The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2242 Immortal

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

Everyone looked at the huge blade vortex in the sky with horror. Is that person still alive under such a terrifying attack? If the loss is generally peerless genius, it may have been ground into minced meat long ago.

"Ghost Mode...on!"

An icy voice suddenly sounded, spreading like ice, resounding in all directions, shaking the sky, penetrating the nine secluded places, chilling to the bones, and the three worlds trembling.


A loud noise erupted, as if something had been broken, and a force like destroying the sky and the earth poured out from the center of the blade vortex. Start to break down.

Countless sword qi spread out, and a terrifying figure appeared in the center.

A monstrous ghost flame ignited on that figure, and countless gray rays of light spread out. The surrounding void seemed to be imprisoned by an invisible force, and everything was in a static state, giving people a feeling of oppression like heaven and earth.

The temperature of the whole world dropped rapidly and became cold and biting. Countless people in this world could not help but tremble with fear.

Zhao Fu's appearance has also changed a lot.

The left half of his face turned crimson, and he looked extremely ferocious, with a face like a ghost, and he had fangs.

The pale eyeball between the eyebrows turned into seven colors, and at the same time, the pupils in Zhao Fu's eye sockets were all split open, with a terrifying power beyond imagination.

Nine gray rune circles emerged with Zhao Fu as the center, one larger than the other, and each one was a foot wide apart.

The current Zhao Fu is like a legendary ghost.

When everyone saw Zhao Fu appearing, their faces were horrified, and their hearts were greatly impacted. They only felt that the other party had already exceeded their imagination. How could there be such a terrible person in the world?

Hao Dao was also surprised. He did not expect Zhao Fu to hide such a terrifying power, which has far exceeded his expectations. He still underestimated Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu looked at Hao Dao with a pair of terrifying eyes.

Hao Dao felt like he was being stared at by a world-destroying creature, and his hairs stood up instinctively, feeling a chill.


Zhao Fu stretched out a hand. A huge ghost qi poured out like a flood, and countless ghost qi turned into a single ghost.


Zhao Fu waved his hand, and a huge roar sounded, and countless ghosts rushed towards Hao Dao like a flood with the power to destroy everything, and the huge ghost qi raged like a gust of wind.

Hao Dao also stretched out a hand, and a terrifying force poured out, and one by one, two-meter-long platinum-colored sword prints appeared in front of Hao Dao's body, lined up in a row, and the number reached thousands.

boom boom boom...

Hao Dao's hand also stretched out and pressed, and the sword prints rushed out of a column of sword air, and rushed forward with a terrifying force towards the ghost tide. It seems to be able to penetrate the sky.

bang bang bang...

There was a loud sound, and the ghost tide and the air column collided together, and there were explosions one after another. The shock waves spread out, the sword energy shot in all directions, and the ghost energy also spread.


The fluctuation has not subsided, a huge roar sounded, a pair of white gold eyes appeared in the sky, without a trace of emotion, exuding a cold and terrifying sword intent, the world became extremely dangerous.


These eyes fell on Zhao Fu, and the next moment, countless sharp knife lights shot out from a pair of eyes in the sky, and slashed towards Zhao Fu with terrifying power, as if smashing the earth.

Zhao Fu stood on the spot without moving a step, his expression was icy and did not change in any way, and the countless sword lights that fell down were about to attack Zhao Fu.


Zhao Fu exudes a huge power of ghosts and immortals, and the nine rune circles around him rotate with terrifying power, and an incomparably huge twisting power spreads out.

Countless knife lights that fell from the sky were twisted by an invisible force, all deviated from their original direction and shot on the ground around Zhao Fu.

bang bang bang...

There was a loud sound, and a line of knife light slashed on the ground, and the powerful knife force hit the ground into big pits. Countless rocks collapsed and smoke filled the air.

Zhao Fu raised his head, a pair of terrifying eyes looked at the pair of white gold eyes in the sky, and raised a hand.

The nine rune circles surrounding Zhao Fu automatically flew to the front of Zhao Fu's palm, one wrapped around the other.

A huge force poured out from Zhao Fu's palm and poured into the nine rune circles. The nine rune circles radiated gray rays of light and turned, and a terrifying force poured out.


With a loud bang, a huge beam of light full of runes shot out from the rune circle, with the power of a terrifying ghost, and instantly shot at a pair of eyes in the sky like thunder.


A huge explosion sounded, and the sky seemed to be shot out of a huge hole, and the pair of white-gold eyes collapsed and dissipated.


Hao Dao's body appeared in front of Zhao Fu. The palm of the same blade as the blade waved with the power next to him. Five huge sword lights with terrifying power slashed towards Zhao Fu, and the void was completely destroyed. chopped


At that moment, Zhao Fu held the hand of the Emperor Killing Sword and swung it hard, and a sharp gray sword light slashed forward with a powerful force.


A loud sound came out, two terrifying forces collided together, and a terrifying shock wave spread out instantly.

Both were taken a few steps back by the shock wave.

Hao Dao injected a huge amount of power into his arm, his arm seemed to be metalized, and a huge blade gas gushed out, forming a huge blade that exuded a sharp breath.

I saw Hao Dao rushed towards Zhao Fu and hit Zhao Fu with his arm, and that terrifying long sword also slashed towards Zhao Fu with astonishing power.

Zhao Fu injected a force into the sword in his hand, stabbed hard, and a sharp sword light stabbed Hao Dao with powerful force.


The two collided, and the sword light shattered. Zhao Fu's body was knocked back a few steps, and he was not injured.


In the next second, a huge arrogance gushed out from Hao Dao's body, a huge arm with countless sharp knives suddenly stretched out from the arrogance, raised his hand with powerful strength, and patted Zhao Fu. past.


Zhao Fu didn't react, his body was hit by the huge arm, and his body fell straight from the sky and landed on the ground.

However, Zhao Fu's body still didn't suffer much damage. In this state, Zhao Fu's own defense became very terrifying.


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