The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2162 Demon Lord

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

The people in Jiushenyue and the Goddess Palace were also stunned. They didn't know what Zhao Fu had done to them, but it was impossible for Shen Qianhua and Yuechan to submit to him and become his women.

But that person really did it, and the people from the two major forces never imagined that things would develop like this.

Now how to do? They were originally very angry that Zhao Fu forcibly violated the most honorable man, but now that they have already surrendered to that man, should they continue to kill that man at this time?

The Moon Lord of the Nine Gods Moon, his murderous aura disappeared from both eyes. After thinking about it, he changed his order. For the time being, he only investigated Zhao Fu's information and did not do anything that would hurt Zhao Fu.

She would not object to this, as long as Yuechan likes her, she can follow anyone, and Zhao Fu's origin is not simple, and his identity is not inferior to Yuechan by virtue of that holy blood.

The palace lord of the Goddess Palace had a more murderous look on his face, and at the same time was a little angry, she could not accept that her daughter fell in love with a man.

The other people also had murderous expressions on their faces, and they couldn't accept that Shen Qianhua, who was a goddess, turned out to be a woman of a hateful man, and now they even wanted to kill Zhao Fu so that Shen Qianhua could regain his sobriety.

The news spread immediately, causing a sensation in the Quartet, and countless people were shocked.

Because everyone knows Shen Qianhua and Yuechan, they are the sixth and fifth peerless geniuses, and they are extremely famous beauties in the God Realm, but now they have become one woman together.

Countless people are really envious and jealous. This is something that no one can do, but that man does it, and they don't know why the two of them become that man's woman.

At the same time, some people noticed the change in the fate of the secret realm. Yuechan and Shen Qianhua were already considered losers and lost their qualifications to become the masters of the gods.

The nine peerless arrogances of the God Realm are now Shen Qianhua, Yuechan, swallowing the corpse, and all the beasts, and there are still Tianyue, the God of Kerr, Shaming, Lei Tianba, and the God of Mercy.

Because Mie Liu is a member of the God Realm, he is not included in the God Realm Tianjiao.

On the other side, Zhao Fu was flying in the sky with one arm around Yuechan and the other around Shen Qianhua. The others followed behind, and he couldn't help but envy the treatment of Yuechan and Shen Qianhua.

At this time, both Shen Qianhua regained consciousness, and Yuechan in Zhao Fu's arms reluctantly accepted the result of being Zhao Fu's woman, because she was no longer able to resist Zhao Fu, and she surrendered to Zhao Fu both physically and mentally.

Shen Qianhua stared at Zhao Fu with a pair of eyes, still looking angry, but she still put her arms around Zhao Fu lightly. Although she didn't want to admit it, she still succumbed to Zhao Fu.

Now she is also a little strange. She clearly hates men very much, but she can't hate the man in front of her, and she enjoys the feeling of being intimate with the man in front of her. She understands that the main reason is the kind of power in her body.

However, in addition to this kind of power, Zhao Fu himself exudes an invisible charm, and he feels that he is very extraordinary, which can only be known if he has had close contact with him.

Everyone quickly came to a dense forest, where a purple demonic energy spread, and there were many powerful auras in the forest, which gave people the feeling of being very dangerous and did not dare to take a step.

Zhao Fu didn't care, and flew people directly into it, because he sensed that the entrance to a place of inheritance was there.

roar roar...

A huge roar of monsters sounded, and a powerful momentum attacked Zhao Fu. These monsters felt that someone was breaking in, and they rushed towards Zhao Fu and everyone, trying to kill these intruders.

Zhao Fu felt the aura of these monsters and let go of Shen Qianhua and Yuechan.

At this time, the monsters also rushed out with a powerful aura, a tiger with long horns, a black bull with a human face, a six-meter spider, a python with purple scales, and a wolf with two heads.

Countless monsters stared at Zhao Fu, who was standing at the front, with fierce eyes, and were about to charge at Zhao Fu.


A huge roar sounded, a purple arrogance ignited from Zhao Fu, and a huge force burst out, forming a terrifying coercion, like an invisible big hand pressing on the entire forest.

Countless monsters were so frightened that they slumped to the ground, their blood and soul felt a sense of fear, and they looked at the young man in front of them with a pair of eyes.

I saw a dragon pupil in the eye socket of the young man's left eye exuding a strong sense of oppression, the purple arrogance on his body faintly changed into a dragon shape, and every trace of power emanating from his body was very terrifying. It was the power they were very afraid of, and it came from the bloodline. This is the power of the Demon Lord.

Shen Qianhua and Yuechan were also stunned, seeing such a huge demonic aura emerging from Zhao Fu, so frightened that countless demonic beasts collapsed on the ground and dared not move.

The others didn't show any shocked expressions because they knew Zhao Fu's identity.

Zhao Fu continued to fly forward, everyone followed behind Zhao Fu, and finally everyone from Zhao Fu came to a stone gate.

This stone gate is on a green grass, ten meters high and four meters wide, engraved with various monster patterns, each monster is like a living thing, very ferocious, the stone gate exudes a huge monster power.


At this time, a huge momentum erupted from Shimen, emitting a strong purple light, and the monsters on the Shimen gushed out like a tide, attacking Zhao Fu with a ferocious aura.

Zhao Fu's expression didn't change. Another huge demonic energy emanated. The countless demonic beasts that rushed over were so frightened that they immediately knelt to the side again, not daring to take a step closer.

Yuechan's expression became even more stunned, seeing this scene for the first time.


He didn't say anything, his face was calm, he flew towards the Shimen, the Shimen opened automatically, and countless purple rays of light shot out, as if welcoming its owner.

Then Zhao Fu flew into it, and the others followed.

Everyone came to a purple space, where the sky is purple, the ground is very lush, there are various animals everywhere, and there is a beast roar from time to time.

There is a statue on a platform. This statue is a thousand meters high, with double horns on its head, and long fluffy hair. There is no viciousness on the face. Wearing a battle armor, it exudes a huge coercion.

Everyone now knows that this is a stone statue of a demon god, and stepping forward can obtain the power of inheritance of the demon god.

In general, demon gods will go to obtain this kind of power, but other gods will not, because the attributes do not match.

Zhao Fu flew directly in front of the stone statue, nothing happened. The center of the stone statue's eyebrows radiated purple light, and a huge demon power radiated out.


A roar sounded, and a purple beam with a huge momentum shot at Zhao Fu at a very fast speed. A steady stream of power was injected into Zhao Fu's body, and Zhao Fu absorbed this power with all his strength.

The expressions on Shen Qianhua's crowd were even more astonished, they never imagined that such a thing would happen.


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