The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2308 Building the Way of Reincarnation (Subscription)

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Generally, at the time of creation, there will be various benefits and luck, and the number and intensity are far greater than those of the Three Realms today.

The main reason is that the Three Realms are not really the creation of the world, but the three worlds are merged together, so there are still relatively few opportunities, and the intensity is not large, but very few things have opportunities.

But the current Three Realms is not the final form, he still has great growth potential, and can become as powerful as the world of Apocalypse in the future.

Zhao Fu also intends to transform the Three Realms once, which is equivalent to the real creation of the world, and everything will undergo a qualitative change. When there are more talents who have obtained the opportunity, the power of the Three Realms will be stronger.

If you look away from the Three Realms and go outside the Three Realms, you will see that the Three Realms are surrounded by a circular mask, which in itself is a nurturing and defensive state.

It is like a hatching egg, after a period of incubation, it will give birth to a fresh life.

If the Three Realms successfully transform, not only will the Three Realms change, but the countless beings living in the Three Realms will also undergo great changes, because they transform with the world.

Their own blood and luck will undergo qualitative changes, and they will be bound to the Three Realms, and they will become the first race in the world.

This is very similar to the Yuanyuan family of the Apocalypse World. Perhaps the former Yuanyuan family was some people who were at the time of the creation of the Apocalypse World. They were influenced by the power of creation and obtained the original bloodline.

However, the number of the Yuanyuan family must be extremely rare. Now Zhao Fu already has the Yuanyuan bloodline. Knowing how difficult it is to obtain it, this is already the top bloodline in the world.

Hao Dao comes from Immortal Realm, even if his identity is terrifying, he is only the origin blood.

Zhao Fu didn't know if there was a bloodline that broke through the original bloodline in the fairyland, but the original bloodline was definitely the top bloodline in the fairyland, and there was no need for any doubts.

Now that Zhao Fu really has a world of his own, a world that can control everything, Zhao Fu is also curious about how the Apocalypse World appeared and why it is so powerful.

If you know these things, it will be of great benefit to the Three Realms in the future. It will help Zhao Fu to make the Three Realms bigger and stronger, and also avoid some detours.

But this is almost impossible. Almost no one knows this question, and it is even more impossible for Zhao Fu to ask the consciousness of the world of Apocalypse stupidly.

Zhao Fu is very clear about the reasons. First, he has only been an ant in front of the world consciousness, and even if he asks, there is no reply. Second, even if he realizes his existence, what he has to do is to kill himself, not to answer questions. .

If you want to breed a world, this one thing will be very difficult without thinking, and I don’t know how much time, energy and manpower it will take to do it.

So Zhao Fu still has a long way to go.

At this time, preparations can be made. Zhao Fu controls the three realms, and with the power of the three realms, Zhao Fu has the ability that may surpass the power.

This kind of ability is interface sensing. Zhao Fu can not only sense the alchemy world and the chaos world next to him, but also sense the immortal world that is pressing above, and the interface below.

Zhao Fu was a little surprised by this. Zhao Fu had heard about the immortal world a long time ago. It was an interface that was even more advanced than the current interface. The interface at the top was where countless immortals were located.

But Zhao Fu didn't know that there was also an interface below, but this interface was different from the fairy world.

Immortal world gives the impression that it is very powerful, contains all kinds of power, and is full of life, like a boulder pressing on the top of the head.

The interface below is dead silence, there is nothing, and there is no fluctuation, it feels like standing on the abyss, if you are not careful, you will fall and shatter your bones.

What interface is this? Or not what is the interface? Zhao Fu is not clear about this matter.

Zhao Fu now has a plan in his mind, that is, the upper god realm absorbs the power of the immortal realm, and the lower nether realm absorbs the power of the lower interface, so as to nurture the three realms.

Whether it is the upper interface or the lower interface, their strength is endless, and they are not weak, stronger than ordinary strength. If they can absorb the strength of both, the three realms will not only transform quickly, but also have strong strength.

If he had to rely on himself to develop slowly, he didn't know how many years it would take, and Zhao Fu didn't know if he could live to that day.

The plan is in place. Now the most important thing is how to absorb the power of the upper and lower realms. Zhao Fu has no way.

This matter is also a difficult thing to separate, not only to absorb the power of the upper and lower realms, but also to absorb a large amount of it, otherwise it will not be able to meet the needs of the transformation of the three realms.

Don't worry about this now. After collecting this information, make a detailed plan.

In addition to this one thing, there is another very important thing.

Before Zhao Fu broke out the power of the six paths of reincarnation, it was absorbed by the three books, and the breath of countless people in Daqin also poured into the three books, which made another important role of the three books appear.

That effect is to obliterate the effect of reincarnation.

Now the names recorded in the three books are like a book of life and death. If you only need to erase a certain name, that person will die. Ordinary people can't resist this kind of erasing power.

Unless some people are very powerful and have great luck, they can escape this kind of obliteration, but there will be no small damage.

This is the effect of obliteration, and there is the more important effect of reincarnation.

As long as it is a person whose name is recorded in the Three Books, the soul will not dissipate after death, nor will it enter

The reincarnation of heaven and earth, but into the reincarnation controlled by Da Qin.

It is that Daqin now has the ability to control the reincarnation of countless living beings after death. When Daqin soldiers die, they will continue to be reincarnated in Daqin under the control of Daqin Samsara, and will not be reincarnated in other places.

And the most important thing is that Da Qin comes to control reincarnation, there will be many benefits, such as allowing Da Qin soldiers to reincarnate with memory and power.

In this way, many Daqin soldiers are born with strength and memory, and have great innate advantages.

After countless soldiers die, there is no need to grieve for their deaths, because they will be reincarnated in Daqin, which is not considered a real death, and they will meet after a while.

However, everything was not as good as expected.

At present, the power of reincarnation in the Three Realms is still relatively weak. If there is a world stronger than the Three Realms and a strong person intervenes, Daqin's reincarnation may also fail.

The most important thing is to use this kind of reincarnation ability, and you also need to build a reincarnation by yourself, so that the Daqin soldiers can reincarnate.

The three books have the function of recording the names of living beings and gathering souls, but they cannot directly reincarnate souls, so Zhao Fu still needs to build a reincarnation, a kind of thing that is the same as the six reincarnations in the underworld.


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