of swallowing the corpse, and the power of swallowing controlled swallowed the young man with all his strength.


A huge roar sounded, and I saw countless white-gold sword lights shoot out gray-white spheres, and a terrifying sword power emanated.

The face of swallowing the corpse changed, but he still didn't react.

I saw that the gray ball shattered, and the long knife in the young man's hand emitted a dazzling knife light. With a strong wave, a huge knife light with enormous power slashed towards the swallowing corpse.


Swallowing the corpse was slashed hundreds of meters away with a knife, fell on it and spat out a large mouthful of blood, and a wound appeared in the abdomen, and a large amount of blood flowed out.


In severe pain, the swallowing corpse let out a painful scream, and then the mouths full of fangs on his back were all opened, exuding a terrifying power of swallowing, and all the forces around were swallowed up, swallowing the corpse. The injury is recovering rapidly.


A huge roar sounded at one time, and the corpse-devouring eyes looked at the young man fiercely, bursting out with all the power of devouring, the mouths full of fangs on his back, opened to the maximum, and the power of devouring surged. out,

I saw that the swallowing power wrapped the body of swallowing the corpse, forming a huge lizard incorporeal body, and the formation of this lizard exuded a power to swallow the world.

The ground and the void are constantly disappearing, a dark chaos appears, and it is still spreading, covering the surrounding area for thousands of meters, and a terrifying aura makes people feel hopeless.


The lizard incorporeal body formed by swallowing the corpse charged towards the youth with terrifying power, and everything in the world was disappearing, as if swallowing the world.

The young man's eyes were serious, he raised the Dao in his hand, and shouted, "Destroy the world!"


A loud bang broke out, and the long knife erupted with countless knife qi. These knife qi formed a nine-meter-sized ball. The knife balloon exudes a knife force that destroys everything.

The void seemed to be unable to withstand the force of the blade and was torn out of slender cracks, and the ground was constantly shattering and collapsing, and the terrifying force of this force could be felt in a radius of ten kilometers.

The lizard incorporeal body charged towards the youth with the power to devour everything, the youth swung a knife forcefully, and the knife balloon flew forward with astonishing power.


There was a loud noise, and the power that devoured everything and the huge blade qi collided, causing a terrifying explosion, a semi-circle cover emerged, and spread out in an instant, and the ground, trees, boulders, and grass inside all turned into Butterfly.

The ground was shaking violently, and a terrifying aura continued to pour out, scaring the surrounding creatures to flee in fear.

Some people in the vicinity dared to receive this terrifying power, and also understood that there was a peerless genius fighting, showing an excited smile, and flew forward quickly, they did not want to miss this battle.

Although people outside the secret realm can watch through the mirror, they are definitely not in the real world, which is an advantage they do not have.

After everything subsided, a large pit of tens of thousands of meters appeared on the ground, and there were knife marks on the ground, which looked very scary.

The swallowed corpse lay in the center of the big pit, covered in blood.

The young man looked at the blood swallowing corpse. He thought that he wanted to kill him a little bit, but he gave up after thinking about it. He was not afraid of the forces behind the swallowing corpse, but he felt that it was a little troublesome and would disrupt his plan.

So the young man just snorted coldly, a force emanated, and bandages reappeared, wrapping around the long knife.


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