The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2229 Dili (for subscription)

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A huge roar sounded at one time, Zhao Fu mobilized the even greater power of the emperor star, and the palm of his hand emitted six kinds of intense rays of light, and the rays of light penetrated the body of Mie Liu with the power of the powerful emperor star.

The power of the emperor star in the body of Mie Liu tried to resist this power, emitting a strong white light, resisting the body of the six kinds of light.

Zhao Fu's expression was slightly cold, and at one time, the power of a larger emperor star poured out, and he pressed the hand on Mie Liu's chest, and pressed it hard, and a more intense six-color light penetrated into Mie Liu's body.

The power of the emperor star in her body was gradually suppressed, and the body emitted six kinds of light, and an amazing power of the emperor star poured out from her body.

Zhao Fu showed a smile, and now she suppressed the power of her emperor star, and the next step was to inject the six desires.

Then Zhao Fu injected the Six Desires Demonic Qi into her body, but things were not as simple as Zhao Fu thought. The injected Six Desires Demonic Qi was still rapidly dissipating, and only a small part of it remained.

It seems that although Mie Liu's Emperor Star's power is suppressed, she still has the power to resist, because her body itself has the Emperor Star's power, and although it is suppressed, the Emperor Star's power still exists.

Zhao Fu thought of another solution. The reason why the power of Emperor Star repelled the Six Desires Demonic Qi is because the Six Desires Demonic Qi is harmful to Mie Liu. If Zhao Fu makes some changes to turn the Six Desires Demonic Qi into harmless, then it should be successful. .

Zhao Fu's method was to hide the six desires demonic energy in the power of qi, and generally heal Mie Liu's injuries, while using the six desires demonic energy to erode her body.

Zhao Fu immediately began to act, and the body kept venturing into her body with the qi of luck and the six desires, and the result was very effective.

Mie Liu's injuries were quickly recovering, and at the same time, the Six Desires Demon Qi continued to erode her body. In the end, Mie Liu's injuries recovered quickly, and Zhao Fu also planted a Six Desire Demon Seed in her body.

It ended here, and this was the first time it had been so difficult to conquer a woman.

Liuli next to him saw Mie Liu's complexion returning to blood. He didn't have the feeling of weakness he had before. With a happy smile on his face, he ran forward and said to Zhao Fu, "Thank you, Xianggong!"

Zhao Fu chuckled and replied,

At this time, Mie Liu also slowly woke up, opened his eyes and didn't expect to see the person he didn't want to see at first glance. Immediately said coldly, "Why are you here?"

Liu Li next to him explained with a smile, "Miss, you just received a powerful backlash from luck, and it was the husband who saved you."

Mie Liu looked at Zhao Fu with a cold face, and said without much gratitude, "I don't want you to save me, but now that you save me, I owe you a favor, and I can help you with anything you want. "

Zhao Fu looked at Mie Liu with a wicked smile, "Then can I want you?"

Mie Liu replied angrily and directly, "Of course it's impossible, I have no emotion for you, and I even hate you a despicable villain very much."

Zhao Fu was not angry, but instead laughed.

Mie Liu's expression was stunned. She didn't understand what Zhao Fu was smiling at. She had a bad feeling in her heart. She immediately checked her body and found that there was an inexplicable power in her body.

Immediately, Mie Liu was very angry, a pair of beautiful eyes stared at Zhao Fu, and said angrily, "You really are a despicable villain bastard, what did you do to me while I was injured?"

Liu Li also looked at Zhao Fu and asked, "Master! What did you do to my young lady?"

Zhao Fu smiled and hugged Mie Liu, who was lying on the first floor, "Nothing. Your young lady will be mine from now on, and you can stay by my side from now on."

Liu Li was a little surprised, "Really?"

Mie Liu said even more angrily, "Who is yours! Let me go, I will kill you."

Zhao Fu lowered his head and kissed Mie Liu, and began to violate Mie Liu.

Mie Liu was naturally struggling, but her body had already been corroded by the six desires, so she had no resistance at all, and quickly responded to Zhao Fu fiercely.

This made Liu Li's expression, who wanted to stop Zhao Fu, also startled. There was no young lady who hated Zhao Fu very much just now, but now she was so intensely intimate with Zhao Fu that a blush appeared on her face.

After a while, Zhao Fu released Mie Liu, and Mie Liu was lying in Zhao Fu's arms with a flushed face, panting, his eyes glowing with spring.

Now she understands why Shen Qianhua and Yuechan would give in to this bastard. Even with this kind of power, she can't resist Zhao Fu, and she can't help but want to be favored by Zhao Fu and want Zhao Fu.

Mie Liu also wanted to resist, and wanted to use all her strength to resist, but she found that her Emperor Star was suppressed by the power of other Emperor Stars. She was the Supreme Emperor Star of the God Race, how could she be suppressed by the power of other Emperor Stars?

This shocked Mie Liu's heart, and now he understands how terrifying Zhao Fu is.

Apart from Emperor Xing, under the influence of that kind of power, her body had no resistance at all. As she made out with Zhao Fu, that kind of feeling seemed to erode her mind, making her seem to like this guy too.

At this time, Zhao Fu stretched out a hand and pulled Liu Li into his arms, and began to violate her.

The two were toyed with by Zhao Fu in various ways, and the other women couldn't help it, with a blush on their faces, and they took off their clothes and joined them.

Especially Shen Qianhua, after waiting for this moment for a long time, after taking off her clothes, she immediately became intimate with Mie Liu, she really wanted to taste the taste of being the owner of the Emperor Star.

I don't understand the aspect of destroying Liu, so I'm relatively passive.

, was constantly violated by Zhao Fu and Shen Qianhua, making an indescribable voice.

On the other side, Hao Dao also came to the battlefield. Seeing the huge destruction, he was also a little surprised. This power is really not to be underestimated, and Hao Dao felt a little pressure.

Lan Le next to him was naturally shocked to see this scene, but he turned to look at Hao Dao next to him and said with a smile, "Master, I believe you can defeat them both, what should we do next?"

Hao Dao also showed a smile and said, "Now the two emperor star owners have decided the winner, and it's time to take action. Now we go to that Tianyue, and when his strength recovers, we will start to fight with him."

Lan Le was a little puzzled, "Master! Now that Tianyue has defeated Mie Liu and occupies the first place in the standings, that person is the second. Why not beat him first, and then challenge the person who ranks first."

Hao Dao's face became a little serious, "That person is far stronger than I imagined, and I also have a lot of pressure. Such a strong person should be reserved for the end, and I am very much looking forward to that time."

Lan Le was a little shocked, how terrible that person was, her master said that.

At this time, Zhao Fu is doing indescribable things with the girls, but unfortunately Zhao Fu can only have fun and cannot violate them at all. It is very pitiful and pathetic.


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