The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2172 Golden Sword (4 more subscriptions)

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At that time, everyone in the Goddess Palace gave Lei Tianba's forces a fierce look. Lei Tianba dared to say such words to them, which would undoubtedly anger everyone in the Goddess Palace, and Lei Tianba's power was not weaker than that of the Goddess Palace. few.

Facing the fierce eyes of everyone in the Goddess Palace, Lei Batian's forces suddenly felt a little cool under him, and they were a little nervous and scared.

They couldn't help but complain a little about Lei Tianba, Shen Qianhua and Yuechan were stunning beauties, and they were two great talents. Not a single person in the God Realm didn't like it, but everyone kept it in their hearts. Saying this in public is not looking for death. ?

In the secret realm, Lei Tianba was also a little shocked. His eyes were waiting for Zhao Fu. He didn't understand what Zhao Fu was capable of, and he even made Shen Qianhua and Yuechan willing to be his women.

However, Lei Tianba was also very unconvinced and shouted, "Even so, I have to fight with you to see if you, a despicable villain, have the ability to have two beauties."

Shen Qianhua chuckled lightly, "Deal with you! I don't need my father-in-law to take action, I can deal with you alone, and those who dare to hit me will have to pay some price."

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "No, I'll do it myself."

Shen Qianhua smiled confidently and said, "Don't worry about this guy. Although I'm not your opponent, he still has no problem with my opponent, and I really want to teach him a lesson."

Zhao Fu no longer insisted, and let Shen Qianhua take action.

There were only two people left in the air. One was Lei Tianba and the other was Shen Qianhua. The two stood on one side, and the others retreated into the distance, watching the battle that was about to begin.

Shen Qianhua took out the golden sword, pointed at Lei Tianba, and said domineeringly, "Come on! Let me see how much stronger your power is?"

Lei Tianba said with a loud laugh, "I really like your character, we feel like a natural couple, you can rest assured that my strength will definitely not disappoint you."

Shen Qianhua let out a domineering laugh, his body disappeared instantly, appeared in front of Lei Tianba, slashed out with a sword, brought out a huge golden sword light, and slashed towards Lei Tianba fiercely.

Lei Tianba directly ducked to the side, his body shot out like an electric light, dodging Shen Qianhua's move, and at that moment, Shen Qianhua appeared behind him and above him, punched with countless thunder and lightning, and slammed into Shen Qianhua fiercely. past.


Shen Qianhua slashed out with a backhand sword, and a golden sword with powerful force slashed towards Lei Tianba.


The dozen or so thunders that hit Shen Qianhua were slashed by a sword, turned into countless tiny arcs and scattered, and Lei Tianba's body was also slashed and flew out by a sword.

However, Lei Tianba used the arc to defend, and he was not injured, but from the situation of the fight just now, Shen Qianhua's power was really terrifying, and it was no less than the fifth-ranked peerless genius.

Lei Tianba definitely wouldn't admit defeat. With a loud roar, a powerful thunderbolt erupted. I saw countless purple lightning flashes from Lei Tianba's arm. These purple lightnings continued to condense and change, forming a mighty thunder lion.


Lei Tianba hit hard, and the terrifying Lei Shi, with countless lightning bolts and an aura that destroyed everything, charged towards Shen Qianhua fiercely, with a very terrifying momentum.

Shen Qianhua raised the golden sword in both hands, with a contemptuous smile on the corner of his mouth, a huge force poured into the sword, the golden sword emitted a dazzling sword light, and an amazing force spread out.


At the moment when Lei Shi rushed towards Shen Qianhua with countless lightning bolts, Shen Qianhua's raised sword slashed hard, and a huge golden sword light directly applauded the huge Lei Shi in two halves, turning it into countless The arc disappeared.

Shen Qianhua dragged this golden army and charged towards Lei Tianba with a powerful aura, bringing out a golden streamer.

Lei Tianba looked serious, grabbed with both hands, and countless purple lightning flashed out, forming two thunder guns formed of thunder.

boom! boom!

Lei Tianba threw both hands hard, and the two thunder guns shot at Shen Qianhua with powerful force. The speed was very fast, and they swiped in mid-air, and made an electric sound.


Shen Qianhua, who rushed over, swung the sword, and directly cut off the incoming thunder gun, making a loud noise.

However, Lei Tianba kept shooting thunder guns one after another, only to see one after another of thunder light continuously shooting at Shen Qianhua, and Shen Qianhua kept waving the big sword in his hand to chop off the one after another thunder gun. Make a loud noise.


A roar sounded together, and Lei Tianba raised a hand, and a terrifying thunderbolt erupted. Countless thunderbolts emerged in the sky, and then these thunderbolts continued to condense, forming a huge thunderball, a burst of destruction. The momentum spread out.

With a wave of Lei Tianba's hand, the huge thunderball with terrifying power shot towards Shen Qianhua at a high speed.

Shen Qianhua's power was poured into the great sword in his hand, and he wanted to cut this thunderball with one sword.


With a loud bang, that lightning bolt exploded directly, and countless electric arcs shot at Shen Qianhua with astonishing power. The number is simply uncountable, and the purple thunder light illuminates the surroundings.

Shen Qianhua was startled, he blocked his body with the sword, and a golden protective shield emerged from the sword, covering Shen Qianhua's body.


Countless purple lightning struck the golden protective cover, Shen Qianhua flew out as if being hit by a huge force, and the protective cover shattered into several cracks.



A huge roar sounded, and a huge thunder gun flew towards Shen Qianhua with amazing momentum, and the speed was also very fast, and it swiped in the air.

Shen Qianhua dodged directly to the side, dodging the huge thunder gun. The huge thunder gun fell on the ground, and countless lightning strikes hit the ground. A loud bang sounded, and the ground instantly shattered into a spear. Big pit.

Lei Tianba's body was covered with electric arcs, just as he was about to attack Shen Qianhua.

Shen Qianhua sneered, "Now it's me!"


Shen Qian Huaping picked up the sword in his hand, and a powerful force was injected into it. The big sword radiated a strong light, and golden lightsabers were formed around them, and the number reached thousands, exuding a terrible sword. potential.

clang clang...

Shen Qianhua vigorously waved the sword in his hand, and the golden lightsabers with terrifying sword power shot at Shen Qianhua with great speed, as if destroying everything.

Lei Tianba burst out with a powerful force, and burst out from his body for countless purple lightning bolts, and with a powerful lightning force, he shot at the countless golden lightsabers that came.

bang bang bang...

There was a loud bang, and the purple thunderbolt and the lightsaber collided, causing countless explosions, and an amazing force spread out.


Shen Qianhua disappeared on the spot and appeared behind Lei Tianba. With a sword, Lei Tianba fell to the ground and hit a big hole.


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