The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2272 Immortal (for subscription)

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

A few days passed, and the huge platform was finally built. Alchemy circles were engraved on the ground, and materials of various properties were inserted around the circle.

The alchemy formations were activated one by one, emitting countless rays of light, and forces spread out. I saw that the materials were decomposed little by little, condensed in the formation, and the power of heaven and earth around them poured in, forming cyan Stone, the size of a cherry.

The process went very smoothly, and there were no surprises. There were a thousand of the platform circles, so a thousand sage stones were created.

Zhao Fu took a sage to check first, and after finding that there was no problem, he handed it over to a soldier for refining.

After several hours of refining, the cyan sage stone and the soldier were fused together, and the soldier's strength immediately increased a little, and he mastered the power of alchemy.

Zhao Fu asked the soldiers to show him temporarily.

As soon as the soldier obeyed, he showed the power of alchemy. He stretched out a hand, and a cyan metal aura continued to pour out, condensing and compressing in his hand, and a sharp long knife slowly formed.

Afterwards, countless cyan metal breaths emerged from the soldier's body, and the soldier's body also began to metalize, making his body as hard as steel, and the key movements were still very flexible, without any stiffness.

At this time, the soldier not only has great strength, but also has a strong defense, and is also very flexible and not affected at all.

The alchemy family has this advantage, and they are almost all second-order cultivation, so they successfully suppressed Da Qin.

Now Daqin also has the power of alchemy, and the advantage of the alchemist family does not exist.

The next step is to continue to build the platform, depicting the alchemy array to produce a large number of sage stones, and give them to many soldiers for refining and use, so that they also have the power of Daqin, and the overall strength of Daqin will be greatly improved.

However, it is still necessary to wait for a while. After most of the Daqin soldiers have the power of alchemy, they can start the battle against the alchemy world.

After all the matters were finally settled, Zhao Fu easily returned to the Great Qin Emperor's Palace. After spending some time with Nulu, Wu Qingniang, and the daughters of Yuan Ziyuan, he began to think about his own practice.

Although he has found a way to break through the cultivation technique, the matter is not easy to resolve. Zhao Fu can never accept that he has become a woman and has many men.

Zhao Fu thought about coming to the Tianling Monument, and felt that he had not been here for a long time.

The purpose of coming here at this time is because Zhao Fu couldn't find anyone who practiced the Six Desires Immortal Sutra, so he could only look for the contents of the Six Desires Immortal Sutra first, so that the Six Desires Immortal Sutra could be learned by others.

You can also get the real immortal stones here. Although it is difficult for Zhao Fu to get immortal stones, it is relatively easy for those who are really strong. Zhao Fu can get immortal stones from them. Dryad.

Just as his consciousness entered the Tianling Monument, Zhao Fu was a little surprised. He didn't expect that his account was still a supreme account, and it radiated colorful rays of light.

What's going on here? If you make a mistake to your supreme-level account for a while, you can understand it, but if you don't take it back for so long, it means that there is a big problem.


Zhao Fu thought of something, it seems that to use the Heavenly Spirit Monument, he must use blood to fuse with it. The Heavenly Spirit Merchant Group doesn't know who it is, right?

Although the blood left Zhao Fu's body, as Zhao Fu's blood, it would still change as his body changed. If they have their own blood, they will surely understand who they really are.

This also explains why he suddenly has a supreme account and regards himself as a supreme in their eyes.

Now Zhao Fu is a little hesitant about whether to continue using the Heavenly Spirit Monument. Now they all know their identities. If they are using it, it will be very dangerous. It is very likely that they will find the location of Daqin.

But Zhao Fu thought again. They knew their identity before, and they used it so many times. If the other party could find him, they would have found him long ago.

Therefore, Zhao Fu still decided to use the Heavenly Spirit Stele.

In the quaint room, an old man with gray hair was writing with a brush. There was a light and shadow in front of him, and a colorful light point appeared in it.

The old man sensed something for the first time, his heart was shocked, he looked up at the light spot, and hurried out.

Afterwards, a large group of people rushed here because they learned that the terrifying figure was online.

It was the first time that he went online. It has not been a month since he obtained the Emperor Star of the God Race, but now things are not over because of his disappearance.

Now all parties are frantically looking for his whereabouts. I heard that he has attracted the attention of countless horrors in the Chaos World and the Alchemy World, and it is a must-kill order issued to him, to kill him by any means.

It can be said that in the history of Apocalypse World, he was the first person to make several worlds such a sensation, and the powerhouses from all sides were looking for bombardment.

The Tianling Business Group did not dare to disclose this matter, nor did they dare to have any connection with Zhao Fu. Once the news leaked out, the powerhouses of all parties would kill them in front of the door, and ten Tianling Business Groups would not be enough to destroy them.

Even so, they have always paid attention to his movements and attached great importance to everything with Zhao Fu.

In addition, they really have no way to find Zhao Fu's whereabouts. Although Tianling is made and managed by them, they can't locate every place in the world of Apocalypse, let alone immortals who can't live in such a big world.

Delimited to a person.

Even if he was in the center of the Apocalypse World, with such a huge Qi movement as protection, they still couldn't locate Zhao Fu.

And they have no ill will towards Zhao Fu. They are a business group themselves. They feel that Zhao Fu is harmless to them, and they plan to please Zhao Fu, so there is no need to locate Zhao Fu.

Now that Zhao Fu has caused a stir in several big worlds, they are even more afraid to do this. This matter is too dangerous.

After everyone gathered in the room, their eyes stared at the light curtain, wanting to know what this terrifying existence was doing.

Zhao Fu didn't know that just a small act of his own made a powerful force shake.

After deciding to use the Heavenly Spirit Stele, the first thing Zhao Fu did was to search for the bearer.

Because Zhao Fu is a supreme account, there are no restrictions, and a lot of things pop up after a search.

Zhao Fu looked at it and saw that it was extremely rare as the carrier of the Immortal Cultivation Technique. It was either something that contained a powerful immortal power or something that contained a powerful source of power, and it had to be consistent with the appearance of the cultivation technique.

If the properties of the bearing object do not match the immortal cultivation technique, the object will explode violently, and if something explodes, life may be in danger.


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