The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2395 Immortal Fire (four more subscriptions)

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!


A huge roar sounded, and a colorful, ten-meter-wide beam of light in the sky, with the power to penetrate the world, fell straight down towards Xian Huofeng.

Xian Huofeng was startled, and his body flew to the side, avoiding this terrifying beam of light.

That beam of light really penetrated the void in an instant, without a trace of obstruction, and the bottom seemed to be integrated into the void.

Xian Huofeng has not had time to rejoice.

boom boom boom...

A huge roar sounded, and the colored beams of light that looked like real substance, with the power to destroy everything, continued to fall from the sky, and the speed was very fast.

Xian Huofeng began to use the flexibility of her body to avoid a few beams of light, but as the beams of light increased and her body was huge, there was no way to dodge at all, and she could only emit a force to form a red Energy hood.

bang bang bang...

The speed of the beam of light was still very fast, and it kept crashing down from the sky, hitting the red energy shield.

More than a dozen beams of light penetrated Xian Huofeng's body, blood splashed, and Xian Huofeng let out a painful cry.

Those ten-meter-wide beams of light were relatively slender compared to the Xianhuofeng's ten-thousand-meter-long body. From a distance, the Xianhuofeng seemed to be penetrated by more than a dozen colored sticks and settled in place.


A huge, sky-shattering bang sounded at one time. Under the severe pain, Xian Huofeng also looked a little crazy. An extremely hot flame emerged from her body, and the beam of light that penetrated her body was easily burned by the flame.

The flames from all directions enveloped her body like a tide, and a huge fireball formed.

This fireball keeps spinning, and countless flames continue to gather there. The fireball keeps spinning, getting bigger and bigger. The temperature it emits is also extremely terrifying, and the void is constantly melting and collapsing.

The fireball didn't have any intention to stop, it kept spinning and growing, and finally turned into a fireball with a size of hundreds of thousands of meters, with a huge sense of oppression, emitting a terrible aura that burned the world.

Huofeng is doing her best to use her strongest move to burn the Eight Wastes.

Zhao Fu looked at the huge fireball in front of him, his expression was still cold, and there was no change. One by one powerful phantoms began to emerge in the sky, densely distributed around, there were tens of thousands of them.

There are males and females, old and young, beasts, and birds, and each of them exudes powerful divine power, representing each deity.

The terrifying power fluctuations of the coming of the gods also imprisoned this piece of void, everything is in a static state, and the picture is also very terrifying.


A sound as if the world exploded, the huge fireball exploded directly, and countless flames with the power to burn the world would spread in an instant. At that moment, space, time, and immortal power all turned into nothingness, and nothing existed. .

Facing the flames that destroyed everything, Zhao Fu's expression did not change, nor did he move.

The phantoms of the gods erupted with powerful divine powers, stretched out a hand, and divine power poured out of their hands.

Countless divine powers were highly condensed in front of them and began to crystallize. One by one, hexagonal crystals formed a huge semi-circular crystal cover, exuding a vast power of the gods.


The flame that burned the heavens and the earth hit the defensive cover at that moment, and the defensive cover exuded a powerful force of the gods to resist and that force, a crisp sound came out, the huge crystal energy was good, and there were countless crack.

In the end, the crystal cover still blocked the terrifying flame, and now countless flames are burning around, and everything is in the void.

Ling Ji looked at everything in shock from a distance. The power possessed by Zhao Fu and Xian Huofeng was too frightening, not a power that could be possessed by the mortal world.

This terrifying fluctuation made several saints on the other side also feel it, showing a shocked expression.

"How can there be such a terrifying fluctuation in that direction? With this terrible fluctuation, it feels like it can kill a holy child."

A figure appeared in the minds of several people. Now only that person is in that direction, and I don't know what that person is fighting, and such a terrible fluctuation erupted.

In their hearts, they wanted to see how fierce this battle would be, and how terrifying that person's power was.

Now that they are on the other side, it will be more difficult for you to get there.

After Xian Huofeng used this move, he almost exhausted all of his strength, and his body became very weak, but looking at Zhao Fu who was not injured at all, he felt really scared, and he didn't dare to flap his wings without any hesitation. Fly forward.

clang clang...

The sound of a chain sounded, and a huge chain shot out from Zhao Fu's side, shooting at Xian Huofeng very fast, with a rapid momentum.

The immortal fire phoenix had almost no strength, and faced the countless iron chains that shot past, and had no ability to resist, and was directly tied in the air.

Zhao Fu's body continued to float forward and came to the front of Xianhuofeng. He looked at Xianhuofeng coldly and stretched out a hand. Countless divine powers emerged from his hand, and a dangerous aura emanated.

"Don't kill me!" Xian Huofeng begged for mercy.


Zhao Fu retracted his hand when he heard the words. If Xianhuofeng didn't ask for mercy, Zhao Fu would indeed kill her. In this state, Zhao Fu not only was stripped of all kinds of emotions, but also had a kind of contempt for everything in the world.

Although Zhao Fu didn't have the idea of ​​destroying the world, but everything he dared to anger, block, and make him dislike, there is an idea of ​​destroying them.

"Are you surrendering to me?" Zhao Fu asked coldly.

Xian Huofeng had no choice and said in fear, "As long as you don't kill me, then I am willing to surrender to you."


A sound of breaking the air sounded, and the ancient mirror between Zhao Fu's eyebrows shot a beam of light into the body of Xianhuofeng, and a powerful divine spirit restraint spread in Xianhuofeng's body.

Immortal Huofeng did not dare to have any resistance, allowing the prohibition to spread in the body.

Zhao Fu didn't use the Six Desires Demonic Qi at this time either. Xianhuofeng should be able to transform into a human form. If he controlled her with the Six Desires Demonic Qi, it would be even higher, allowing her to submit to Zhao Fu both physically and mentally.

But as I said just now, Zhao Fu's various emotions were stripped away, and there were also emotions in the aspect of love.

Now even if a stunning beauty is standing in front of him without clothes on, Zhao Fu will not be moved. He has no interest in women, and of course he has no interest in men either.

After subduing the immortal fire phoenix, Zhao Fu closed his eyes and sensed his surroundings.


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