The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2397 Fire Heart

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

The flame giant reached out and grabbed it, and the flames continued to condense, forming a long spear composed of flames.


The flame giant held the spear and stabbed Zhao Fu hard. The spear was so fast that it seemed to penetrate the void. It also carries a heat that distorts the void.


Zhao Fu's expression did not change at all. A sword was slashed with force, and a huge colored sword light and a long spear collided together. A terrifying wave spread, and the flame giant's body took another step back.

The flame giant's face was a little stunned. He had all his strength, how could he not be Zhao Fu's opponent?


A huge phoenix roar sounded, and the fairy fire phoenix did not know when it came to the back of the flame giant and reappeared into the body. A pair of huge phoenix claws grabbed the flame giant with amazing power.

The flame giant couldn't dodge at all, and his body was directly caught by the immortal fire phoenix, and several huge wounds appeared.


The flame giant let out a huge roar angrily, turned around with the spear in his hand, and stabbed towards the fairy fire phoenix with enormous power.

Xian Huofeng's body quickly retreated, dodging the terrifying shot.


Another roar suddenly sounded, and the flame giant was directly slashed and flew out, and Zhao Fu shot.

The flame giant got up, looked at Zhao Fu and Xian Huofeng with an ugly face, then turned and fled back.

He couldn't beat either Zhao Fu or Xian Huofeng, let alone two, so the flame giant also planned to escape.

Looking at the fleeing flame giant, Zhao Fu stood there and did not move, a powerful divine power poured into the ancient mirror between his eyebrows.


A huge roar sounded, and the ancient mirror shot a huge beam of light towards the flame giant with the power to destroy everything. The speed was extremely fast, but only for a moment.

The flame giant was startled, and his body ducked to the side, but he still didn't dodge. The shoulder was penetrated by the beam of light, a big hole appeared, and the flame giant screamed in pain.

Xian Huofeng seized the opportunity at this time. Countless flames emerged from the body, gathered in front of him, formed a huge fireball, and shot at the flame giant.


A huge explosion sounded, and the fireball exploded with an astonishing explosive force, blowing the flame giant directly out, and the injury did not look light.


The flame giant let out a roar in anger, and waved his spear like a madman. A terrifying force brought a gust of wind to hit Zhao Fu and Xian Huofeng, and the momentum was terrifying.

Both Zhao Fu and Xian Huofeng had an energy shield floating out of their bodies, blocking the constant incoming force.

bang bang bang...

That force was very terrifying, and it kept hitting the protective cover, making a loud noise, and some cracks appeared in the protective cover.

However, this swift attack did not last long, and the flame giant consumed a lot of power and stopped.

Next is when Zhao Fu fights back.

clang clang...

The sound of sword cries continued to sound, and Zhao Fu slashed out a sword light at the flame giant. The sword light carried terrifying power, and wounds appeared on the flame giant, and the flame giant kept screaming.


Zhao Fu injected a huge amount of divine power into the sword, and with a strong swing, a huge sword light with the power to destroy the sky and the earth, as well as the momentum of thunder, slashed forward.

The flame giant was afraid to block the spear in front of him, exuding a huge flame force, trying to resist this terrible sword light.


A loud voice sounded, the flame giant was slashed far away by a sword, fell into the void, had no strength to get up, and the flame on his body was much dim, not as strong as before.

Zhao Fu didn't have any softness, came to the flame giant's side, and cut off the flame giant's head with a sword.

The huge body of the flame giant quickly collapsed, turning into countless flames and dissipating, and finally a heart made of flames appeared, and it was beating favorably, making a bang bang bang sound.

This should be the heart of the flame giant, with all the power of the flame giant.

The heart is more than ten meters in size. Zhao Fu stretched out his hand and grabbed it. A huge divine force grabbed the heart in front of him. Then Zhao Fu sat cross-legged in the void, preparing to absorb the heart of flames at this moment.

Xian Huofeng honestly changed into a human form again, and waited aside with Ling Ji.

I saw the flame heart of more than ten meters floating in front of Zhao Fu, Zhao Fu's body generated a suction, and the power of the flame heart turned into several strands like ribbons, extending into Zhao Fu's body.

After that huge flame force entered Zhao Fu's body, it poured into Zhao Fu's heart, and Zhao Fu's heart was wrapped in flames.

Zhao Fu felt a sharp pain in his heart, as if he was roasting his heart on a flame, but Zhao Fu's expression still did not change. In this state of omniscience, the pain was greatly weakened.

The power of flame continued to pour into Zhao Fu's heart, and gradually Zhao Fu's heart also possessed the power of flame.

The heart of flame outside was continuously injected into Zhao Fu's body with its power, and its size became smaller and smaller.

In the end, it disappeared, and all the power poured into Zhao Fu's heart, causing Zhao Fu's heart to ignite a fire, and it has a strong spirituality.

heart beating

, the power of flames spread to the peak, and Zhao Fu's body also ignited many small flames, emitting a powerful heat.

Zhao Fu successfully possessed the Heart of Fire Spirit.

Now Zhao Fu has Yin Yang Soul Fire, Wood Spirit Body, Golden Spirit Bone, Water Spirit Blood, Fire Spirit Heart, and finally there is one Earth attribute left.

Although he was very happy in his heart, Zhao Fu's expression remained the same, without any emotional fluctuations.

This state of the gods is very powerful, Zhao Fu has the strongest state, and the power of the gods is also the strongest power of the gods, but it also makes Zhao Fu lose a lot of fun, neither happiness nor pain, becoming very uninteresting.

Zhao Fu took back the power of the heart of the fire spirit, the small flames on his body, and the heat disappeared, but he still looked cold, and said, "Let's go!"

Afterwards, Zhao Fu followed Xian Huofeng to other places, but the result was that Zhao Fu died, and there was no place suitable for building a teleportation formation.

It seems that the ability to stabilize the void and repair the law is the unique ability of the parasol tree. Unfortunately, this ability takes a long time. Even if Zhao Fu focuses on a certain place again, he will not be able to make that place in a short time. Void stable.

Zhao Fu has already checked all the places similar to the location of Immortal Fire Phoenix. If he wants to continue looking for a place to build a magic circle, he can only go to the core area of ​​​​the forbidden area.

Zhao Fu stood there and thought for a while before making a decision to go to the core area of ​​the forbidden area.

As everyone in Zhao Fu kept approaching the core area, the temperature was getting higher and higher, the laws of the void were all melted, and the Emperor Heaven Realm seemed to be vaporized.


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