The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2199 music

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

Everyone continued to search for the entrance to the inheritance place. It didn't take long for Zhao Fu to sense the entrance to the inheritance of the main god, and he came to a meadow, but did not find the entrance.

Zhao Fu felt very strange. He clearly sensed that there was an entrance to the Land of Inheritance, why didn't he see it there?


Zhao Fu heard the moving and beautiful music playing in the sky. This music is not like the sound of any musical instrument, but composed of various sounds of nature, including the sound of wind, the sound of babbling streams, and the names of birds. sound, etc.

This should be the inheritance of a music master god.

Now that the entrance has not been found, wouldn't it be necessary for someone to move the music to find it? Zhao Fu was a little embarrassed because he didn't understand this music very well.

Zhao Fu turned to look at the girls beside him and asked, "Which of you understands music better? This is the entrance to the inheritance of the main god of music. Only those who understand music can find the location."

The girls shook their heads when they heard the words. Most of them were only in contact, but they didn't understand very well. If they wanted to find the entrance to the inheritance of the main god of music, they might need the help of the god of music.

Zhao Fu felt a little disappointed when he saw that all the girls didn't know, so he could only find the sound of music, otherwise there was no other solution.

Shi Yun said with a smile, "We may have a solution, Xianggong."

Zhao Fu asked in surprise, "Do you have any way to talk about it!"

Shi Nian explained with a smile, "Don't forget that we are between time, we can change the time of the region, I think it should be based on this music, let the time go back to the last time when the entrance to the inheritance land was opened. "

After thinking about it, Zhao Fu felt that it might be successful, but it was very difficult, so he nodded with a smile, "Then let's try it out! If it doesn't work, we'll be looking for the God of Time."

Shi Ning responded with a smile, and then came to the front with Shi Ning and Shi Ya. The three formed a triangle with a distance of ten meters. Shi Ning stood in the middle, because she represented the current time, and Shi Nian stood on the left. , Shi Ya is standing on the right.

boom! boom! boom!

Three roars sounded, and the three women stretched out a hand, and a powerful time force poured out. The three time forces merged together, exuding a huge world time force, and the time around them seemed to slow down. down.

Time auras emerged one by one, wrapping one by one, the number reached hundreds, and the momentum was very amazing.


The three women stretched out their hands and pressed, a force of time poured out and injected into the countless light wheels. The countless light wheels turned rapidly, and the time inside the light wheels was rapidly rewinding, and scenes of illusory pictures appeared, such as light and shadow. Generally pass by.


A phantom appeared in the countless halo, it was a very handsome young man, dressed in white, holding a bamboo flute in his hand, there were flute sounds all around, exuding a powerful momentum, it should be a time God.

Zhao Fu was a little surprised when he saw this. Shi Nian and the three of them used the ability to rewind time to condense all the people who opened the entrance to the music heritage site.

However, this blurred figure is not a real entity, nor is it the God of Time that once was, but something similar to an afterimage.


The three women's outstretched hands pressed one at a time, and the countless halos quickly shrank, and then merged into the phantom's body, and the phantom's body immediately changed from incorporeal to solid.

The three Shi Nian said in unison, "Look for the entrance to the inheritance of the music god!"

Hearing this, the young man flew into the air, picked up the bamboo flute and began to play it, a melodious and melodious flute sound came out.

A powerful force of time gushed out from the sky, and a pink ball of light appeared, emitting countless pink rays of light, which should be the entrance to the place of inheritance.

The three goddesses stopped the power of time, and the young man's body disappeared.

Shi Nian smiled and said, "Now the entrance to the Land of Inheritance has been found!"

Zhao Fu showed a smile, "Well, thanks to the three of you this time, I will reward you well in the future."

The three women also nodded happily.

Afterwards, Zhao Fu flew everyone into the ball of light and came to the inheritance space, where all kinds of musical instruments were floating in the air.

There are Dizi, Guqin, Guzheng, Pipa, Erhu, Xiao, Drum and so on.

Each piece emits a faint light and emits moving music. This should be a holy place for musical instruments, but Zhao Fu was not interested, and looked directly at a statue on the center stone platform.

This statue is of a woman, wearing a palace skirt and a veil, with a graceful figure and a guqin on her back, exuding a powerful divine aura.

Zhao Fu flew forward directly.


A sound wave with powerful force flew towards Zhao Fu, Zhao Fu took out a sword, slashed hard, opened the sound wave, and continued to move forward.

clang clang...

The sound waves were like invisible air blades, and they continued to slash towards Zhao Fu with powerful force. The momentum is also very amazing.

Zhao Fu directly injected a powerful force into the sword in his hand. The sword emitted a powerful sword light, and an amazing sword power was emitted. With a forceful swing of the sword, a huge sword light slashed out with the power to destroy everything.


The sound of that terrifying sword light slashing all over

The wave opened, making a huge roar, and a force spread out, like a gust of wind sweeping the four directions, making people feel a sense of fear.

To solve these sound waves, Zhao Fu came to the stone statue, and now it depends on whether the stone statue can give him the power of inheritance, because Zhao Fu does not understand music at all.

The stone statue's eyes fell on Zhao Fu, and he frowned, as if he didn't like Zhao Fu, and Zhao Fu couldn't help but feel a little worried.


A roar sounded, and the stone statue's eyebrows radiated pink light, and a powerful divine power gushed out. Zhao Fu also breathed a sigh of relief. This stone statue seems to be the same as the previous stone statue. Although he doesn't like Zhao Fu, he still wants to give it to Zhao Fu The power of inheritance.


A roar sounded at one time, and the stone statue shot a pink beam, which landed on Zhao Fu with a huge momentum, and the powerful power of the Lord God poured out of Zhao Fu's body.

Zhao Fu felt the power of the main god of music. He closed his eyes and absorbed the power of the main god with his whole body. Because his body had already integrated a lot of the power of the main god, Zhao Fu quickly absorbed this power.

After that, roars continued to sound, and the stone statue of the main god injected all the power of inheritance into Zhao Fu's body, and then the power and momentum of the stone statue began to dissipate, and finally disappeared.


A huge roar sounded, and I saw the pink light in the sky, exuding an amazing power, and also emitting a strong pink light, with a powerful momentum, turned into a shot into the sky.


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