The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2244 Star

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

Countless people also looked in horror at the six emperor stars in the sky that exuded the power to suppress heaven and earth.

"This... This turned out to be true. Someone really owns six emperor stars. Originally, I was skeptical about this matter, but now I have to believe it with my own eyes. Not a single bit of the rumor is false."

"Oh my god! Six emperor stars. It's the first time I saw six emperor stars come into the world. It's too terrifying. This is the most terrifying thing I've experienced in my life. matter."

"I didn't expect that, I didn't expect that Hao Dao has a huge god race emperor star, but I didn't expect that person to have six emperor stars. No wonder the battle between two people is more terrifying than the average emperor star owner. It turns out that their The power has long been more terrifying than the average emperor star owner."

"Yeah! It's really surprising that things have changed so quickly. When that person became a ghost-like existence, I was a little shocked. He exerted the power of the six reincarnations to the extreme, and finally The six reincarnations are all summoned."

"Well, don't say that the great power of the underworld can't summon the six reincarnations, even the real ghosts can't summon the six reincarnations, but he did. What is his identity, but I am extremely curious, now the six emperors The star appears and everything is understood."

"Yes, now that the six emperor stars have come into the world, everything is understood without any explanation or doubt, because he is the second generation king of kings."

"Well, everything can be explained, why he can obtain the inheritance of twenty-four main gods, why the god of Kerr absorbs his power and luck, and becomes a peerless genius comparable to the owner of the emperor star, why can it cause the secret realm time and time again. accident."

"Hahaha, in fact, I had a glimpse of it, because only the rumored second-generation King of Kings has such terrifying power, and how did he sneak into the secret realm? Why are those almighty people? not found?"

"I'm so happy. I originally thought that the second generation of the King of Kings would not come. Now it's a great honor to see this terrifying character with my own eyes. When I tell others, it will definitely arouse the envy of countless people."

"Now that he has defeated Hao Dao, the Emperor Star of Hao Dao has disappeared, and there is no possibility of defeating the second-generation King of Kings. The King of Kings is the Lord of the Gods of this rank."

"Yeah! This year's Lord of the Gods is definitely the most terrifying of the many Lords of the Gods, and everyone is really convinced and has no opinion."

"Hehe, at this time I also understand why he has such a great charm, so that the owner of the peerless Tianjiao Emperor star is willing to be his woman, and it seems that the king of kings has always been so romantic, collecting stunning beauties everywhere."

"Now I have no opinion. The King of Kings is qualified to have so many beautiful women. Although the method is a bit despicable, but he is the King of Kings, and everything he does is acceptable."


Countless strong people also looked at the six emperor stars in the sky with horror. They did not expect that the King of Kings really came to the realm of the gods, and entered the secret realm from under their noses.

This King of Kings is indeed as terrifying as the rumors say. As the powerhouses in the Divine Realm, they originally had the slightest disdain for the other powerhouses in the realm of being able to deal with a little cultivator, and now they can't be replaced.

An existence like him is simply blessed by against the weather, even if a true immortal comes into the world, he can't deal with him.

However, now everyone understands that that person is the rumored king of kings, but no one knows his true identity, which is also a lot of more curious things.

It's a pity that with the protection of the secret realm, they can't do anything to Zhao Fu.

The divine artifact of the God Realm is the Panshen Mirror, not to mention their great powers, even a group of immortals will be smashed into scum in the past.

Among the many forces, several have complex expressions.

They were also very surprised by Yuechan's power. They never thought that the man Yuechan chose was the King of Kings.

Now that Yuechan is by his side, there should be unimaginable benefits. Not only can they get all kinds of material things, but they can also gain greater luck. They are also more at ease and no longer worry about Yuechan in the future. Post what.

Originally, they didn't object to this matter, because as long as Yuechan decided something, they would support it, as long as Yuechan had a good life.

Also, they still have some concerns about Zhao Fu's forcible violation of Yuechan, except that Zhao Fu told Yuechan who he was, and what methods should be used, otherwise Yuechan would not give in so easily.

At that time, they really wanted to kill Zhao Fu, because Zhao Fu didn't take them seriously, and he dared to violate their saintess in front of them, which almost made them angry.

At this time, it seems that Zhao Fu is indeed qualified to ignore them, because they can't do anything about him. The most daunting thing is what his identity is.

Hao Dao should come from the Immortal Realm, because the Supreme Emperor Star is larger than the average Emperor Star, which is influenced by higher laws, and this Emperor Star also has a strong fairy energy.

The identity of Hao Dao is too amazing, but such a fairy from the fairy world has been defeated by Zhao Fu, which shows that Zhao Fu is more terrifying than a fairy, and his future achievements are simply unimaginable.

With the power of Shen Qianhua, everyone faced each other and didn't know what to say. They shouted before.

In order to make Zhao Fu pay a heavy price, Zhao Fu was slashed with thousands of knives, suffered endless pain, and killed everyone who was related to him.

Knowing now that he is the king of kings, this also has a great impact on them. They don't know what to do, because do they really dare to do something to such a person? If moved it could have devastating consequences.

Their long-established influence in the realm of the gods is likely to perish. With such serious consequences, they do not dare to make a decision lightly.

That person will definitely have the ability in the future.

The Palace Master and the four elders of the Goddess Palace did not look good. On the one hand, they hated men very much, and even more hated Zhao Fu for sullying their goddess, and on the other hand, they were afraid that Zhao Fu was too scary.

The Demon Emperor's forces had the worst expressions on their faces, because they had the most hatred with Zhao Fu, and because other forces had hatred with Zhao Fu, they were just women who possessed their power, but they were not the same. Zhao Fu killed them and cultivated ten people. Emperor of the year.

This hatred is very large, and it is not on the same level as the grudges of other forces.


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