The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2251 Gods (please subscribe)

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The faces of the Demon Realm and the Ten Demon Empire are a little ugly. They also understand who the person who awakened the Emperor Star of the God Race is the heir of the Demon Flower Ancestor, the person who awakened the Demon Lord Star, and the second generation King of Kings.

If it is an ordinary person, as one of the strongest forces in the Demon Domain, the Ten Demon Empire can kill it without hesitation, but in the face of such a person, the Ten Demon Empire also feels enormous pressure.

The most important thing is that the Ten Demon Empire has a lot of grievances and grievances with that person, and has been chasing that person. Now that person is blessed with seven emperor stars, he will kill the Ten Demon Empire sooner or later, and the Ten Demon Empire will be severely damaged by then. .

Although that person's strength may not be very strong, but no one doubts his ability, that person is so terrifying.

Everyone in the Demon Emperor Sect smiled and even got a little excited, because the emperor daughter of the Demon Emperor Sect was now the woman of the owner of the seven emperor stars, and the Demon Emperor Sect had a very good relationship with him.

They couldn't help being a little shocked that this person had grown into such a terrifying existence. Fortunately, when the emperor and daughter wanted to follow this person, they had no objection, otherwise they might regret it now.

Because of such a person, almost no one in the world of Apocalypse dares to provoke him, and his future achievements are unimaginable, and it will also be of great benefit to the Demon God Emperor.

In the Demon Immortal Building, a beautiful woman and everyone also showed a smile. The beautiful woman was the mother of Yuan Ziyuan, and Yuan Ziyuan was also a famous beauty in the Demon Domain, and she was one of the people that Zhao Fu brought back from the Demon Domain.

Their thoughts were the same as those of the Demon Emperor Sect. They were very happy that Zhao Fu had grown into such a terrifying existence.

The most sensational is the foreign domain, because the foreign domain is different from other domains, the people in other domains may not know this person, but almost all the people in the foreign domain know him.

Because he is their second-generation king of kings, the lord of the entire alien race, who is qualified to command people of alien races in the world.

When that person became the second-generation King of Kings, he almost shocked the entire alien race, and almost no one didn't know him.

Mainly because of the glorious things of the first generation of King of Kings, even a child of a few years old knows it, so he is also very concerned about his successor.

Originally, everyone was very excited and excited about the appearance of the second-generation King of Kings, and felt that they would go to glory at one time under the leadership of the second-generation King of Kings.

But after knowing his identity, I realized that he is not a pure alien, but a person with many bloodlines, which makes everyone's recognition of him not very high. At that time, the powers of other races surrounded him, they There are also some powerless protection.

Now he has awakened another emperor star, and it is also a god race emperor star, which makes the hearts of foreign people very complicated, and they don't know what to do.

However, they have no doubts about why the first generation of the King of Kings chose him as the inheritor, because that person is really terrifying, and countless people look up to him.

The top ten arrogances of alien races who were once defeated by Zhao Fu have grown even more in their hearts. Before they faced Zhao Fu, they still had the strength to fight. Now they all fear him and have no resistance.

The many teachers in the Tenth Academy of the Other World were also very shocked. This second-generation King of Kings really did not disappoint them.

At the beginning, the Tenth Academy of the Other World did everything to keep the king of kings, and the old dean who had been in seclusion personally took action to suppress countless high-level existences and let that person escape from the foreign world.

Now it seems how correct this matter is. Although that person is not a pure alien, he is very likely to fulfill the prophecy of the king of kings, to lead the entire alien at one time, and lead the alien to glory, so that everything they do will also be worth it.

The Immortal Sect of the Six Desires in the Spirit Realm originally exuded a terrifying aura and wanted to kill all the stone statues, but now they are a little scared. They are not exuding that kind of ferocious and violent aura, just like a frightened tiger.

"What's going on? How can the statue of the Six Desires be afraid? People at the level of their power and power are not afraid. Now they are afraid of something, and they don't dare to express their aura. This is the first time I've seen it."

"Yeah, there was such a terrifying fluctuation just now, and now I don't dare to send out any momentum. Who has such ability?"

"It can't be that fairy, right? It was the fairy who made the stone statue go mad just now, and now he should be the one who scared the stone statue."

"If you say this, then the matter is very serious. If that immortal has the ability to frighten the Six Desires Stone Statue, then it has the ability to destroy the Six Desires Immortal Sect. This matter is a major matter, we need to discuss it quickly and deal with it. after that."

"Yeah, this fairy is definitely the most terrifying person in history. We must not be careless this time, otherwise the consequences will be serious."

roar roar...

The Golem of the Six Desires, which had been quiet in the depths of the underworld, let out a huge roar at one time, and the terrifying aura continued to spread, making the world chaotic, and countless people felt a chill and couldn't help shaking.

This is different from the previous rage of the Six Desires Golem. Now the roar of the Six Desires Golem is not a roar of rage, but a howl of warning against a certain existence.

One person shouted in direct shock, "Oh my god! What is that existence, and the six golems should be afraid of? Wouldn't this be too scary."

Another was also shocked and said, "This is the first time I have seen the Six Path Golems in such a long time. I am also curious about what existence it is afraid of. With his power, immortals can be bombarded and killed."

The person next to him said seriously, "This matter may be very serious.

Heavy, we have to investigate carefully. I feel that this has something to do with the previous matter. As the six-path reincarnation of the underworld town, it is the root of the underworld, and there must be nothing to do. "

A person also nodded seriously, "Then what should we do now? The Six Desires Golem is not in a normal state now, and we may be directly bombarded by it if we rush forward."

An old man said, "We still wait here for a few days to let the six golems calm down, and then go to investigate. We have no power to fight back against the six golems."

After hearing this, everyone nodded and waited in the depths of the underworld.


His gaze finally returned to the God Realm. A huge white beam of light fell from the supreme divine star in the sky and landed on Zhao Fu, who was sitting on the throne of the gods. The power of countless divine race emperor stars poured into Zhao Fu's body, speeding up The speed of Zhao Fu's transformation.

This force has a great effect on the transformation of Zhao Fu's bloodline. Now Zhao Fu has given birth to the bloodline of the gods. Although this kind of bloodline was born after the birth of the supernatural star, it is now fused with other bloodlines. As long as the fusion is successful, it will be amazing. The change.

ps; There is a group number in the introduction, I hope everyone can join.


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