The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2280 Daqin (for subscription)

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They have fought with Daqin many times, and understand that the strength of Daqin soldiers is not weak, but it is obvious that their alchemy clan has a greater advantage, both in defense and attack.

If the number of people is the same and the strength is the same, the person who basically wins is the side of the alchemy world, and there will be no surprises.

And they are also prepared to prevent Da Qin from using any means, such as the previous forced teleportation, it is impossible for them to happen all at once.

But they showed confident smiles, but when they saw Zhao Fu's expression, something was amiss, because in the face of many alchemy soldiers attacking the city wall, Zhao Fu didn't look panicked and nervous, but showed a smile.

boom boom boom...

A roar continued to sound, and countless alchemy soldiers looked at the Daqin soldiers on the opposite side with astonishment.

"How is this possible? Why does Daqin also have the power of alchemy? They are people from the world of Apocalypse, and it is impossible for them to have the power of alchemy. What is going on?"

Originally, the alchemy soldiers possessed the power of alchemy and the technique of alchemy, and their own cultivation was higher than that of the Daqin soldiers, plus the advantages of fighting in the alchemy world, so the alchemy soldiers could easily defeat Daqin.

But it is different now. Although the alchemy power displayed by the Daqin soldiers is a little weaker than them, it is not the pure alchemy power of the alchemy world, but it is not much weaker.

The most important thing is the cultivation base. The Daqin soldiers who burst out with the power of alchemy have improved their cultivation base by three stages, and this time they are stronger than them.

Alchemy directly everyone was in shock and did not react.

With a confident smile, Zhao Fu officially launched a full-scale counterattack.

clang clang...

The sound of steel collision sounded, and the powerful momentum erupted, the sound of fighting, and the screams continued. The city walls are in scuffle,

A Daqin soldier rushed towards an alchemy soldier, slashed the alchemy soldier's body with a knife, and directly split the metal-covered body in half. The sword chopped off the head of an alchemy soldier.

A Daqin soldier wielded a big axe, and with one rotation, the three alchemy soldiers flew out. A Daqin soldier held a spear and penetrated the chest of an alchemist soldier.

A Daqin soldier laughed loudly, exuding a powerful cyan metal arrogance, holding two machetes, rushed into the crowd, swung the machete continuously, brought out a few sword lights, and cut the body of the alchemist soldier. .

An alchemy soldier charged with a long spear angrily, and a long spear stabbed a Daqin soldier with force, the sharp spear penetrated the armor and stabbed into the soldier's body.

However, it only penetrated a little, and did not penetrate deeply, because not only the armor of Daqin soldiers, which contains materials from the chaotic world, has the ability to restrain the power of alchemy, but also the soldiers of Daqin use the power of metal to metalize their chests to resist this. one strike.

This alchemy soldier looked at the scene in front of him with a stunned expression. Before he could react, the Daqin soldier who was attacked by him pierced his body with a shot.

Although the alchemy soldiers also have armor, the weapons of the Daqin soldiers can also add materials from the chaotic world, and they have the power of alchemy, so they can easily pierce the armor of the alchemy soldiers.

ah ah ah...

The screams continued to sound, the blood continued to splash, and one person fell down and turned into a corpse.

The alchemy soldiers looked at the Daqin soldiers who were massacred with fear, because most of the people who died were from the alchemy world, and there were few casualties on the Daqin side.

The alchemy soldiers who had been fiercely killing the city wall were killed by Da Qin and retreated. The alchemy soldiers in the rear did not dare to rush forward when they saw the scene in front.

The leader of the alchemy world looked ugly. Although Da Qin didn't use any means this time, they actually had the power of alchemy. Each of them was stronger than their side, and the key point was that they were more numerous than them.

It's a ghost! To rush up is to die. Without the order of the Fire Ghosts, the leaders of the various forces directly ordered the retreat. They didn't want their own people to die here, and they were still slaughtered. Death is meaningless.

I don't know what happened. Daqin's overall strength is much stronger than them now. This is not because of any means, or the real strength is stronger than them. In other words, they can't beat Daqin.

In the past, although Daqin resisted them several times, it was just what method Daqin used to block their attack. They could find a corresponding solution. As long as their overall strength was stronger than Daqin, they could break Daqin.

But now Daqin's overall strength is stronger than them. Not only is it impossible for them to defeat Daqin, but they are also on the weaker side.

The situation has reversed. From now on, it is not how they want to attack Daqin, but how to resist Daqin's attack.

Huo Gui was very angry in his heart. He said before that he wanted to destroy Da Qin, making Zhao Fu's death unsightly, but now the alchemy army not only failed to break Da Qin, but was abruptly returned by Da Qin.

This made him very shameless, and he wanted to tear Zhao Fu into eight pieces, and then throw it out to feed the dog, but now he can't solve the current situation.

In the end, the fire ghost could only endure the anger and order to retreat,

Bing's face was cold, and he stared at Zhao Fu. He didn't speak, but both

His eyes were cold and murderous, and it was obvious that he also wanted to kill Zhao Fu for revenge.

But this time they failed again, and Binghan was very unwilling in his heart, but he also understood that there was no need to continue fighting. Even if he wanted to continue fighting, the others would not agree and could only order to retreat.

Ren Nuo also had a look of resentment on his face. No one dared to speak to him like that. He was still alive and had nothing at all. What's more important is that he is still defeated by this person.

Now Ren Nuo also really wants to kill all the people in Daqin, all the women are toyed with as slaves, and there are a hundred ways to torture Zhao Fu, making his death extremely painful, otherwise his anger will not be able to disappear.

However, now he has no way to turn the tide of the battle. He can only increase his strength after returning, and then come to attack Daqin, or gather more people to attack Daqin.

Although Da Qin's overall strength is stronger than them, as long as there are enough people, they can make up for this shortcoming. It is not that they have no chance, they may still defeat this hateful Da Qin, and then they will torture Zhao Fu.

Thinking of this, Ren Nuo also ordered to retreat.

Zhao Fu looked at the fully retreating alchemy soldiers with a sneer on his face. Zhao Fu didn't want to let them go.


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