The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2265 wine cloud

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

Zhao Fu couldn't help but chuckle.

Aoki said angrily, "What is your attitude? Now your Daqin is being besieged by several major forces and needs our help. You'd better please us, otherwise we won't help Daqin."

Zhao Fu smiled and looked at Aoki, "I think you misunderstood something? Now Daqin is not afraid of them, nor of your two kingdoms, and you two will stay in Daqin from now on, don't think about leaving. "

Aoki and Jiu Xiaoyun were shocked. They were not afraid of a few forces, and they were not afraid of their two kingdoms. This is too arrogant! Zhao Fu is not crazy? Looking at his appearance, he is not crazy, so why is he so arrogant.

Jiu Xiaoyun also felt that something was wrong, because Zhao Fu not only arrogantly said that he was not afraid of their power, but also imprisoned them in Daqin, no wonder he was willing to tell Daqin's secrets.

Aoki glared at Zhao Fu angrily and said, "Your words make me very angry, hurry up and apologize to me, or you will be responsible for the consequences."

Jiu Xiaoyun understood that it was impossible for her to escape, and said seriously, "Now that Da Qin has faced several major forces and is under a lot of pressure, there is no need to add two more enemies."

"And these two enemies are stronger than the other major forces. Even if you don't want to be friends with us, there is no need to be enemies."

With a smile on Zhao Fu's face, he walked over to the two of them without saying anything.

Aoki snorted, without the slightest fear, exuding a powerful aura, he hit Zhao Fu, the only way to escape now is to catch Zhao Fu, but everything is easy to deal with, and can even force Da Qin surrendered to him.

I saw Qingmu Li charged towards Zhao Fu with a powerful aura, and punched Zhao Fu with a beam of blue light.

However, Zhao Fu stretched out his hand and easily grabbed her fist, then pulled Aoki Lei into his arms, stretched out his hand and hugged her,

Qing Muyu was shocked. She was also one of the top ten talents in Gudiyu. How could she not fight back against Zhao Fu? This person is so powerful, and she underestimated him too much. Qing Muyu was struggling in Zhao Fu's arms.

But Zhao Fu lowered his head and kissed her on the mouth. The six desires and demonic energy continued to pour into her body. Qingmu Yu's resistance became smaller and smaller, and then he began to respond fiercely to Zhao Fu.

Jiu Xiaoyun was stunned next to her, she never thought that Aoki's arrogant little girl would be so easily tamed by the person in front of her.

After a while, Zhao Fu let go of Aoki,

Aoki Lei was panting in Zhao Fu's arms with a blushing face, his arms around Zhao Fu, and his eyes were full of spring.

Zhao Fu turned his head to look at Jiu Xiaoyun, who had a sexy figure.

Jiu Xiaoyun understands that she is not Zhao Fu's opponent, and she has no distaste for Zhao Fu. She has always felt that Zhao Fu has a charm that attracts her, so she has no objection to being Zhao Fu's concubine.

At this time, she was also more active, with a charming smile, she walked in front of Zhao Fu, and took the initiative to hug Zhao Fu's neck and make out with Zhao Fu.

She also felt why Aoki Rui fell so quickly. This feeling was indeed overwhelming and irresistible. Now she took the initiative to take off her clothes and wanted to be with Zhao Fu.

But Zhao Fu let go of her and said with a smile, "Okay! From now on, the two of you will stay in Daqin as my concubine."

Aoki snorted, "I don't want it!"

Zhao Fu looked at her with a smile, and said in a domineering voice, "You have no choice, now you can only become my concubine."

Aoki glared at Zhao Fu angrily and cursed, "You are a bastard!"

Jiu Xiaoyun chuckled and said jokingly, "Mu Ru! It's not like you made out with him just now."

Hearing this, Aoki blushed and became very embarrassed. She didn't expect that she would be so active just now, she just wanted to do that with Zhao Fu, and although she said she didn't like it, she still enjoyed it in her arms. a feeling of.

Jiu Xiaoyun is more normal, with his arms around Zhao Fu, a pair of beautiful eyes staring at Zhao Fu, he said with a smile, "Emperor! Can you tell me everything now?"

Zhao Fu's face was stunned, and he couldn't help but chuckle and said, "How did you find out who I am?"

Aoki Yu looked puzzled, and did not understand why Jiu Xiaoyun suddenly called Emperor Zhao Fu. Isn't he a king in the borderlands? What surprised her even more was that Zhao Fu did not refute it.

Jiu Xiaoyun said with a happy smile, "I was attracted by your breath during the Gudi event, and now I'm sure after kissing you. You are the mysterious emperor who shook Guti."

Aoki suddenly felt a shock in his heart. The person in front of him was the mysterious emperor who shook several big domains? Before Gutiyu was frantically looking for him, he didn't expect him to be here.

Jiu Xiaoyun also reached out at this time and took off the cloak covering Zhao Fu's appearance, revealing Zhao Fu's peerless face.

Aoki now sees Zhao Fu's appearance with her own eyes, and she has no doubts. Now Zhao Fu's appearance is much better than before, but she still recognizes it.

He was the mysterious emperor from the beginning, the mysterious emperor who was so terrifying that the Ancient Sword Sect feared. She couldn't help but admire such a terrible emperor back then, thinking she was inferior to him.

When she fought against Zhao Fu back then, why didn't she think that Zhao Fu was the mysterious emperor? Zhao Fu is hiding too deep, right? It is estimated that the entire Guti does not know about this.

If they had known that Zhao Fu was a terrible emperor, the major kingdoms of Gudiyu would have come to curry favor, because they all understood how much this mysterious emperor was.


Of course, they may also go mad and fear and try to destroy Zhao Fu by all means. Although Zhao Fu has a very terrifying potential and power, his real identity is only the king of a small borderland, and they have no scruples.

Such characters must not exist, otherwise their fate will be very miserable, so Zhao Fu must be killed.

Qingmu Rui recalled how Zhao Fu fought against the powerhouses in the realm of heaven and earth, and she still vividly remembers it now. She strongly believes that Zhao Fu will make Da Qin a very terrifying force, and no one can stop the rise of Da Qin.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? What have you been hiding for so long? If you told me earlier, I might be your concubine." Aoki said with a happy smile.

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "I didn't think about it at the time, and I was indeed a little afraid of the power of your kingdom, so I didn't dare to do anything to you."

"What about you now? Do you like me?" Aoki asked embarrassedly, blushing.

Zhao Fu replied with a smile, the taste of Qingmuyu just now was really good.

When Aoki Hearing this, Zhao Fu was very happy to hug Zhao Fu.

Jiu Xiaoyun said with a smile, "Since the emperor has become your woman now, you don't have to hide everything from us, right?"


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