The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2412 Tree Spirit (for subscription)

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

Zhao Fu glanced at the text of the contract and nodded.

Numerous contract words flew into the Dryad's body, and the Dryad's body exuded a gray light, with chains twisting faintly.

Because the contract made by Shuling is a death contract, if he dares to do something to Zhao Fu, the contract will take effect immediately, and he will kill himself.

The tree spirit looked at Zhao Fu, and now he has paid such a big price, it depends on how Zhao Fu behaves.

Zhao Fu also understood that he took out a dagger, cut his wrist, and blood flowed out. It contained many runes, and a fragrance like a holy-level elixir wafted out, as if it was not something that the world could have.

The tree spirit originally expected to look at Zhao Fu, but as the blood continued to flow out, the expression of expectation of the tree spirit slowly changed to horror.

"Original bloodline? Or the original origin bloodline? No! This is much more terrifying than the normal origin bloodline."

The tree spirit did not expect that Zhao Fu would actually come up with such a terrible thing. The identity of the person in front of him is far more terrible than he imagined. He was really lucky, and he encountered a big opportunity today.

He is only a little short of breaking through now. The original bloodline of the first generation is so terrifying, it will definitely help him break through. Thinking of this, the tree spirit is excited.

Fresh blood continued to flow out, forming a blood mass under Zhao Fu's control.

Zhao Fu grabbed the blood mass, stretched out his hand and threw it, and the blood mass flew towards the tree spirit slowly.

The tree spirit nervously exuded strength, caught the blood group, and said gratefully and respectfully, "Thank you, my lord!"

Now the situation has reversed. It is no longer that Zhao Fu is respectful to the tree spirit, but the tree spirit is respectful to Zhao Fu. In the tree spirit's heart, Zhao Fu's identity must be extremely scary, otherwise he would never have such a level of blood.

In front of such an honorable person, Shu Ling thought that he was a few degrees lower than Zhao Fu, even someone he couldn't reach, so he became respectful.

Looking at the blood mass in front of him, the tree spirit carefully and nervously inhaled it into his body.


A roar sounded in his mind, and the tree spirit only felt that the blood spread out in the body, and a force that broke the laws of heaven and earth and surpassed everything in the world spread out from the body.

The invisible wall that stood in front of it slowly shattered under this force and turned into nothingness.


A loud bang came out at one time, and the tree spirit radiated countless yellow rays of light, turning into a beam of light and rushing into the sky, forming a huge yellow beam of light, standing between the sky and the earth.

A wave of terrifying fluctuations, with a huge momentum, spread like thunder, and no one could stop it.

The expressions of all the creatures nearby changed, and the horizon was shrouded in countless yellow lights, and the breath emanating from there made countless creatures seem to fall into the ice water, and their bodies could not help shaking.

"Who is this who wants to break through into power?"

His eyes turned to the tree spirit. The tree spirit's 10,000-meter-long body was disintegrating little by little, blowing away like sand and dust, a force that surpassed the heavens and the earth, and the fear of all living beings continued to pour out, and the surroundings became extremely suppressed, as if Almost couldn't breathe.

The huge tree gods continued to disintegrate, and the last person wearing a yellow robe, with yellow hair and a somewhat old face appeared in the air, exuding an aura that belonged to almighty.

With a smile on his face, the tree spirit felt the power after the breakthrough, and the joy in his heart was beyond words. After so many years, he finally broke through.

Feeling the joy after the breakthrough, Shuling's eyes fell on Zhao Fu, flew to Zhao Fu, and bowed respectfully and gratefully, "Thank you for your help!"

The tree spirit was able to break through to the Great Power Realm, all relying on Zhao Fu's blood. If there was no Zhao Fu's blood, he would still be stuck in that cultivation base for a long time. He was very, very grateful to Zhao Fu.

At the same time, after absorbing Zhao Fu's blood, the tree spirit can better understand how powerful Zhao Fu's first-generation blood is. It is simply better than the elixir of the fairy world. I don't know how many times, it is the rarest and most powerful blood in the world.

Compared with the immortal world, such a person is impossible to exist in the mortal world, and the tree spirit is more polite to Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu did not expect that his blood had such a great ability, and he really helped a person break through to great power, and he was also quite surprised in his heart.

Looking at the tree spirit respectfully saluting in front of him, Zhao Fu couldn't help but want to laugh, and he was also a little excited. The tree spirit in front of him was at the power level, and now he was still respectfully saluting, which was the first time in history.

In the past, he was honest and respectful, and did not dare to deal with any offense. Now the existence who once looked up high, in turn, treated him respectfully and politely, could he not be happy?

However, Zhao Fu also understands that the tree spirit is so polite and respectful, firstly because of gratitude, and secondly because of Zhao Fu's unknown and terrifying identity.

Now he doesn't even know that Zhao Fu is only the lord of a small kingdom, and Zhao Fu can't leak it out, otherwise it will be very dangerous.

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "You're welcome, and you also understand the power of my blood now. You must not leak this matter, otherwise you shouldn't blame me for being rude."

At this time, Zhao Fu was completely arrogant and threatened the great power in front of him.

The tree spirit did not have any doubts, instead he believed in Zhao Fu even more, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, my lord, you have so much kindness to me, how could I leak it out."

Zhao Fu nodded with satisfaction and said, "Now I help you break through to the Great Power Realm, now you should give it to me in exchange!"

The dryad also reacted and smiled apologetically, "Sir! You wait a moment."

After finishing speaking, the tree spirit turned around, came to the place where he had grown before, stretched out a hand, and a yellow light gushed out, forming a square light group, which slowly flew into the sky from the top of the palm.


A roar sounded, and the square light group erupted with a huge force, emitting countless yellow rays of light to illuminate the square, creating a huge suction force.

The Chongyang trees growing around them moved like they were alive, their roots sticking out of the ground, and then they flew towards the sky.

Countless Chongyang trees poured into the ball of light like a tide, and the trees on the ground continued to decrease.

The time lasted for about ten minutes, and the Chongyang trees that were originally unclear have now all disappeared, and the place looked empty.

The square light sphere in the sky also formed a square yellow crystal with tiny Chongyang trees in it.

The tree spirit reached out and grabbed the crystal, and the crystal flew into the tree spirit's hand. The tree spirit turned around and smiled and handed the spar to Zhao Fu, "Here! This is the Chongyang tree that the Lord needs. Now I will put it all away and give it to the Lord."

Zhao Fu smiled and stretched out his hand to take the crystal. He swept his consciousness and found that there are more than 10 million Chongyang fruit trees. A single Chongyang tree can grow dozens of Chongyang fruits, and if there are more than 10 million Chongyang fruit trees, there are hundreds of millions of Chongyang fruit trees. The Double Ninth Fruit, which is of great help to Da Qin.


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