The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2445 thunder

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After thinking about it, Zhao Fu smiled, "After that, my army will enter the card world and build a defensive base."

Hilary asked worriedly, "What about Locke Country?"

Zhao Fu looked at it with a smile and said, "First, tell me about the situation in your country of Locke."

Hilary nodded and began to explain the information of the Rock Kingdom to Zhao Fu.

The king of Locke is a little old and wants to abdicate a bit. Now there are three heirs. The first is Hillary's eldest brother. The strongest one is very ambitious.

The second is Hillary's second brother, who ranks second in strength. He is very vicious. Most people don't dare to offend him, otherwise they will die miserably.

The third is Hillary's third brother, who is the weakest. He is a good person and is gentle to others, but other people think that he has very few chances of becoming a king, so there are few people who support him.

Although Hilary, as the most honorable princess of the Rock Kingdom, is also liked by many people, she does not have the right of inheritance and cannot become a king.

Originally, Hilary might also be used as a tool for the alliance of Locke Kingdom and Thunder Kingdom, to marry the future prince of Thunder Kingdom. Hilary was angry because of this, so she ran to this remote place.

In the end, this is what happened now.

Zhao Fu put his arms around Hilary and said with a smile, "Then do you want to be the king of the Rock Kingdom? I can help you become the King of the Rock Country."

Hilary said with a happy smile, "Actually, I don't have much interest in the king, but I don't want to marry the prince of the Thunder Kingdom."

Zhao Fu chuckled and said, "Will you marry me then?"

Hilary snorted softly, "I don't want it either. You guys didn't pursue me well. It's too cheap to marry you like this."

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "But you are already my woman, and there is nothing you can do if you don't want to."

Hilary rolled her eyes at Zhao Fu, "You are shameless and domineering!"

Next to Melissa, the female cavalry who spoke to Zhao Fu before, lay on the other side of Zhao Fu, and said with a serious face, "Princess! I think you are the most suitable king of the Locke Kingdom, and the Locke Kingdom will be under your leadership from now on. Below, it will definitely go to glory.”

The other female cavalrymen also said seriously, "Princess! We all believe that you can lead the Kingdom of Locke to glory as a king."

When Hillary heard this, she hesitated in her heart.

Melissa continued to persuade, "Daqin is a kingdom-level force, and the country of Locke is definitely powerless to resist. Princess, you are now the woman of the king of Daqin. If you become a kingdom, Daqin will not hurt the country of Luo, but will help the country of Luo. "

"I hope you can think about the whole country of Locke, think about your father, think about your relatives, you are the most suitable person to be a king now."

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "That's right! I think you are also the most suitable person to be the King of Locke. If you control the Kingdom of Locke, I will believe in the Kingdom of Locke even more, and will definitely provide various preferential treatment."

Hilary pondered for a while, then nodded seriously, "Okay! Then I am willing to become King Locke."

There were happy smiles on the faces of many female cavalrymen. The person they trusted and believed became a king with dignity and power, and nothing made them happier than that.

Zhao Fu laughed, "Now get up and put on your clothes!"

It was only when many female cavalrymen realized that they were lying on the ground without clothes and surrounded by a man, which was different from the chivalry spirit they believed in. Their faces turned crimson, and they quickly got up from the ground and put on their clothes.

After a while, they put on their clothes and armor, and they looked heroic again, but their faces were still flushed with a hint of charm.

Zhao Fu also got dressed at this time, and waved his hand to loosen the bound horses. After the little squirrel that was tied into a zongzi was untied, he immediately threw himself into Hilary's arms. It was extremely frightened just now.

And also very worried about its owner, just now that person was doing violent things with her master in front of it, her master was not hurt, right?

Hilary smiled and stroked its little head.

The little squirrel looked at the owner's current appearance, and didn't want to be hurt. Instead, it looked very happy and no longer worried.

Zhao Fu watched Hilary tease the little squirrel and said, "Hilary, take me back to the palace of Locke now."

Hilary turned her head to look at Zhao Fu and asked, "Are you going to do this? Is there a way to make me a king?"

Zhao Fu nodded, "My idea is very simple, it is to control your father and three brothers, and then you will naturally become a king."

Hilary said in surprise, "It's as simple as that? Do you have such a powerful ability? My father is already at the level of cultivation, and my three older brothers are also at the level of heaven and earth, and if they become kings like this, others will definitely be dissatisfied. ."

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "I am already at the Emperor Heaven Realm, and generally the Emperor Heaven Realm is no match for me, unless I am a powerhouse in the Void Realm, and I have something special to control people, you believe me Enough."

"As for other people's dissatisfaction, this matter will be solved for you later when the Daqin army enters the card world, and those who disapprove will be eliminated directly."

Many women said with a look of surprise, "You are already a powerhouse in the Emperor Heaven Realm? How can you have such a powerful power?"

Zhao Fu said with a chuckle, "My identity is not as simple as you think, you can add more in the future.

After entering Daqin, I knew it. "

The girls nodded curiously, looking forward to knowing who Zhao Fu was.

Afterwards, the girls rode their horses, Zhao Fu sat on Hillary's horse and put his arms around Hillary.

Hilary leaned against Zhao Fu's arms, her face was slightly red, with a happy smile.

The little squirrel in her arms looked at the scene in front of her incomprehensibly. Why did the two people who were enemies before now become the same as lovers?

After walking for a while, the group of Zhao Fu came to a city. Because Hilary was a princess, Zhao Fu did not hug her anymore, but walked on the road.

A man walking with them is too eye-catching. It's not good. Zhao Fu is a person from the world of apocalypse. If his identity is leaked, the plan may fail.

Zhao Fu followed them all the way, and finally came to the palace of Ke Luo Kingdom.

Seeing the angry princess returning to the palace, the guards happily reported the news to the king.

The king was slightly relieved when he heard the news. Since she was willing to come back, she should have changed her mind and was willing to marry the prince of Lei Ming Kingdom for the sake of the Kingdom of Locke. She will be the princess of the Kingdom of Lei Ming Kingdom in the future. This Kingdom of Locke has many benefits.

Even if they die in the future, the alliance between the Kingdom of Locke and the Kingdom of Lei Ming will not change. With the help of the Kingdom of Lei Ming, no one dares to bully the Kingdom of Locke.


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