The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2204 Beast

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!


A huge roar sounded, and the iron fork in God Kerr's hand flew out with a terrifying force, piercing a huge crocodile, blood splashed, and the crocodile died immediately.

With a smile on God Kerr's face, he stretched out his hand and grabbed it. A blue godhead floated out of the crocodile's body and flew into God Kerr's hands. Now that he knew that the man was no longer in the secret realm, Ke The God of Er became very relaxed, nothing like before.

A man with a strong body, bloody hair, and a rough appearance came here, looked at the God of Kerr coldly, with a trace of contempt, "Are you the so-called third-ranked peerless genius?"

It is the beast war that came to people, from the power of all gods and beasts. This power is already in the hidden stage, and it is preparing to become a holy-level power, which is stronger than the power of the devil emperor.

The God of Kerr frowned, this was the first time someone dared to speak to him like this, with the same domineering and arrogant tone, "I am, so what are you?"

A trace of anger appeared on Beast War's face, "You are courting death, starting with you now, and then challenging the Emperor Star owner."


A huge force erupted from the body of Beast Warfare, and the body radiated countless pale rays of light, and a powerful coercion enveloped the four directions.

God Kerr sneered, "You think I'm afraid of you?"


A huge force also erupted from the body of God Kerr, and the body emitted countless magic lights, and a terrifying magic power also emitted.

Beast War took out a big sword and charged towards the God of Kerr with an astonishing force.

The God of Kerr reached out and grabbed it, and the iron fork inserted in the crocodile body returned to his hand. With a powerful force, he rushed towards the beast battle.


The Beast Fighting Knife slashed at the God of Kerr with powerful force, and the God of Kerr also slammed the iron fork out of his hand. The two collided once, and countless sparks burst out.

As soon as the body of the beast battle retreated, a powerful force poured into the big knife in his hand, and the big knife emitted a strong knife light, and with a hard slash, a huge knife light slashed towards the God of Kerr.

The wings behind God Kerr dodged to the side like a flowing shadow, dodging the blow of the beast battle, and rushed towards the beast battle.

With a sneer on Beast War's face, he raised the big sword in his hand, the big sword exuded a strong sword light, and a terrifying sword force radiated out.


The beast battle slashed down with force, and a huge knife light slashed down with terrifying power, as if it could destroy everything.

Kerr's eyes were cold, and he didn't choose to dodge at this time. A force was injected into the iron fork, and the iron fork also emitted a strong magic light. With a strong wave, a huge black moon blade with a powerful the power to cut forward.


There was a loud noise, and the terrifying sword light and the moon blade collided together. The sword light split the black moon blade in half, and continued to slash towards the God of Kerr with ferocious power.

The God of Kerr ducked to the side, and immediately avoided the blow, and the iron fork in his hand was forced once.

call out! call out! call out!

Three black beams shot out from the iron fork, and flew forward with a sharp force. The speed was very fast, and they passed in the air.

Beast Fight blocked the three black beams with a knife.


Suddenly, the God of Kerr appeared in front of him, raised the iron fork in his hand, and fought against the beast with enormous power.

Beast Zhan's face changed, and he continued to resist with his knife.


A dull voice sounded, and the iron fork hit the knife with a powerful force, and the beast battle was repelled five or six meters before it stopped.

The God of Kerr said with a sarcastic smile, "It seems that you are no more than that, and you dare to be so arrogant in front of me."


Beast War was furious in his heart, his body ignited a huge pale arrogance, and in that star, a huge pale tiger made a huge roar, and then charged towards the God of Kerr with a ferocious momentum.

The God of Kerr injected a force into the iron fork, and the iron fork radiated magic light, and the phantom of a huge iron fork appeared.

God Kerr held the iron fork and stabbed forward with force. The iron fork phantom pierced out like lightning with astonishing power, but pierced through the huge pale tiger in an instant.


The pale tiger exploded, countless pale breaths scattered, and a strong wind blew away to the surroundings.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

Three huge roars sounded, and three more ferocious pale tigers rushed out of Beast Fight's body, with a powerful momentum, from three directions, left and right, and rushed towards the God of Kerr.

God Kerr was startled, stretched out a hand, a huge force poured out, and a huge shield with a demon pattern appeared, blocking the front of God Kerr.

boom! boom! boom!

The three tigers slammed into the giant shield with powerful strength, and then exploded directly. A terrifying force spread, the shield shattered, and the God of Kerr was knocked out.

Beast War sneered and said, "You are just like that!"

God Kerr was furious, stretched out a hand, and a huge magical energy emanated from his arm, forming a huge

The magic hand, with an astonishing force, grabbed the beast battle.

The body of the beast war ignited an arrogance at one time, forming a huge tiger, with ferocious power, rushing towards the God of Kerr.


There was a loud sound, and the pale tiger and the magic hand collided with a powerful force. There was a huge explosion, and a shock wave spread out, forming a strong wind, which blew many trees to sway.


The God of Kerr rushed out of the explosive light wave with a look of anger, the iron fork in his hand stabbed the beast with force, and a huge black beam with the power of destruction shot forward at a rapid speed.

Beast War's body dodged to the side, dodging the blow, and then slashed with a big knife in his hand, and a sword light went towards the God of Kerr.

The God of Kerr waved the iron fork in his hand vigorously, smashing the knife light that came over.


This huge force poured out from the body of the beast war again, and ferocious wolves came out from his body, each only five or six meters in size, and the number reached hundreds, fiercely towards the God of Kerr. rushed over.

God Kerr had no fear, and rushed forward quickly, waving the iron fork in his hand, bringing out black crescent moons, beheading the wolves one by one.

Soon the God of Kerr rushed to the front of the beast battle. The iron fork in his hand shot out countless black rays of light, and stabbed towards the beast fiercely.

But Beast War stood on the spot with a sneer on his face, neither intending to do anything nor dodge.


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