The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2268 Ocean

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And after becoming a woman, you have to work with many men to become a man, and the key exercises will never be able to break through. Isn't that a constant change between men and women?

Thinking of becoming a woman and being with countless men, Zhao Fu would definitely not accept it, not even dying.

Zhao Fu's face was a little ugly and he said with certainty, "Dixi, you didn't lie to me, did you?"

Di Xi chuckled, "How do you know you're afraid now? What does it look like when you are lawless and wantonly violated women? I didn't lie to you. Although the Six Desires Immortal Sutra is powerful, it is still an immortal cultivation technique. There are very few cultivators in the empire."

This turned out to be true, so it is really necessary to continuously transform between men and women in the future? And with men?

Zhao Fu's face turned pale, and he was also a little angry, "Dixi, why didn't you tell me about these shortcomings earlier, and you told me now that I've been with you, don't you want to see me turn into a woman?"

The ocean woman next to her couldn't help laughing, "If you turn your face into a woman, you must be the most beautiful person in the world, no one can match, and you will also be pursued by countless men. But be careful!"

Zhao Fu glared at her.

Di Xi also smiled and said, "Actually, I didn't expect you to encounter such a big obstacle. With your aptitude, you should have no problem cultivating any exercises, but if such a problem occurs now, it is very likely that you will be affected by the six desires. Immortal influence."

Zhao Fu was a little puzzled, "What is the influence of the Six Desires Immortal?"

Dixi explained, "Do you still know the Statue of Six Desires? It's when you made a breakthrough in the practice, and the six monsters that appeared were the Statues of Six Desires. They were all created by Immortals of Desires, and their bodies were in Immortals of Desires. The Six Desires Immortal Sutra is related to the Six Desire Immortals."

"Ordinary people may not be able to influence the Six Desires Immortals who create exercises, but maybe your luck is too large, and you may take the opposite path of the Six Desires Immortals, which has a bad influence on the Six Desires Immortals. Your power begins to affect you, so your exercises become harder to break through."

Zhao Fu frowned. Has his existence been noticed by the Six Desires Immortal, and he has had a bad influence on it, so will he be killed by it?

It has been immortal for many years, and its power is simply unimaginable. When encountering such a person, the Holy Nation may not have the power to stop it.

Zhao Fu asked, "What should I do now? Can I abolish the Six Desires Immortal Sutra and rebuild other exercises? I don't want to be an enemy of such an existence, and I don't want to become a woman."

Di Xi said with a chuckle, "Actually, Zhao Fu, you don't need to be so afraid. If you are strong enough, your influence on the Six Desires Immortal can continue to deepen, and you may be able to control it in the end."

"Although it is difficult to break through the exercises, the benefits of breaking through are huge, and the power and ability to control women will also become stronger."

Zhao Fu said with a headache, "The most important thing now is how to break through the current practice, and you and I haven't done any physical exercises. Is it considered breaking the ban?"

Di Xi said with a smile, "You didn't count with the Ocean Lord God before!"

Hearing this, Zhao Fu was about to breathe a sigh of relief.

But Dixi said again, "But forget about it with me. Now if you can't find a way to break through, you will slowly become a woman."

Zhao Fu felt that his head was a little messed up, and now he didn't know what to do, but suddenly he thought of something and showed a smile.

Why is it the same, why does the ocean lord not count, but Dixi counts? And when I was with Dixi just now, there was a hint of a breakthrough in the practice, so I could break through the practice with Dixi.

Zhao Fu looked at Dixi in his arms with a malicious smile.

Di Xi understood that Zhao Fu had come up with a solution, showing a blush, "I can't do it alone, you need to find other people who practice the Six Desires Immortal Sutra, and you need to follow the line of abstinence, or you can cultivate and cultivate the Six Desires Immortal Sutra by yourself. people."

Breaking through the exercises now requires a woman who also cultivates the Six Desires Immortal Sutra. Because Zhao Fu is indulging in sex, he needs to find a woman who is abstinent, and those who practice abstinence will not encounter such a problem.

Dixi also practiced the Six Desires Immortal Sutra, and what she did was abstinence. It was something that Zhao Fu practiced in the Six Desires Immortal Sutra. If she said this, she would definitely be with Zhao Fu. Once she could only indulge her desires, she would become Very slutty.

So Di Xi never said that he could find another way to break through, but today he did not expect that he would have a more in-depth communication with the Ocean Goddess in his consciousness, thus affecting her.

Now that a solution has been found, Zhao Fu said with a smile, "I don't know where someone is cultivating the Six Desires Immortal Sutra. It can only be someone who cultivates and cultivates the Six Desires Immortal Sutra by himself. Dixi, how would you like to cultivate it? By the way, your sister, Di Yue, is Don't you also practice the Six Desires Immortal Sutra?"

Di Xi rolled his eyes at Zhao Fu, "My sister doesn't practice the Six Desires Immortal Sutra, she practiced the Emperor Tian Gong, the inheritance method of our Heaven Slaughtering Empire, and this is the immortal method, do you think you can cultivate it if you want? ?"

Zhao Fu asked with a smile, "Then what should I do?"

Di Xi explained, "First of all, you need a woman with very high qualifications, and she is still a virgin, and the second is to find a carrier suitable for immortal cultivation techniques, which is very rare and difficult to find."

Zhao Fu thought about it for a while, and there is no shortage of very high-qualified women. Mie Liu, Shen Qianhua, Yuechan, Jinhuazu, Hualing are all, and Zhao Fu hasn't touched them yet.

As they are virgins.

The difficulty now is to find the bearer of the immortal practice, because it is the bearer of the immortal practice, it is indeed difficult to find.

This is still put aside for now, and I will talk about it after dealing with the current affairs.

Zhao Fu consciously exited the consciousness space, stretched out a hand and a blue light group emerged from the palm, and then floated into the statue.

The statue emits countless blue rays of light, and its appearance is changing slightly, and finally it becomes exactly the same as the main god of the ocean, and an invisible blue spirit domain spreads out.

Zhao Fu also asked her about the ability of the Ocean Lord God.

As a powerful main god, in addition to the terrible power she possesses, she also has the ability to create a powerful navy.

The realm of gods that is now spreading is the realm of the sea gods. As the main god of the ocean becomes stronger, the scope will become larger, and it can even cover the entire territory. The cultivation speed and strength of the countless aquatic species in it will increase a lot.

And there will be a Poseidon Servant. This kind of Poseidon Servant is composed of marine divine power and water elements, and its power will be very powerful. The most important thing is that it can be produced in large quantities to form an army.


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