The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2175 Gods (Subscribe)

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!


A loud bang broke out, the dark purple thunderball exploded, and countless dark purple thunderbolts raged in all directions. The terrifying force destroyed everything around, the ground, trees, and stones were all shattered, and the arcs covered all of them. place.

A 10,000-meter crater appeared, and the inside of the crater was scorched black, some of which had melted and turned into a pool of magma, emitting a high temperature.

In the center of the big pit, Shen Qianhua did not have anything at all, but the eight phantoms around her, with dark purple arcs on their bodies, seemed to be severely injured.

On the other side of the big pit, lay a figure, and that figure was Lei Tianba.

At this time, Lei Tianba was pale and weak, and he no longer had any strength. The move just now had exhausted all his strength.

When everyone saw this scene, they naturally understood that Lei Tianba had lost, and there was no possibility of any counterattack. Everyone couldn't help but sigh and regret.

"Lei Tianba is actually very strong. He has defeated two peerless geniuses in a row. The key point is that those two peerless geniuses are very strong. Now Lei Tianba is worthy of my respect."

"Yeah! Lei Tianba's power is several times stronger than before. Unfortunately, this time she is challenging Shen Qianhua, who is ranked fifth. Shen Qianhua's power can be said to be abnormal, but a little weaker than Shaming."

"Well, I feel the same way. If Lei Tianba is not challenging Shen Qianhua, but Yuechan, who is ranked sixth, there may be a chance of winning."

"I don't know where Lei Tianba is ranked now, because I haven't fought Yuechan before, so it's hard to tell. I feel at least ranked seventh, stronger than the previous Corpse Devourer."

"What a pity! Lei Tianba stopped here. As long as he is defeated by others, it is impossible to obtain the position of the Lord of the Gods. Now there are only four of the top ten peerless talents left, that is, the top four. There is no hope for anyone else.”


At this time, someone also discovered that the imprint of the gods on the back of Lei Tianba's hand was still a five-color grade, and everyone was a little strange.

After thinking about it carefully, everyone realized that the peerless Tianjiao duel of the same level was recognized. Just now, Shen Qianhua was taken advantage of by Zhao Fu, and he had already lost to Zhao Fu. Later, some points were obtained, so that the imprint of the gods was only at the silver level.

Therefore, the levels of the two are not equal. This time, the battle secret realm has not been recognized, and the points have not disappeared, but the points do not matter to powerful people and can be easily obtained.

However, this time, the secret space of the battle was not recognized, but the result of the battle was that Lei Tianba lost, and his luck lost a lot, making it impossible for him to become the Lord of the Gods.

Shen Qianhua looked at Lei Tianba, who was lying on the ground, with a strong smile on the corner of his mouth. He reached out and grabbed the sky, and the great sword floating in the sky quickly flew into her hands.

Holding this golden army, Shen Qianhua walked over to Lei Tianba, came to Lei Tianba, and said with a smile, "You lost!"

Lei Tianba's face was ugly and he didn't say anything.

Shen Qianhua said with a hint of ridicule, "Just because you still want me? You also said that as long as you defeat me, you will be my man. Now who wins and who loses? Say what you said before."

Lei Tianba had an angry look on his face, and felt strongly humiliated, he couldn't help shouting, "Shen Qianhua, I will definitely get you, then I will let you know what's wrong, it's useless for you to kneel on the ground and beg me. "

Shen Qianhua smiled disdainfully, and after a while, the sword in his hand radiated out a burst of sword power, knocking Lei Tianba out.

Lei Tianba flew out a few meters and fell to the ground, spitting out a large mouthful of blood, his face became even paler, and his eyes stared at Shen Qianhua.

Shen Qianhua looked at Lei Tianba with contempt, "Want me? Do you think you deserve it? Believe it or not, I'll kill you now?"

Lei Tianming hurriedly flew over from the sky, landed beside Lei Tianba, and said to Shen Qianhua, "Goddess, my brother and I offended you, please let us go again, we will definitely not be here in the future. grudge against you."

They understood Shen Qianhua's character, she said that she would kill Lei Tianba, then it was possible to kill Lei Tianba, and the power of the Goddess Palace was stronger than that of Lei Tianba.

Shen Qianhua ignored Lei Tianming's words, but looked at Lei Tianba and said, "Did you hear what I asked you?"

Lei Tianba looked angry, but still didn't speak.

Shen Qianhua's eyes turned cold. Just as Lei Tianming was about to say something, Shen Qianhua waved the sword in his hand and knocked Lei Tianming out, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Lei Tianba's expression changed and he said angrily, "What do you want from me?"

Shen Qianhua chuckled, "I said it! Do you think you are worthy of me?"

Lei Tianba resisted his anger, "Am I not worthy?"

There was a smile on Shen Qianhua's face, "Now that you know, it's impossible for you to get me, and he is the only man who can be me."

Lei Tianba said angrily, "What's so good about him? Just a despicable villain, how could you become his woman so easily?"

Shen Qianhua laughed, and waved Lei Tianba out again, "He's a bit despicable, but he's my man now, how can you say it? And I'd like to say that he is far away. Scary than you, I am willing to be her woman."

Lei Tianba stared at Shen Qianhua, not daring to speak casually.

At the same time, there is a very kind heart in his heart, who is Zhao Fu, and what ability does he have to make Shen Qianhua so willing

May as his woman, he really can't figure it out.

At this time, Shen Qianhua said with a smile, "I said I wanted to teach you a lesson, but now you say how should I teach you, cut off your hands and feet, or cut the thing under you?"

Lei Tianba's face was full of anger, and his face was very ugly.

Lei Tianming came over, his face was equally ugly, and he said humbly, "Goddess! Please let my brother go once, he has already paid the price for it, so I beg you."

When Lei Tianba saw his younger brother begging Shen Qianhua to let him go, he felt extremely uncomfortable and moved, and shouted, "Shen Qianhua, kill if you want, I won't be angry with you anymore, and brother, leave quickly. here."

Shen Qianhua snorted coldly, "Do you think he can escape? Since you don't choose, I'll choose for you!"

Saying that, Shen Qianhua raised the sword in his hand.

Seeing this, Lei Tianming also burst out with a force, trying to resist Shen Qianhua.

Yuechan flew over and said, "Okay! Xianggong Qianhua said not to waste time here, but to hurry up and find the place where the main god is inherited."

Shen Qianhua chuckled lightly, "I see!" Then he glanced at Lei Tianba and Lei Tianming, and had no interest in them at all.

Lei Tianming was grateful to look at Yuechan, who was as holy as a fairy, and his heart couldn't help beating again, but thinking that she was a woman of another man made his heart a little uncomfortable.


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