The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2440 Great changes in the world (for subscription)

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A smile appeared on Zhao Fu's face, "Okay! Let's all go down."

After instructing the ministers, Zhao Fu planned to leave immediately and go to the Spiritual Realm to resolve the matter of the Spiritual Clan Emperor Star and the Six Desires Immortal Sutra as soon as possible.

At this time, an incomparably huge world, with a great momentum, slowly moved towards the Apocalypse World, and then collided with the Apocalypse World.


Suddenly, an earth-shattering roar sounded, resounding throughout the world of Apocalypse, the ground trembled violently, the color of the sky and the earth changed, the sun and the moon were dull, the wind and clouds were surging, and the spiritual energy was chaotic, like a disaster.

Countless people looked in panic, not knowing what happened, feeling the terrifying momentum of the earthquake that day, and a strong fear welled up in their hearts.

There are many terrifying powerhouses, but there is no accident, as if they knew this would happen for a long time, their faces are more dignified.

Zhao Fu felt the violent shaking of the ground and the terrifying aura, and was startled at first, but then he understood what happened.

The almighty of the Emperor Dao College had said before that there was a great world moving towards the world of Apocalypse.

Now is the wave that the Great Thousand Worlds collided with in the Apocalypse World.

After a while, the violent fluctuations stopped, and a series of reminders quickly sounded in his mind, everything was just as Zhao Fu thought.

"Reminder! Card Battlefield is open."

"Reminder! The gate to the battlefield is open."

"Reminder! Forces whose strength has reached the Hou Guo level can enter the Alchemy Battlefield or the Chaos Battlefield and the Card Battlefield through the Battlefield Gate."

"Hint! Entering the battlefield, you can get points by killing outsiders, and the points can be used to exchange for items."

"Reminder! The types of reward items are updated."

"Reminder! The level cap of reward items has been increased."

"Hint! The number of reward items has increased."

"Reminder! The aura is weakened, the power of the area is weakened, the power of the world is weakened, the air transport is greatly affected, and the stability is reduced."

"Ascension! The realm of the gods can also participate in the war through the gate of war."

"Hint! The underworld can also participate in the war through the gate of war."

"Reminder! Forces that have reached the Hou Guo level to participate in the battle have the right to ask for certain material support from the forces that have not reached the Hou Guo level but have not participated in the battle. This power can be exchanged for points. If they do not agree to provide supporters, the entire force will be be punished."

"Warning! Every Hou Guo-level force must obtain a certain amount of points every month. If the requirements are not met, there will be corresponding penalties. If the requirements are not met many times, the country will be cancelled, and the entire royal family will be affected by the power of heaven and earth. Backlash."

"Warning! Internal fighting is prohibited on the battlefield. Violators will be severely punished. If serious, their existence will be obliterated."

"Warning! If there are those who surrender to the enemy and betray the world, they will be punished by heaven and suffer endless pain until their souls are destroyed. Not only their wives, children and friends, but their entire family will end equally."

Zhao Fu looked at the reminders, which were similar to the reminders after the last time the Alchemy World crashed, but the content was slightly changed.

The first is the card world, the card battlefield, the previous one called the alchemy world, the alchemy battlefield, is it a card world that hit the world of apocalypse this time?

Secondly, the type, quantity and level of reward items have been greatly improved, which means that more good things can be exchanged.

The third point was originally that only kingdom-level forces were eligible to participate in the plane war, and then the alchemy world appeared, requiring duchy-level forces, and now it has been lowered to a new level, and Hou Guo-level forces will participate in the war.

The lowest level of the country is the Jue Kingdom, and the Marquis Kingdom is only a little stronger than the Jue Kingdom.

The fourth is the power of aura, the power of the region, and the power of the world. These were the last time, but this time it is more serious.

Those powers have dropped a lot, and the most important air luck has been greatly affected and relatively unstable. The unstable forces of air luck will have more turbulence, and it is easy to be defeated or swallowed by other forces with strong air luck.

This is not a good thing for all the apocalypse world forces.

The fifth point Zhao Fu felt a little surprised. Now both the underworld and the gods have to participate in the war. In the past, regardless of the chaos world and the alchemy world, the gods and the underworld did not need to participate in the war.

But at this time, both the gods and the underworld are going to fight, which shows that the situation in the world of Apocalypse is very unfavorable.

This is indeed the case. Originally, there was not much pressure to deal with a chaotic world, but suddenly there was an alchemy world. Now the power of the Apocalypse world is very unfavorable in the alchemy world, and has always been suppressed by the alchemy world.

Now there is another card world, that is, three Great Thousand Worlds attacking an Apocalypse World, the situation is naturally even more unfavorable.

Although the underworld and the gods are not as big as the apocalypse world, if they participate in the war, it can reduce the pressure of the apocalypse world.

The sixth point is that the forces participating in the battle can ask for a certain amount of material support from the forces that did not participate in the battle, which feels very good.

Because they may have a lot of losses on the plane battlefield, and some small forces can hide in the apocalypse world and do nothing, and the punishment will not punish them, and the losses are only some big forces.

Now that he has this power, Zhao Fu can ask for some benefits from the forces around him. This is the power given by the world of Apocalypse, and those small forces do not dare to resist.

Even Zhao Fu felt that he could take this opportunity to oppress those small forces, and finally absorb and digest these small forces, making himself stronger.


It's just that this power also needs to be exchanged for points. Zhao Fu feels that it should be easy to exchange, because small forces are inherently weak. If you consume a lot of points, you can't get a lot of benefits. Who would be so stupid to exchange?

Finally, there are three warnings, prohibiting infighting on the battlefield outside the boundary, and must obtain certain points, and severely deal with traitors, which need not be said before.

All these hints can show that the current situation of Apocalypse World is very bad, and there is a danger of being breached by the three Great Thousand Worlds.

If the Apocalypse World is destroyed, it will be a heavy blow to Da Qin, who can only leave the Apocalypse World and enter the endless void.

Zhao Fuke just came back from the endless void. There are various unknown dangers there, and there are many dangers that are simply not able to resist. Losing the protection of the great world of Tianqi World, Daqin's situation will be more difficult.

But this is a plane war, Zhao Fu can't play a big role, and now he can only follow the trend.

Zhao Fu's face is serious. Now that such a big thing is happening, it is natural to deal with this matter first. The plan to go to the spiritual realm can only be changed, and then go after this matter is dealt with.

The ministers who had just left, felt the aura of the change that day, and hurriedly turned around and returned to the hall. They understood that Zhao Fu would definitely summon them again to discuss the matter.


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