The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2302 Bone (Subscribe)

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

Zhao Fu sneered, "What if I say no?"

The captain of the guard said coldly, "There should be known the consequences, I don't think you need to offend the alliance for this matter, and you dare to go against the alliance, are you not afraid of being removed from the alliance?"

Qing Hai also reminded in a low voice, "Your Majesty! Let's go! Don't offend the alliance for this matter, the alliance's power is too powerful, offending this alliance may also offend alliances in other regions, which will be very unfavorable to you. ."

When the handsome young man heard what Qing Hai said, his heart became more confident and he was no longer afraid, "Now I will give you a chance, kneel in front of me and admit a mistake, and I will let you go this time."

Zhao Fu looked at the handsome young man with a sneer, then disappeared in place in the next second, appeared in front of the young man, stretched out a hand and grabbed the young man's throat and lifted him up.

The handsome young man was terrified and felt a suffocation. He tried to break open Zhao Fu's palm with both hands, but Zhao Fu's palm was made of iron, and he couldn't break it at all.

The captain of the guard was shocked. He didn't expect that Zhao Fu would dare to kill someone in front of him, so he hurriedly said, "Hurry up and stop him! I have to inform the senior management that this person dares to do something. He may have some strength."

The handsome young man felt like he was about to die, and said in fright, "Don't kill me! I'm willing to kneel down and admit my mistake."

Zhao Fu looked at the handsome young man with a pair of eyes, a huge demonic power poured out and poured into the handsome young man's body, then he grabbed the handsome young man's hand and let go, and Jun Mei collapsed to the ground, panting loudly, breathing fresh. air.

The expressions of the guards who were rushing towards Zhao Fu were also stunned, but they didn't expect Zhao Fu to suddenly let go.

This time Zhao Fu let go of the handsome young man, because he felt that the handsome young man had a little effect, and now he has injected the energy of the devil into his body, maybe it will play a role in the future.

"What did you just say you were going to do?" Zhao Fu looked at the handsome young man on the ground with a pair of eyes and said jokingly.

The handsome young man's face was a little ugly. He didn't know what kind of power Zhao Fu injected into his body. He wanted to eliminate this kind of power, but he couldn't eliminate it at all, because his power was too weak.

Now that I heard Zhao Fu's words again, after thinking about it, the handsome young man resisted his anger and knelt on the ground, "I was wrong, please forgive me once."

The people around looked at the handsome young man who really knelt down and admitted his mistake, with disdain and ridicule on his face. This young master brought huge shame to the reputation of Guyacheng.

Facing these gazes, the handsome young man also felt a sense of humiliation. He thought about how to retaliate against Zhao Fu after returning to the power. He must suffer the same humiliation. No, it should make Zhao Fu feel a hundred times the humiliation.

Qing Hai was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that a person who is usually unscrupulous and lawless would have such a day, and there was nothing but a bad anger in his heart.

Zhao Fu is really strong. The Alliance and Bone Cliff City are not afraid. Daqin may be far stronger than he thinks. After all, they are people from the world of Apocalypse, but there are 2 billion troops stationed in the chaos world. .

He didn't think Zhao Fu was a fool. Since Zhao Fu dared to do this, he would have the strength to resist the Alliance and Bone Cliff, so he became confident and straightened his back, not wanting to be afraid of this and that before.

Zhao Fu looked at the handsome young man kneeling in front of him with satisfaction and smiled, "What's your name?"

The handsome young man endured his anger and said, "Boneless!"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Then get up! I'm going to stroll around here now, now you lead the way."

Gu Lang felt like he was going to be pissed off, let him suffer such a big humiliation, and let him lead the way, who does he think he is?

"Don't go too far!" Gu Lang said angrily.

Zhao Fu said with disdain, "What if I'm too much? Do you want to die? If you want, I can fulfill you."

When Gu Lang heard this, he could only hold back his anger. He hated Zhao Fu to the death in his heart, and wished he could slash Zhao Fu with a thousand knives.

Then Gu Lang led the way in front, Zhao Fu and Qing Hai walked in the back and continued to stroll around the streets, looking at many strange things.


It didn't take long for a huge roar to sound, and a middle-aged man with a beard appeared in the sky, exuding an incomparable aura that made countless people fear.

Those who dare to appear in the sky so blatantly and exude a powerful aura are only those from the Alliance.

This middle-aged man with a beard is naturally his uncle's bone front teeth. His strength is extremely terrifying. He already has the power to surpass the power of the world, and he is also one of the strongest people in the center of the alliance. He is very famous.

Just as it should be, the alliance is concerned about the strength of the bone front teeth, so it will turn a blind eye to the bone,

Gu Qianya stood in the sky with a look of anger. He heard Gu Lang actually kneeling in front of others to admit his mistake. This made him half-dead with anger, and it was too embarrassing, so he found Zhao Fu directly.

Gu Lang looked at the bone front teeth that appeared in the sky, and exclaimed in great surprise, "Uncle, you must take this breath for me and teach this arrogant guy a good lesson. I want him to suffer ten times the humiliation. "

Gu Qianya said to Gu Lang in a cold voice, "I'll take care of you later."

Then he looked at Zhao Fu, "If you dare to do this to the people of my bone family, then accept my punishment!"


After the bone front teeth finished speaking, with a huge momentum, he came down from the sky, like a falling meteorite, extremely terrifying and frightening.


The people around were so frightened that they quickly stepped back, and withdrew from a large open space. Zhao Fu, who was standing in the center, did not appear to be afraid.

The bone front teeth swooped down, came to Zhao Fu, and slapped Zhao Fu with a terrifying force, as if it could slap the earth away.

At this critical second, Zhao Fu clenched his fist, and a force gathered in his fist, causing the fist to emit a strong black light, and he threw out a fist, and a terrifying punch came out.


Bone Front Teeth was hit in the chest with a punch, and his body almost flew out, swiping past, hitting a building, and spitting out a large mouthful of blood, like a puddle of mud.

Now I am in general silence. This power is too terrifying. That is a powerhouse that surpasses the realm of heaven and earth. He is very powerful in the outer realm. .

Hai Qing was shocked. He underestimated Zhao Fu's efforts once, and defeated a top powerhouse beyond the realm of heaven and earth with such a simple punch.

Gu Lang's face was also pale. Who the hell did he offend? His proud uncle couldn't stop him with a single punch. This time, it was really a big disaster, and why was he so mean-spirited just now that he called out. In that case, it would be miserable now.


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