The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2205 Three Realms (for subscription)

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This kind of name change can't be explained clearly, but they can sense the apocalypse world below, and it doesn't feel like that distant feeling, so they want to be separated by a layer of wood, they are above, and the people of the apocalypse world are below.

People in the underworld also have this feeling, the people of the apocalypse world are above and they are below.

The three worlds seem to be beginning to merge, and people in all directions sense the existence of other worlds, and the power of the Apocalypse World has poured into the God Realm and the Underworld, and the God Realm and the Underworld have also poured into the Apocalypse World. middle.

The laws of the world are constantly blending with each other, forming new laws and powers.

In the most central void of the Apocalypse World, a pair of eyes as large as two worlds slowly opened, their eyes were deep and terrifying, and they looked forward, and nothing in the world could stop their eyes.

The gaze just swept across, and countless great masters showed extremely fearful expressions. At that moment, they felt like they fell into the endless abyss, and their souls and bodies couldn't help trembling.

Although they were so frightened, they didn't dare to make a sound, and under these eyes, they felt like ants.

The owner of this pair of eyes, they can't even imagine.

A pair of eyes passed through countless worlds and landed on the edge of the world, only to see a huge beam of light connecting the upper, middle and lower worlds in the middle.

The upper God Realm emits a golden energy hood that slowly sinks, the lower Nether Realm emits a gray energy hood that slowly rises, and the Apocalypse World in the middle emits a white light that draws the two energy hoods together.

A little bit of time passed, and the upper and lower energy shields fused together with the power of the two worlds, forming a huge circle.


At that moment, a huge and incomparable power spread out, and a loud bang erupted. People in the entire Apocalypse World heard this huge roar, and their hairs stood up.

Next, the sun and the moon were dark, the wind and clouds were surging, the sky was dark and the ground was shaking, and all living beings felt a sense of unease, and they did not know what happened.

The Huoyan Kingdom, the Demon Horn Empire, and the Second Fengshen Empire in the vicinity of Daqin can best experience the horror of this power.

It only felt that a force that destroyed the world poured out from Daqin, and the thunder spread out in an instant, covering countless of them.

In the face of this force, they had no ability to resist, their bodies were powerless and collapsed to the ground, and there was a sense of despair in their hearts.

What terrifying thing is this Da Qin doing? It actually made such a terrifying fluctuation, which scared countless people to death.

Everyone guessed that Da Qin had been hiding in the protective cover for so long, and the purpose must be for this, and now exuding such terrifying fluctuations, it shows that the thing is extremely terrifying.

"what should I do now?"

Under this force, everyone was a little frightened and at a loss, because this thing was really terrible, enough to obliterate countless of them, they were unable to resist at all, and could only fall into despair.

Countless greats sensed the shocking expressions in this wave of fluctuations, and understood what was used to create the world and the earth.

They thought it was right. Daqin merged the three worlds into one world. The key point is that this world does not belong to the world of Apocalypse, and the world consciousness of the laws of heaven and earth is controlled by Daqin.

It is estimated that this will scare the power, because with their abilities, they can't merge the three worlds together to form a brand new world.

Not to mention them, even immortals have a hard time doing such a thing.

They felt the power of that gaze before, and felt this wave of fluctuations, and there were huge waves in their hearts, which could not be calmed down at all. They were even more shocked than ordinary powers, because this matter had already attracted the attention of the highest existence in the world.

Heaven and earth exist supremely, and countless people dare not think about it, for fear of accidentally angering it, because he dominates everything in the world, and anyone in front of him is an ant, even if it is an immortal who can change the world.

Under normal circumstances, the supreme existence of heaven and earth will fall into a deep sleep or meditate, and there will be very few fluctuations, unless something shocking happens.

This ordinary earth-shattering event may not cause its beam of light. It is the kind of extremely important thing that can affect it, and it emits a trace of fluctuations. The number of times is extremely rare, and some people never feel it in their entire lives.

It has always existed since ancient times, and no one really has the ability to compare with him, just like a grain of sand in the long river of time.

It is difficult for Zhao Fu to do things without attracting its attention, because whether the human world, the god world or the underworld is a world that belongs to it.

Worlds make up its body.

Now Zhao Fu is doing this by cutting open its body openly. Although it is a very small part, he must be able to sense this matter.

At this moment, with its unspeakable and terrifying power, with just one thought, this new world will turn into nothingness, countless creatures will all die, and no one or any creature has the power to resist.

Even Zhao Fu is the same, he will instantly turn into nothingness and disappear into the heaven and earth, without any resistance.

Because there is really no existence in this world that can resist it, it is the only existence in this world.

Now that huge mask covers the three worlds, the top is golden, the bottom is gray, and the middle is white, which looks a bit strange.

However, this world is several times stronger than the general world, both in terms of source power and various laws.

This world is a world formed by the fusion of three worlds. In general, the world is just one world. How can it be compared with a world where three worlds are fused together?

And besides the human world is a new world, the god world and the underworld are both ancient worlds, containing this ancient law and source power, and the two of them alone can crush the new world.

At the moment when the three worlds merged, the source power of the three worlds also merged into Zhao Fu's body like a tide, causing Zhao Fu's body to change all at once.

Zhao Fu's body began to blur, emitting various rays of light, and among the various rays of light, there were phantoms of various things, trees, flowers, mountains, rivers, humans, cows, and goats. , there are wild boars...

This is to let Zhao Fu really have the power of the world, the power to control the world, and can control the sunset, the moon, the stars, the mountains and rivers, the spring, summer, autumn and winter, and the growth of all things, as if it really dominates everything.


This is not over yet, another power burst out in Zhao Fu's body, and this power is the power of the six reincarnations.


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