The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2211 Divine Power

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

Now that the Demon God Emperor has said this, then it depends on what Kerr does next. Devouring that godhead will have huge benefits, and most people will choose to devour it.

All eyes were on the God of Kerr.

Originally, the God of Kerr had just regained his full power and was planning to challenge the owner of the Emperor Star, but he never expected to meet that person who was unforgettable.

He was still the same as he was ten years ago. Although he was wearing a cloak, he recognized him at first sight. It was the one who summoned his clone and then killed him. At the same time, he gave him a great opportunity. He could say The memory is very deep.

God Kerr was shocked when he saw Zhao Fu. He had already confirmed that Zhao Fu was not in the secret realm, but now he appeared in front of him.

Then, instinctively felt a sense of fear, the first reaction was a little flustered and took a few steps back, keeping a distance from Zhao Fu.

In the past ten years, the thing he was most worried about was that Zhao Fu found him, and this was the thing he was most afraid of. Now that things have really happened, that's why the God of Kerr reacted like this.

The performance of the God of Kerr meeting Zhao Fu caused countless people to be stunned, and a huge wave was set off in their hearts. They never thought that things would be like this, even if the calm powerhouses were the same.

"My God! Why did the powerful God of Kerr become a little flustered and scared when he met that person? Did I read it right? Am I blinded? Or did I have an illusion?"

"I feel that there is a problem with my eyes too. Is the current God of Kerr still the same God of Kerr? How could this be? He has never faced Emperor Star owners like this before."

"Yeah? Kerr has never been afraid or panicked when facing the owner of the Emperor Star. How can he panic and be afraid when facing this person? Who is that person? This shocked me and I can hardly speak."

"Me too, it made my mind go blank, I don't know what to say, this thing is too unexpected, even impossible.

"Now it seems that the God of Kerr is not unrelated, but has a great relationship. I just said, why both of them have such a terrible ability to devour God's power, maybe it is related, now you two Did you believe it?"

"We thought it wrong, but we didn't expect this at all. One is the emperor's son of the Demon Emperor, and the other is a somewhat mysterious person. They don't seem to have any connection. If it wasn't for the ability to devour divine power, who would have thought Are they related?"

"Well, yeah, we didn't think that the two of them were really related, and now I'm curious about what the two of them are related to."

"His grandfather's, who said that he ran away in fright when he saw the God of Kerr, and hid behind a woman. Now you can see clearly with your dog's eyes. It's the opposite of what you think."

"You can't blame us! Do you think the God of Kerr is not powerful? It can definitely be compared to the owner of the Emperor Star. Who knew he would be like this."


Countless ordinary people fell into shock, staring blankly at the scene in front of them, and other strong people also opened their mouths.

"This time I admit that I was wrong and underestimated that kid. He is far more terrifying than we thought. I wonder what their relationship is and what is the identity of that kid?"

"I think this has a lot to do with the ability to devour divine power. The only thing they have in common is that. What happened, it is impossible to guess."

"Yeah! Their relationship may not be ordinary, and it is very likely that they have a very big grievance, and God Kerr knows the identity and strength of that person, so he is so afraid and flustered."

"This thing was beyond our expectations. We just said that the God of Kerr killed the godhead that devoured him, but the development of things was completely different from what we thought. That kid is really scary."

"Well! There is too much information hidden on that person now. The key is not a trivial matter. I really want someone to tell me everything about that person."

"I feel that there will be a good show to watch right away, and the plot will be more interesting next, and everyone watching the Demon Emperor, isn't it ugly!"

"Haha, let's not talk sarcastically, no one would have thought that things would develop like this, and they made the right choice."

At this time, the faces of the Demon Emperor's people were indeed very ugly. The emperor they fully supported, the emperor who believed in 100%, showed a similar scene. They didn't expect this to happen at all.

Originally, they thought that God Kerr would easily kill that person, and then swallowed his godhead to gain a huge boost, but now they have become less confident, not sure whether God Kerr can defeat that person.

At the same time, they couldn't figure out why, what was going on between the God of Kerr and that person.

Now the eyes of everyone in the audience are on those two people, nervously waiting for the development of the matter.

At this time, the God of Kerr also reacted, returning to his previous strong and domineering appearance. With his current powerful strength, he has no reason to be afraid of Zhao Fu.

The Demon God Emperor watched God Kerr return to his previous appearance, and he also gained confidence. If God Kerr was still as frightened and flustered as before, he would lose without a fight.

Looking at the Demon God Emperor's performance, the others also retracted their previous contempt, and now it is not certain who will win or lose.

The God of Kerr looked at Zhao Fu with a pair of eyes, and said in a provocative tone, "I haven't seen you in ten years.

Still no change, with the cloak hiding all the identities and information like a shriveled tortoise. "

Back then, the God of Kerr was very angry. He wanted to kill Zhao Fu and then eat Zhao Fu in one bite. He ate one of Zhao Fu's arms back then, and the delicious food is still remembered.

There is no way to resolve the huge grievances between them, and the hatred and anger towards Zhao Fu cannot disappear. Therefore, the God of Kerr is naturally not polite.

Zhao Fu sneered and said, "It's been ten years since I haven't seen you. You have gotten along pretty well with my luck and strength over the years? Now you've become the emperor's son of the Demon Emperor. If you didn't have me, you would be where you are today? Not happy. Thank you for my benefactor."

Hearing this, all the people fell into shock at one time, and they never imagined that this was the case.

Originally, everyone thought that the ability of the God of Kerr to devour divine power was far stronger than that of Zhao Fu, but now they heard Zhao Fu say that the power of the God of Kerr was borrowed from his power, not only power but also luck.

If it wasn't for the expression of panic and fear on the face of God Kerr when he met Zhao Fu, everyone would definitely not believe this, it felt too fake. How could the power and luck of the God of Kerr be borrowed from others.


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