The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2155 Water Moon

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

Seeing this, Jiu Yun didn't dare to ask, and smiled and hugged Zhao Fu, "Master! Don't worry, I will also brew wine that enhances that aspect, and it will definitely heal you. You can do whatever you want with us then. "

Zhao Fu had nothing to say and felt a little wronged, so he continued to look for the place where the main god was inherited.


A roar sounded, and several people landed next to a lake with a powerful momentum. The person who came was Shen Qianhua, and several maids were following her, and there was a beautiful fairy standing beside the lake. Moon Chan.

Shen Qianhua had a strong smile, "Now the stage of the gods will start the third stage, I think it's time for us to have a test."

Yuechan nodded coldly.

Shen Qianhua said with a smile, "Then what if I win? You are mine!"

Yuechan glanced at Shen Qianhua, "Then what if I win you?"

Shen Qianhua said with a big smile, "Then how about I be yours? I am the goddess of the Goddess Palace, and the power of the Goddess Palace is stronger than that of the Goddess of the Moon Moon. You won't suffer, but will have great benefits."

Yuechan rolled her eyes at Shen Qianhua, "I don't dare to be interested in you, but if I win you, you must promise me three things, and no matter who you lose, you must marry someone, if you don't agree, this The bet is cancelled."

Facing Shen Qianhua, Yuechan did not have full confidence, but she also wanted to see the power of Shen Qianhua, so she also wanted to fight against Shen Qianhua.

But if she loses, she wants to be the woman of Shen Qianhua. She can't accept this. She doesn't like women. Although her crush has not yet appeared, he must be a hero of the world.

Now Yuechan has stated this condition. If Shen Qianhua is defeated in the hands of others, she must marry someone else. If she doesn't want to, then the gambling contract will be abandoned.

With Shen Qianhua's strong character, it is impossible for her to marry someone else. In the end, she will have no loss to herself, and she also let Shen Qianhua experience the feeling of marrying whoever loses.

Shen Qianhua stared at Yuechan with a pair of beautiful eyes, and understood Yuechan's purpose, but Shen Qianhua chuckled, "I don't agree!"

Because Shen Qianhua knows that there are too many strong people in the competition of the gods this time, and there are many people who are more terrible than her. She is very likely to be defeated by others, and she will definitely not marry others, so this There is no need to continue the bet.

Yuechan replied with a cold face, "Then I don't agree either!"


A huge momentum burst out from Shen Qianhua's body, Shen Qianhua's body radiated golden light, and he said domineeringly, "Now I don't care whether you agree or not, if you have the strength, come and resist me."


Yuechan's body also exudes a huge momentum, and there is silver-white light, and she replied coldly, "Then I see if you have the strength to make me surrender."

The two huge momentum collided together, setting off an even bigger gust of wind, blowing fiercely around, countless trees swayed, some sand and gravel were also blown out, and the atmosphere became dangerous.


Shen Qianhua took out a golden sword and charged towards Yuechan with an astonishing force. The speed was very fast, and in an instant, he came to Yuechan, waved the sword in his hand, and slashed towards Yuechan. past.

Yuechan's expression was cold, she stretched out a hand and grabbed it, and a silver long sword appeared in her hand, a force poured into the sword, and the sword emitted a silver-white sword light.


Yuechan waved the sword in her hand and blocked it hard, the two swords collided, countless sparks shot in all directions, and a shock wave spread.

With a strong smile, Shen Qianhua retracted the big sword in his hand, and slashed at Yuechan again with an astonishing force.

Yuechan used her sword to block once.

Shen Qianhua kept waving the golden sword in his hand, and slashed towards Yuechan with the golden sword light. The attack was very ferocious and the momentum was amazing. Such an attack was very suitable for Shen Qianhua's character.

Facing Shen Qianhua's attack, Yuechan could only use her sword to constantly resist, and her body was forced to retreat.


Shen Qianhua suddenly injected a powerful force into the great sword, and the great sword emitted a strong golden sword light.


Although Yuechan blocked the attack with her sword, her body was knocked back ten meters and stood on the lake.

Shen Qianhua dragged the big sword, with a domineering smile on his face, he quickly charged towards Yuechan.

Yuechan raised the sword in her hand with a cold face, and a force poured into it. The sword emitted a soft sword light, and water waves appeared in the surrounding void, and a one-meter-long silver fish appeared beside Yuechan. , swimming in the void, like a real live fish, a mood of the moon spreads out.


The sword in Yuechan's hand swung forward, and the silver fish around him swam towards Shen Qianhua, and the huge moon mood also rushed towards Shen Qianhua, with a terrifying power that seemed unstoppable.

bang bang bang...

One after another, the silver fish quickly swam in front of Shen Qianhua. Shen Qianhua kept waving the big sword in his hand, severing the countless silver fish, turning them into silver dots and dissipating.


That huge mood of the moon surged up, and Shen Qianhua poured an amazing power into the great sword in his hand. The great sword emitted a strong golden sword light, and with a forceful slash, a terrifying sword light slashed forward. .


a huge explosion

The sound sounded, and a powerful shock wave spread out, the lake shook, and countless splashes of water splashed out. Shen Qianhua was also knocked out by this blow, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Shen Qianhua didn't get angry, but said with a smile, "Yuechan hasn't seen you for a few days, your strength has really increased a lot."

Yuechan did not answer Shen Qianhua's words, she waved the sword in her hand with a cold face, and a silver-white crescent slashed towards Shen Qianhua quickly.

Shen Qianhua waved the big sword in his hand no longer, and easily smashed the silver-white crescent moon that came from flying.

Then, he raised the big sword in his hand, and injected the powerful power into the sword, emitting a dazzling golden sword light and an amazing sword power.


Shen Qianhua sword slashed hard, a huge golden sword light, with terrifying power, Yuechan slashed over, with a terrifying sword wind, water waves appeared on the lake.

Yuechan's body emits a soft silver light, and a mood of the moon spreads out. Yuechan's body seems to be fused with the surrounding, standing there without any action or any intention of dodging.


There was a loud noise, and the golden sword light slashed on the lake, and the lake was directly split in half. Drops of water fell like rain.

And Yuechan's body disappeared like an illusion, and she couldn't sense any of her breath, as if it had really disappeared, and the atmosphere became a little weird.


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