The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2208 Spirit Peach

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

This is Zhao Fu's plan, to find the last zodiac goddess first, then wait for countless people to fight, and finally appear.

However, now that the gods have reached the final stage of the competition, countless gods have been eliminated, and now there are only a few gods left, and there may be no zodiac goddesses among them.

Zhao Fu intends to look for it. Anyway, now that the power of the inheritance of the twenty-four main gods has been obtained, there is nothing to do.

It is also more convenient that most of the people are in the center of the secret realm, because with the emergence of the Seat of the Gods, many secret realm relics and treasures appear in the center.

Even if other people do not want to obtain the Lord of the Gods, they will come to the secret realm center for other benefits. Zhao Fu only needs to look for it in the secret realm center.


A monkey with an iron rod, more than ten meters high, mixed with white hair, with a strong force, knocked a young man out.

The young man fell to the ground with an ugly face. He felt that he couldn't beat the monkey. He didn't think much about it. He got up from the ground and planned to escape.

The white-haired monkey sneered, "Now you still want to run? Hand over that thousand-year-old peach."

This white-haired monkey is a monkey god, and he also sensed the breath of a peach coming here, but just saw the peach being picked by that young man, so he directly grabbed it.

The young man's strength is not weak, the two fought fiercely together, and finally the monkey god turned into a beast god and defeated the young man.

When the young man heard the white-haired monkey's words, he said angrily, "This peach is what I got, I can't think of it if I want to take it away."

There was some disdain on the monkey god's face, "It's okay if you don't give it up, then don't blame me for killing you."


A huge momentum burst out from the body of the monkey god. The monkey god injected a force into the iron rod and punched it forward. A terrifying arc of light struck the young man with astonishing power.

The young man was shocked, and hurriedly blocked the front with the knife in his hand, and then released an energy shield.


A dull voice sounded, and that huge arc with terrifying power hit the young man's defensive cover, and the defensive cover shattered.

Holding an iron rod, the monkey god continued to charge towards the young man with a formidable aura.

The young man's face became more frightened, and he hurriedly shouted, "Stop! I can give you the peach."

The monkey god snorted coldly, but stopped, because everyone who stayed in the secret realm was not easy. If it was more troublesome to kill the young man, the monkey god just scare the young man before.

The young man was about to take out the peach, and there was no way he could beat others, so he could only hand over the peach, and there was no second choice.


Suddenly a huge momentum came down, the air seemed to freeze in an instant, the monkey god and the young man felt like they were falling into the ice water, their bodies couldn't help shaking, and they looked at the sky in horror.

I saw a man with a black cloak and a group of beautiful women appearing in the sky, giving people a feeling of being aloof and untouchable.

The two knew Zhao Fu's identity as a god-snatcher. Compared to Zhao Fu, who had robbed countless divine powers before, and was also a very famous person, it was impossible for them not to know about Zhao Fu.

Now that they felt the terrifying aura of the other party, they realized how terrifying this God Seizer was. It was far beyond their imagination, almost like those peerless geniuses.

What's even more surprising is that the back of the opponent's hand has an astonishing nine-colored divine seal, which means that the God Severs in front of him also has the qualification to become the Lord of the Gods.

The Nine-colored Divine Seal is not so easy to obtain. Now it only needs four people to obtain it. The first is the Emperor Star owner, Tianyue, who is also the strongest person in the God Realm, the second is the Emperor Star owner Mie Liu, and the third is the Demon God Emperor. The God of Emperor Kerr, although he does not have an Emperor Star, he is now a terrifying existence on par with the Emperor Star owner Qi.

But what kind of thing is this god snatcher? Although he is relatively powerful, he always likes to bully the small and is despicable, but why does he even have a nine-colored divine seal?

In addition to robbing the divine power of ordinary gods, he has possessed two peerless talents, and he has never won any points!

The key is that the first three are extremely scary people, and their identities are also very scary. They have the nine-colored gods and everyone feels that they should be.

But now the God Seizer also has the Nine-colored Divine Seal, and everyone is very surprised, because his identity and strength, there is no way to compare with the previous three people, he is a person from heaven and earth.

The two of them were constantly thinking about it. Zhao Fu's eyes fell on them at this time. Since there were only a few hundred people, maybe everyone knew who was staying, so Zhao Fu asked, "Do you know how to stay in the secret realm? Among the people, is there a rabbit god?"

"Is there a rabbit god?"

Hearing this strange question, both of them were stunned, wondering what Zhao Fu's purpose was in finding the Rabbit God.

The young man shook his head and said he didn't know.

The monkey god thought about it for a while. The sister of his good friend was a rabbit god. At that time, he entered the secret realm with him, and his strength was relatively strong, and he has remained until now.

I have very little relationship with that friend, and I feel that there is no need to divulge the news of his sister, and such a large group of beautiful women behind this god slayer is simply a beast who specializes in bullying women, how could he push his good friend's sister into the fire pit.

So the monkey god immediately said, "I don't know either!"

Zhao Fu looked at the monkey god with a pair of eyes. The monkey god only felt that he was being stared at by a terrifying evil thing, the hairs on his body stood up, and he was a little scared.

At this time, Zhao Fu also saw something, and he stretched out a finger, a powerful force, and instantly shot at the monkey god.

The monkey god was startled, and hurriedly blocked the iron rod in front of him, exuding a powerful force to resist.


A dull voice sounded, and the monkey god was directly knocked out, fell to the ground and spat out a mouthful of blood, and his face became pale.

The young man next to him was a little scared, but the powerful monkey god just now couldn't even beat the opponent with a single finger. The opponent's strength was really beyond imagination.

Zhao Fu looked at the monkey god coldly, "Am I giving you a chance? Otherwise, I will take out your soul and read the information for myself."

The monkey god looked terrified. Now that he understood Zhao Fu's fear, he immediately said, "I know the whereabouts of a rabbit god."

Zhao Fu showed a satisfied smile and said, "Then take me there!"

The monkey god was afraid to agree.

Then Zhao Fu followed the monkey god to find the rabbit god and left. The young man looked at Zhao Fu's back, and felt a little scared. The monkey god left with such a person, it felt like a real evil, and the end of the rabbit god was the same. .


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