The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2158 month

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

After all the fluctuations subsided, in a huge pit, Yuechan was lying on the ground with blood dripping from her body, and Shen Qianhua stood there, her face pale and blood dripping from the corners of her mouth.

Now it was obvious that Shen Qianhua had won. Not only could she still stand there, but she still had some strength in her body, while Yuechan was lying on the ground without a trace of strength in her body.

Everyone also showed a smile, shouting the name of Shen Qianhua excitedly, this is the honor of being a winner.

The surroundings were very lively, and everyone else was talking about Shen Qianhua, talking about how powerful he was just now and how fierce the battle was. For a while, Shen Qianhua's popularity also reached its peak, and he was welcomed and loved by countless people. and respect.

As for Yuechan who lost, not many people belittle her, because her power is also very terrifying, it is impossible for them to have this kind of power, and Yuechan only lost a little to Shen Qianhua, not a lot.

Shen Qianhua was also very weak at this time, but defeating Yuechan made her very happy, she said to Yuechan with a light smile, "You still lost in my hands, can you still resist me now?"

Yuechan's face was ugly, she tried hard to stand up, but she didn't have any strength.

Shen Qianhua walked over to Yuechan with a smile.

Outside the secret realm, the people in the Goddess Palace on the high platform had a smile on their faces. They did not object to what Shen Qianhua did. Their Goddess Palace itself disliked men very much, and preferred women.

And they have also developed a secret technique to get pregnant without a man, and the children born are 100% girls.

Yuechan, as the saintess of Jiu Shenyue, can be ranked in the top three in beauty, potential, and strength in the realm of the gods. They are naturally very satisfied with Yuechan being the woman of Shen Qianhua.

A beautiful woman with a noble temperament, a beautiful face, wearing a long purple dress, with a dignified smile, said to the moon master of the Nine Gods Moon next to her, "I agree with this marriage, I Qianhua are superior in all aspects. You Yuechan, and now you have defeated her personally, you shouldn't object to this marriage, right?"

The Moon Lord next to Jiushenyue is a beautiful woman with a graceful figure, a white dress, a perfect face, and a holy temperament, frowning and said, "I won't call the shots, everything is up to Yuechan to choose. "

Although they are both women, the Moon Lord does not like the way the Goddess Palace does things. It is very domineering, barbaric and cruel, especially for men, and likes to cut off something from a man if they disagree.

Generally, the fate of offending the Goddess Palace is either death or ending like that. The men in the God Realm are very afraid of the people in the Goddess Palace.

However, the Goddess Palace has become the most popular force in the hearts of women, but the Nine Moon Gods are different. Although they look cold, they do not reject men and are willing to get along with others.

There is also whether you like men and women, everything is up to you to choose, not paranoid fanatical advocating liking women.

The Palace Master of the Goddess Palace had a confident smile, "It's fine if you don't object. I believe Qianhua will win Yuechan's heart and make Yuechan willing to be with her."

The Moon Lord didn't speak, a pair of beautiful eyes looked at the picture in the mirror.

I saw Shen Qianhua came to Yuechan's side, stretched out her hand to lift Yuechan up, and looked at Yuechan with a smile on her face.

Yuechan looked at Shen Qianhua with a cold face, looking a little repulsive.

Shen Qianhua didn't care, with a smile on her face, she kissed Yuechan, the woman she had always dreamed of was finally hers.


A sudden roar sounded, and a powerful momentum descended here, which made Shen Qianhua move, frowned, and looked in that direction.

I saw a man with a cloak and several beautiful women appear in front of him.

The aura that the man exudes is very powerful and unusual, and there is another woman next to him. Not only is she extremely beautiful, but her aura is also very powerful. Shen Qianhua does not know who this group of people is.

Yuechan turned her head to look at the young man with the cloak, and was very surprised. She remembered Zhao Fu and understood that Zhao Fu was the one who obtained all the inheritance of the Moon God. At that time, she went back to look for him, but she didn't find him.

Shen Qianhua's six maids stood aside, one of them was a mature and arrogant woman who recognized Zhao Fu at first sight. She couldn't forget the humiliation Zhao Fu gave her, and Zhao Fu was the first person to do that.

The mature woman immediately said, "Miss! This person stole the body and humiliated you."

Hearing this, Shen Qianhua's expression was slightly cold. She had been looking for the person who stole her things before, and she was thinking about how to torture and kill him. Now this person finally appeared in front of her.

"You are the one who stole my body?" Shen Qianhua asked Zhao Fu with a pair of eyes.

Zhao Fu was only attracted by this terrifying fluctuation. He never expected to meet Shen Qianhua and Yuechan. He also understood that the terrifying fluctuation that had just radiated was caused by the battle between Shen Qianhua and Yuechan. Based on the current situation, it should be Shen Qian. Hua won.

Hearing Shen Qianhua's words, Zhao Fu glanced at the mature and arrogant woman, and understood what was going on. He chuckled and said, "I stole your body, how can you deal with me?"

Everyone gasped. As a man, Shen Qianhua dared to speak like this, and he was even more arrogant than her. Isn't this courting death?

Sure enough, hearing Zhao Fu's words, Shen Qianhua stared at Zhao Fu with murderous eyes, "If you want to die, I will fulfill you!"


A huge roar sounded, Shen Qianhua burst out with a terrifying power, slowly put Yuechan on the ground, she stood up from the ground, reached out and grabbed, the golden sword flew to her in hand.

With this momentum, Shen Qianhua rushed in front of Zhao Fu very fast, and slashed towards Zhao Fu with a forceful sword.

There was a smile on Zhao Fu's face, and a circle of colorful runes emerged, forming a colorful mask, covering Zhao Fu's body.


The big sword slashed hard on the colorful rune cover, making a loud noise, and a powerful sword wind blew away, but the defensive cover blocked Shen Qianhua's sword and did not shatter.

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "You have just experienced a major war, and you only have a little strength left in your body. Do you think you can kill me with the little strength left?"

Shen Qianhua's face changed slightly, and he never thought that Zhao Fu's power would be so terrifying.


Zhao Fu's body directly ignited a colorful arrogance, and an immortal-like aura spread out, sending Shen Qianhua flying with a powerful force.

Shen Qianhua flew upside down more than ten meters, staring at Zhao Fu with an angry face. Now Zhao Fu is right, she doesn't have much power at all, and it is very difficult to kill Zhao Fu.


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