The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2238 Tian Zhu (Subscribe)

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!


A huge roar sounded, and an incomparably huge white-gold sword qi gushed out from Hao Dao's body, forming a huge white-gold storm blowing all around. amazing.

The nine divine dragons beside Zhao Fu once again emitted colorful rays of light, surrounding Zhao Fu, blocking the raging storm.

I saw Hao Dao in the center of the white gold storm, his body emitting a strong light, his long hair turned white gold, his eyes also turned white gold, his body exuded a terrifying sword intent, and the ground was constantly shattering. .

Hao Dao's clothes swayed in the wind, exuding an aura of destruction. Change the color of the world, the wind and clouds are surging, like a disaster.

At this time, Hao Dao looked at Zhao Fu with a pair of eyes, a sword light flashed, and a huge sword intent slashed towards Zhao Fu in an instant, as if it split the ground, very terrifying.

Zhao Fu blocked the sword in front of him, and nine colorful dragons surrounded him, exuding a huge aura.


That huge sword intent slashed on the nine dragons, and the huge force sent Zhao Fu flying dozens of meters away, and a terrifying knife edge appeared on the ground.

Although Zhao Fu was shot and flew out and was protected by nine dragons, he did not receive any damage.

Hao Dao continued to look at Zhao Fu with a pair of eyes, and his eyes flashed a ray of sword light at a time. A huge sword was intended to slash at Zhao Fu with an astonishing force, as if it would destroy everything.

Zhao Fu directly injected a huge force into the sword in his hand, and shouted, "Sword Master!"


A huge sword cry rang out, a huge sword energy poured out from the sword, a huge sword energy spread out, and the surrounding temperature plummeted.


The sword intent slashed over, Zhao Fu slashed out with a sword, the terrifying sword intent and sword intent collided together, an invisible force spread, and the ground shattered in an instant.

Hao Dao's body instantly disappeared in place, and Zhao Fu's body also disappeared in place at that moment.


The two of them appeared in the middle. Zhao Fu slashed towards Hao Dao with a sword that slashed everything, and Hao Dao slashed towards Zhao Fu with the power to slash the world, and the swords collided. , a terrifying shock wave spread instantly.

The ground with a radius of several thousand meters shattered in an instant, and countless rocks were shot out like raindrops.

The strength of the two men was equal and they did not take a step back.


A roar sounded, and Hao Dao's body emitted countless white rays of light, and two white-gold liquids poured out from around Hao Dao, turning into two Hao Dao bodies, emitting the same power.

After the two Hao Dao appeared, a pair of eyes looked at Zhao Fu, waved the sword in his hand, and slashed towards Zhao Fu with a terrifying sword light.

Zhao Fu's body hurriedly stepped back, but it was still a step too late. Those two amazing sword lights slashed at the nine dragons with terrifying power. Zhao Fu's body was slashed a hundred meters away, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. .

The three Hao Dao looked at Zhao Fu with a pair of eyes, charged towards Zhao Fu with a terrifying aura, and approached Zhao Fu very fast.

One Hao Dao waved the long sword in his hand and slashed towards Zhao Fu from the front. Zhao Fu blocked the attack of a Hao Dao with his sword. Another Hao Dao appeared beside Zhao Fu and slashed at Zhao Fu with a single strike. past.

Zhao Fu's body ducked back, and he avoided this attack, but the last one took the opportunity to appear behind Zhao Fu, and with a strong knife light, he slashed towards Zhao Fu with force.

The other two Hao Dao also attacked Zhao Fu in two directions at the same time, and the two long swords emitted a strong blade light and slashed towards Zhao Fu.


Zhao Fu had no way to escape at all, he could only burst out with a huge colorful arrogance, and a huge force was injected into the nine dragons around him. All blow out.

However, the three Hao Dao were repelled by dozens of meters, but they did not suffer any damage.

With Zhao Fu as the center, the three Hao Knives were distributed in three positions. The long knives in his hand were raised, and a huge force was injected into them. In the phantom, a huge sword force spread out and it was earth-shattering and terrifying to the extreme.

Zhao Fu also raised the sword in his hand, and a colorful sword light shot from the ground into the sky. The power of heaven and earth gathered at that moment, forming a huge colorful vortex, and a colorful sword formation appeared in the center of the vortex.


An incomparably huge sword power spread out from the sword formation, the vortex turned into nothingness, and an extremely huge sword power enveloped the whole world, making the world extremely dangerous.

boom! boom! boom!

The three Hao Dao chopped down the phantom of the kilometer-long knife in their raised hands. The three terrifying sword strengths slashed toward Zhao Fu with the power to smash the world. Everything in front of them seemed to be chopped to pieces.

boom boom boom...

Zhao Fu also chopped down the raised sword, the sword formation in the sky spun, and an annihilating force spread out, and the colorful sword lights with terrifying power fell down like a broken bamboo.

bang bang bang...

A series of explosions sounded, each very loud, shaking the world,

Countless rays of light spread out, covering the line of sight, and the power of a terrifying explosion spread out, the ground was constantly crumbling, and everything was destroyed.

A gust of wind kept blowing away, countless trees were uprooted, countless sand and gravel were blown into the sky, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and the wind and clouds were surging, like a disaster.

Everyone in the distance felt this terrifying aura, their bodies felt a coldness, and their hearts were a little shocked. The strength of the two people was really terrible, and they could easily destroy the world.

Countless people outside the secret realm were also surprised. They originally thought that the battle would end soon, and Hao Dao would easily defeat Zhao Fu, because they believed that Hao Dao must be much stronger than Zhao Fu.

But now they did not expect that the power that Zhao Fu burst out was not weaker than Hao Dao, nor did they expect that Zhao Fu would have such terrifying power, hidden so deeply, and it seemed that he did not use all his strength in the battle with the God of Kerr at that time. .

The terrifying level of this battle may be several times more terrifying than the battle between the two emperor star owners. More importantly, the identities of the two of them are extremely mysterious, and they are both holding the supreme weapon.

At this time, no one is sure who will win, because both are too scary and beyond their imagination.

Now everyone's eyes are fixed on the mirror screen, watching nervously and excitedly, it is the final battle, which did not disappoint them.


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