The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2180 Long Zun (Subscribe)

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!


Lan Ying did not block the attack of the Black Dragon God, her body was knocked out, she spat out a mouthful of blood, and her face became even paler.

Gou Shan had already fled far away at this time, and when he turned his head to see this scene, he thought that Lan Ying would definitely die there, so he ran away more quickly, without any hesitation or scruples.

Lan Ying was seriously injured at this time, and it is a little difficult to get up now. The black dragon god looked at Lan Ying fiercely, and said with a big smile, "I will eat you in one bite and enjoy your flesh and blood."

But Lan Ying was a little desperate, she no longer had any resistance, and there was no way to escape, and she had to die here.

The Black Dragon God walked towards Lan Ying step by step.

Lan Ying struggled to get up from the ground, holding a long knife in her bloody hands and facing the Black Dragon God who came over. She didn't want to lie there and be eaten by the Black Dragon God.

Heilongshen had some disdain on his face, and raised his spear just as he was about to strike Lan Ying.


A huge roar sounded, and a huge momentum spread like a flood. The two felt this momentum, their bodies trembled instinctively, and they felt a strong fear. He turned his head and saw a man with a cloak and many very beautiful women.

There was a smile on Zhao Fu's face. He just sensed that there was a dragon god here, so he flew here quickly and looked at the two women in front of him, one was a dog god and the other was a dragon god, just the person he was looking for.

"Come here!" Zhao Fu smiled, and there was a hint of majesty in his voice, which made people feel frightened.

Lan Ying and Heilongshen knew that they would suffer if they went, so if they dared to go, Heilongshen turned around and wanted to run. She knew that Zhao Fu could easily kill her.


Zhao Fu erupted again with a terrifying dragon might, like an invisible big hand pressing on this place, the Black Dragon God only felt extreme fear gushing out of his blood, and was so frightened that he fell to his knees on the ground, his face pale and his eyes widened.

She did not expect that Zhao Fu had the power to make her so terrified. This power came from the power of the dragon bloodline, and the opponent was the supreme dragon of the dragon race.

Now the Black Dragon God is kneeling on the ground, his mind is blank, he dares not run away, and begged, "Long Zun! Don't kill me, I can surrender to you and do anything for you."

Lan Ying looked at the fierce Black Dragon God just now, but at this moment she was terrified in front of the man and did not dare to resist, just like a poor little beast. Kneel down on the ground.

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Don't worry, I won't kill you, come here now."

Hearing this, the Black Dragon God didn't hesitate, and came to Zhao Fu's side looking very scared, while Lan Ying knelt on the ground and didn't get up, thinking about what would happen.

Zhao Fu stretched out his hand and kissed the Black Dragon God on the mouth of the Black Dragon God. The Black Dragon God didn't have any fear for a while, and soon fell into it, and responded fiercely to Zhao Fu.

And Zhao Fu calmly poured the Six Desires Demonic Qi into her body.

Lan Ying, who was kneeling on the side, blushed. It turned out that the other party asked them to do such a thing. Lan Ying couldn't do it, so she quietly stood up and wanted to escape from here while Zhao Fu and the Black Dragon God were intimate. .

But at this time Zhao Fu let go of the Black Dragon God, looked at Lan Ying who wanted to escape, and said with a smile, "Do you think you can still escape?"

Lan Ying turned pale with fright, knelt down on the ground in fear, and pleaded, "Please spare my life, and I am a woman with a husband, please don't do that to me."

With a smile on his face, Zhao Fu hugged his face flushed, unable to lean against Zhao Fu's Black Dragon God, walked up to Lan Ying, stretched out a hand and pulled Lan Ying directly into his arms and kissed her on the lips. The Six Desires Demon Qi kept pouring into it.

Lan Ying began to struggle hard, gradually becoming weaker and weaker, and finally sinking into it.

Gou Shan, who had fled far away, also felt a different aura burst out behind him. He understood that there might be an accident, which made him stop. Thinking of being with Lan Ying for so many years, he felt very sad. is uncomfortable.

He still loves Lan Ying and doesn't want to give up Lan Ying, but he doesn't want to die.

But now I also think about how things have changed. Lan Ying may not be dead. Gou Shan decided to return and take a look from a distance. If there is danger, he can continue to escape, but if there is a chance to save Lan Ying, he will still save Lan Ying.

Gou Shan went back slowly and cautiously, but he didn't expect to see this scene, anger in his heart surged into his brain, his eyes were bloodshot.

I saw a man making out with his wife, his wife responded fiercely to the man, and did not mean to refuse, and the man was still playing with his wife's breasts that he was obsessed with, and her wife was still enjoying it, even There is a hint of debauchery.

That person not only played with his wife, but also played with the powerful Black Dragon God just now. Gou Shan wanted to rush over and kill that person now.

But he clearly understands that such a powerful Black Dragon God is not his opponent, then he will only die if he rushes, so he can only hold back his anger and watch his wife and being toyed there.

After a while, Zhao Fu let go of Lan Ying, and Lan Ying was already paralyzed in his arms, with her arms around Zhao Fu, her beautiful eyes looked at Zhao Fu coquettishly, "I said I have a husband, You still do this to me."

Zhao Fu looked down at her and said with a smile, "That has nothing to do with me, you are mine now."

Lan Ying was a little angry when she heard Zhao Fu's domineering words, but thinking of Gou Shan who had just abandoned her and ran away,

Looking at Zhao Fu in front of him again, and the pleasure that didn't recede, he snorted softly, "Then give me some time to think about it."

Zhao Fu replied with a chuckle.

The Black Dragon God was in Zhao Fu's arms, with a coquettish expression on his face, and said, "I am willing to serve the honorable Dragon Lord, this is my honor."

Now the Black Dragon God also enjoys the feeling of being intimate with Zhao Fu, and Zhao Fu is the supreme of the dragon clan. She can't even touch this kind of existence, and it will be very beneficial to be around such a person.

Zhao Fu smiled and nodded. Now that he has subdued the dog goddess and the dragon goddess, there are only three kinds of goddesses left, so he can gather the twelve zodiac goddesses.

Afterwards, Zhao Fu left here with someone.

Gou Shan looked at Zhao Fu who was leaving with hatred in his eyes. At the same time, he was a little fortunate in his heart. Fortunately, he escaped before, such a slut is not worth his life.

That Goushan didn't even think that after he ran away, his wife would make out with someone immediately, and she still looked so slutty, her love for him was fake, and she was a slut.

Thinking of the scenes of that man playing with his wife, Gou Shan just wanted to become stronger, and then settle accounts with those two bitches. There are so many beautiful women around him, and I also want to play with him in front of him.

and many more!

When Gou Shan thought of this, he suddenly remembered that among the many women around the man, there seemed to be Shen Qianhua and Yuechan, and Gou Shan's heart suddenly fell to the bottom of the valley.


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