The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2260 Holy Blood (Subscribe)

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

Zhao Fu came to the platform, walked in front of the Wanshen gun, stretched out a hand to grab the Wanshen gun, his mind vibrated, Zhao Fu's body emitted a strong crystal light, and a huge divine power was injected into the Wanshen gun.


A huge roar sounded, Zhao Fu's power of the gods continued to pour into the gun, and the gun burst out with a huge momentum, excited and constantly absorbing the power of the gods.

The color light emitted by the Pan God Gun is also decreasing one by one, but the light and power are getting stronger and stronger.


A huge roar sounded at one time, and the Pan God Spear emitted countless rays of light, forming a huge beam of light that rushed into the sky, the situation changed suddenly, and the power of heaven and earth was continuously injected into it like a tide.

The Pan God Spear, which is in the beam of light, absorbs the huge power of heaven and earth, and some changes have also occurred.

The metal material of platinum has not changed, but in the center of the gun head, there is a crystal condensed, emitting a dazzling divine light, and the gun body also shows a piece of divine writing, which is very complicated and mysterious.

A terrifying coercion emanated, covering all directions, like the Lord of the Gods, and everyone around felt a chill.


A huge roar sounded at one time, and the transformed Pan God Spear emitted countless crystal rays of light. The beam of light hit the sky more strongly, and a more terrifying divine power spread out like a wave of light.

The power of heaven and earth gathered at one time, and the sky became colorful, covering the entire pantheon, exuding a powerful divine might.

Countless people and soldiers of the Pantheon, feeling this power, were very excited and excited, kneeling on the ground piously, and praying to Zhao Fu.

In the village, in the town, in the city, in the temple, in the room, the sound of prayers sounded in various places, giving the entire Pantheon a solemn, sacred and powerful feeling, and people also have a feeling of believing in it.


Countless flowers fell from the sky. These flowers had five petals, red flowers, cyan flowers, green flowers, blue flowers, and purple flowers...

Colorful flowers are falling from the sky, and the picture is very beautiful, which makes people feel a heartbeat.

After these flowers fell from the sky, they merged into the bodies of countless people and soldiers, and a wave of divine power spread within their bodies.

Their physiques and strengths are changing, some illnesses and fatigue are disappearing, their physique attributes have also begun to increase, and their strengths have slowly transformed into more powerful divine powers, and even their bloodlines are changing.

In this vision fluctuation, it is common to change the physique and strength under normal circumstances, but it is extremely rare to change the bloodline, and it can only be done with a very powerful vision fluctuation.

Countless civilian soldiers felt the changes in their bodies, their eyes became more fanatical, and their expressions became more pious. They knelt on the ground and clasped their hands together, praying constantly.

The nearby forces saw that the sky in front of them became colored, exuding huge divine power, and colorful flowers fell down, like a rain of flowers,

Although the picture was beautiful, they felt a strong sense of fear. That kind of flower gave them a huge sense of oppression, and they felt the power, blood, and spirit.

"What terrifying power is this?"

People from countless forces looked at Hua Yu in front of them with horror, and did not dare to take a step closer.

Originally, they were terrified of such a terrorist force in this place. Now this force seems to be even more dangerous. Some forces feel that they can't afford it and can only move away. Some forces plan to surrender to the Pantheon.

This place is no longer resisting the power of the gods, and they only have these two choices now.

The time lasted for an hour, the beam of light dissipated, the countless colored rays of light also disappeared, and the world returned to peace.

However, countless civilians and soldiers were still kneeling on the ground, their hands crossed, and praying to Zhao Fu reverently and fervently. These civilians and soldiers will now resolutely implement Zhao Fu's orders, even if they want to die.

However, Zhao Fu naturally couldn't want them to die. As long as he was his subjects, he would treat them equally.

His eyes finally returned to the Pantheon, Zhao Fu showed a satisfied smile and took his hand back.

Now that the Wanshen Gun has successfully transformed, the power and attributes of the Wanshen Gun will become more powerful in the future, because Zhao Fu has integrated the power of the Supreme Being, and the Wanshen Gun also contains the power of Zhao Fu's original source, and it will definitely become the power of Zhao Fu in the future. A supreme weapon similar to the Haotian Mirror.

"Xiang Gong! You haven't given us that kind of power of the gods." Shen Qianhua looked at Zhao Fu expectantly and said.

This kind of divine power of Zhao Fu is absolutely unimaginable how terrifying it is. It is already the most terrifying supreme divine power in the world, not only Shen Qianhua, but even the owner of the Emperor Star, even Hao Dao will be very moved.

Of course, although they can have Zhao Fu's power of the gods, they are definitely not as powerful as Zhao Fu's power of the gods, but they also have a huge effect on them.

Hearing this, Zhao Fu said with a smile, "I will give you this kind of power now."


A huge roar sounded. Zhao Fu stood on the platform and stretched out a hand to the girls below. A huge power of the gods poured out from Zhao Fu's hand, and Zhao Fu's palm emitted countless crystal-colored rays of light. , shot at the women.

The girls just feel a huge force

When the amount was injected into the body, the mind fell into a blank, and the blood power of the body was rapidly improving its purity.

Mie Liu felt this power pouring into her body, and she was a little scared, because the power had a strong impact on her emperor-level peak bloodline.

If she can continue to obtain this kind of power, and Zhao Fu hides her luck, it is very likely that she will be promoted to the holy bloodline. At that time, she also has the first generation holy blood.

Mie Liu's heart couldn't help but be excited and excited. After she has the first generation of holy blood, her family's blood will also be affected by her, and anyone with pure family blood can get a lot of improvement.

Not only will their strength attributes be improved, but their bloodline will also be easier to upgrade to holy-level bloodline, because she has broken the holy-level bloodline bondage that bound her family, and her family will no longer have this kind of bondage.

This kind of bloodline restraint can be extremely difficult to break through. She is the emperor-level peak bloodline, but she has not broken through after awakening the emperor star.

Under normal circumstances, the force becomes a holy-level force, and it is possible to become a holy-level bloodline with the blessing of endless luck. If it is not a holy-level force, it is almost impossible to break through.

The benefits of staying with Zhao Fu are too great. Now it is estimated that even those who hate Zhao Fu to the death will choose to stay by his side when they learn that there is such an unimaginable benefit in being with Zhao Fu.


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