The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2428 Immortal Realm

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After the five saint-level talents entered that immortal gate, they only felt an invisible immortal force like a layer of diaphragm. They entered the diaphragm, and some impurities in the body were isolated, making the blood and power of the body more pure.

Pure immortal energy is also pouring into their bodies, rapidly changing their physiques.

The five saint-level geniuses looked happy. They didn't expect the benefits of just entering the fairyland.

The immortal light all around dissipated, and they appeared on a large circular platform. The platform was made of white stone bricks and was 10,000 meters wide. There were stone fences on the side, carved with rare and exotic animals, and immortal energy was lingering around.

There are still stairs going down ahead, leading to a huge and majestic building, and there are about 30 such platforms.

One platform connects one immortal gate, and more than 30 platforms connect more than 30 immortal gates. The immortal sect has built more than 30 immortal gates in the lower realm, which are distributed in different places and lead to the immortal sect.

This is very difficult to do in the fairy world. Only the super fairy world forces that are very long-term have the ability to build the fairy gate.

The five saint-level geniuses also saw the real appearance of the powerful phantom, a middle-aged man with a strong body, short black hair, and a black dress, exuding extremely terrifying coercion.

His name is Xianba, one of the great elders of the Xiandao Sect, and he has a very high status in the Xiandao Sect. Originally, he was just passing by the Xianmen platform, and just saw the platform flashing fairy lights, and he understood that someone pushed open the Xianmen.

With a little interest, Xianba came to Xianmen Taizhong, and then the scene just now appeared.

The five saint-level Tianjiao respectfully bowed to Xianba, "Meet the seniors!"

Xianba chuckled, "Don't be too polite, you and I will enter Xianmen, and others will take care of it later."

The five saint-level talents replied, "We know!"

Afterwards, the five of them followed Xianba to the huge and majestic building. The eight guards at the door wearing silver armor and holding silver guns were all powerful people.

Da Neng is also considered to be the top person in the mortal world. He has the power to destroy the world and is feared and feared by countless people, but now they are only responsible for guarding the gate.

The five saint-level geniuses were a little shocked.

"I've seen the Great Elder!" The eight guards respectfully bowed to Xianba.

Xianba nodded lightly and entered the sect with five saint-level arrogances, and asked the five saint-level arrogances to be handed over to others, and he walked over to a place.

When I came to a room, an elegant middle-aged man was leaning back on a chair, reading with a book in his hand.

The elegant middle-aged man is also the Great Elder of the Immortal Dao Sect, and his status is also very high. His name is Xuan Qinghua, and he is also a friend of Immortal Eight.

Xuan Qinghua watched Xian Bayi push the door open with a smile on his face, and asked, "Is there something wrong?"

Xianba said with a smile, "I found a very surprising person in the lower world, do you want to hear it?"

Xuan Qinghua put his eyes on the book again, and said in a flat tone, "Go ahead!"

Xianba sat on the chair next to him, took a fairy fruit and ate it, and said with a smile, "That person has seven supreme emperor stars..."

"Wait, what did you say?"

The originally calm Xuan Qinghua looked at Xian Ba ​​with a surprised expression, and asked uncertainly.

Xianba couldn't help laughing, "I said that person has seven Supreme Emperor Stars, and six of them are the Supreme Emperor Stars of the six major races, namely Human Race, Monster Race, Demon Race, Ghost Race, Alien Race, Gods."

Xuan Qinghua continued to ask in surprise, "Are you sure this is true? How can one person have so many blessings from the Supreme Emperor of the Great Clan?"

Xianba said with a smile, "Is there a fake from what I saw with my own eyes?"

Xuan Qinghua also believed what Xianba said and asked, "I didn't expect such a person to really exist, and I don't know how to breed them. The key is still in the lower realm, and there is no such person in the fairy world."

"The Heavenly War Immortal Emperor who shook ancient and modern times was nothing but the Supreme Emperor Star of the three major races of Zhan, Human, and Immortal, but he has the Supreme Emperor Star of six races. Saying it out will definitely cause an uproar."

"By the way! Doesn't he have seven supreme emperor stars? The other six emperor stars are racial emperor stars, what is the other one?"

Xianba said with a mysterious smile, "Just take a guess, that emperor star is his destiny star."

Xuan Qinghua's expression seriously thought for a while, "I can't think of what Emperor Star it is, or you should tell me."

Xianba said with a smile, "There are three evil stars in the fairy world, they are the Xianxian Xingxing, which means that they cannot appear and violate the Dao, and the eight secluded return star, which means endless death, the end of all things, and his natal star is The last malefic."

Xuan Qinghua said in shock, "The last malevolent star is the Yinghuo disaster star, which represents endless disasters and ominous things. How can his natal star be the Yinghuo disaster star?"

Xianba said with a light smile, "You ask me, how do I know? I'm also curious as to why that kid is not only one of the three major malevolent stars, but also the other six great clan emperor stars."

"Forget it! In addition to the seven Supreme Emperor Stars, that kid is still the original bloodline of the first generation, and it is not the ordinary original bloodline of the first generation. It contains various powers, including the bloodline of the Supreme Emperor Star."

Xuan Qinghua interrupted Xian Ba ​​with a shocked expression, "What? The bloodline of the Supreme Emperor Star? He also has the bloodline that has become a legend in the fairy world?"

With such a powerful person as Xuan Qinghua, he did not eat too much when he heard the original bloodline of the first generation.

I was shocked, but I couldn't help but be shocked when I heard the bloodline of the Supreme Emperor Star.

Having the bloodline of the Supreme Emperor Star means that his descendants are very likely to awaken the Supreme Emperor Star.

In the Immortal Realm, although the Supreme Emperor Star is not as rare as the Lower Realm, it is also a very rare, precious and powerful thing, and any force will be moved and valued.

As for the person who has the bloodline of the Supreme Emperor Star, countless forces will be crazy for him, and try every means to get him. With his existence, there will be many, many more people from the Supreme Emperor Star in the future.

A Supreme Emperor Star can radiate such powerful power. The power emitted by a group of Supreme Emperor Stars is simply unimaginable, and it is also synonymous with Tianjiao.

As long as you have the Supreme Emperor Star, you will definitely become a peerless powerhouse in the future. If there is a group of people in a force with the Supreme Emperor Star, then this force has great potential, and the force will become stronger and stronger.

The bloodline of the Supreme Emperor Star is also very rare, and it is one of the rarest and most powerful bloodlines in the Immortal Realm.

Its birth is also very difficult. It needs to be highly recognized by the Supreme Emperor Star when the Emperor Star is awakened, and then highly integrated with the power of the Emperor Star to have the Supreme Emperor Star bloodline.

Now it is almost invisible in the fairy world, and it seems to have disappeared for a long time. Many people only know that there is this kind of bloodline through legends.


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