The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2437 too virtual (please subscribe)

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I saw that the huge Taixu relic, emitting countless purple rays of light, was rapidly shrinking, exuding a huge momentum.

"What happened? Why is the Taixu Ruins getting smaller?"

I don't know how many years the Taixu Ruins have been here. They have always been the most valued ruins in this area. Now that such a thing is happening, everyone really didn't expect it, and at the same time, there is a bad premonition.


The huge roar continued to sound, the Taixu Ruins continued to shrink, the momentum emitted became stronger and stronger, and the countless purple rays of light became stronger.

Countless people on the ground stared at the sky emitting countless purple rays of light in shock, without saying a word.

In the end, the Taixu Ruins turned into a three-meter sphere, which emerged from the void and floated in the sky, emitting a faint light and a powerful aura.

The countless purple rays of light in the sky have dissipated, and there is no strong momentum, but the great void in the hands of everyone causes the pieces to shatter automatically.

Everyone was in an uproar, and they shouted in panic, "Why did Taixu Ling shatter by itself? What happened? Who can tell me? You won't be able to enter the Taixu Ruins in the future, right?"

They quickly learned about the shrinking of the Taixu Ruins, showing a look of astonishment, and they were still in a state of confusion. They didn't know why the Taixu Ruins had undergone such changes, and they wanted to ask those powerhouses.

boom boom boom...

At this time, the strong men did not care about them, and rushed towards the void with a huge momentum.

Now the Taixu Ruins have become a three-meter sphere. Whoever gets a three-meter sphere is equivalent to getting the Taixu Ruins. Thinking of the countless treasures in the Taixu Ruins, the hearts of many strong people are racing, and they are speechless with excitement.

At this moment, they only have one idea, that is to snatch the Taixu Ruins at all costs, and everyone seems to be crazy and rushed forward to the void.

One after another silhouettes brought out the streamer, from all directions to the sky from the past, this scene is still quite spectacular and surprising.

A big man exuding terrifying power rushed at the front, looked at the other people who rushed over, and immediately shouted, "The ruins of Taixu belong to my Mountain Demon Sect, whoever dares to rob it will blame me for being rude."

The handsome young man immediately shouted, "The Taixu ruins belong to my Dongming Dynasty. If you dare to rob my Dongming Dynasty, you will definitely pay a huge price."

A middle-aged man who looked like a scholar said, "It's better to leave the Taixu ruins under our academy's control. This will be fair to everyone. Please believe in our academy."

The ugly woman scolded directly, "Fuck your mother, whoever grabs the Taixu ruins is who, and you because we will be afraid of you."

boom boom boom...

A loud roar sounded, and some strong people didn't even pay attention to them. With a terrifying momentum, a huge wind was pulled out and rushed towards the Taixu Ruins.

This time, the monster-level powerhouses who have been in seclusion for many years have also broken through and joined this snatch.

The Taixu Ruins are extremely important to them, and can make a force rise and become stronger.


A white streamer ran the fastest and surpassed many people in an instant. It was a young girl riding a white horse, exuding a strong momentum, and it seemed that she was not from the nearby domains.

Seeing that the girl was about to approach the Taixu Ruins, everyone was shocked and quickly tried to stop the girl.


A huge roar suddenly sounded, and the pressure from the peak of the Emperor Heaven Realm spread out. An old man in black suddenly appeared near the Taixu Ruins, and his icy eyes glanced around, "Who is going further...die!"

Many powerhouses stopped in fright, and their faces were ugly. Most of them were powerhouses in the realm of heaven and earth, and they were not opponents of powerhouses in the realm of emperors. .

The girl on the white horse also stopped, and looked at the old man in black with a pair of beautiful eyes.

The old man in black looked at the people who stopped, with a sneer on his face, turned around and was about to fly towards the Taixu Ruins.


A huge punch punched the black-clothed old man with astonishing power. A man with messy hair and a strange-looking sound appeared near the old man and said, "This thing belongs to me."


A huge momentum suddenly descended, and a tall woman also exuded a huge coercion, also belonging to the Emperor Heaven Realm powerhouse. After the woman appeared, she didn't say anything, and rushed directly to the Taixu Ruins. .

Then came a few strong men, and the two sides fought directly, sending out terrifying fluctuations.

Countless people who had stopped, looked at a few strong men in the melee, and couldn't help rushing over, wanting to snatch the Taixu Ruins.


A huge roar sounded, and the Taixu Ruins radiated countless purple rays of light, and a huge momentum turned into a purple streamer, which rushed into the sky and disappeared.

The sudden change made countless people who were going crazy and wanted to snatch them stop with a look of astonishment, "The ruins of Taixu just disappeared like this?"

Everyone still didn't want to believe it. Immediately sensing the surroundings, they could not sense any aura from the Taixu Ruins. Today, the Taixu Ruins really disappeared from this area. Countless people on the ground were extremely lost, and some even cried bitterly.

In the future, there will be no such good ruins for them to explore, and they will not be able to obtain various treasures. The celebrations for the birth of the Taixu Ruins will all disappear.

The last thing that was uncomfortable was the many powerhouses in the sky. They felt that they had no time to regret it. If they just hurry up, they might have obtained the Taixu Ruins, but now that the Taixu Ruins have flown away, it is useless for them to regret.

Several Emperor Heaven Realm powerhouses snorted coldly and glanced at each other. The reason for not being able to obtain the Taixu Ruins is to blame on each other.

However, they are not doing anything, and now that the Taixu relics have disappeared, they have also disappeared into a stream of light.

Many powerhouses in the sky also returned to the ground in disappointment, and they were not fighting.

Everyone has never understood what happened, why the Taixu Ruins became smaller, and why the Taixu Ruins disappeared.

On the platform of the Half Immortal Realm, a three-meter sphere flew out from the platform and stopped in front of Zhao Fu.

Everyone did not know that everything was caused by Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu looked at the sphere in front of him and showed a smile. He actually used the Taixu Ruins just now and knew that there were many people below who wanted to snatch the Taixu Ruins, but he probably didn't take the Taixu Ruins back, but stayed for a while to make fun of them. them.

In fact, even if they grabbed the sphere, it was useless. The control center of Taixu Ruins was in the semi-immortal world, and it was impossible to control Taixu Ruins without it.


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