The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2457 Knight Seal (Subscribe)

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The card world absorbs the power of the golden book and masters that powerful law of power, which is the law of cards, and the world becomes the card world.

Next, the card world, like the alchemy world, continued to grow and become stronger in the endless void, and finally formed the current card world.

This is the information related to the creation of the Card World. The people who recorded this information are the original Card Clan. Now the whereabouts of those Card Clan are unknown, some are dead, and some have left the Card World.

Zhao Fu was very interested in this information. He was quite happy when he learned about the birth of a world.

Now Zhao Fu knows about the creation of the Alchemy World and the creation of the Card World, but Zhao Fu, the creator of Chaos World and Apocalypse World, does not know, nor does he have any relevant news.

The Chaos World may not have an in-depth understanding, and a lot of information is not known, so he does not know the secret of creation, but Zhao Fu of the Apocalypse World has already traveled to major areas, but he has not gained anything.

Zhao Fu became more and more curious about how the world of Apocalypse was created, but it seemed that only the Yuanyuan clan at that time knew about it, but they did not leave any information.

Continue to check out all kinds of information about the world of cards.


Zhao Fu saw a message about the cavalry regiment. It was about the king's cavalry regiment, the emperor's cavalry regiment, and the emperor's cavalry regiment.

If you want to become a cavalry regiment of any level, you can meet the corresponding requirements. An ordinary person can become an emperor-level cavalry even though it is very slim after hard work.

This means that ordinary people can also become the top emperor-level cavalry, but the process is very difficult. This news is the information that it is easier to become a king or emperor cavalry.

That piece of information is that people with the blood of the king, the blood of the emperor, and the blood of the emperor are more likely to become the three levels of cavalry.

However, none of the people with these bloodlines are extremely honorable, and they are looked up to, respected and feared by countless people. How can they be a cavalry?

Moreover, a cavalry regiment needs a lot of cavalry to exert its strength, and more than a dozen cavalry cannot be called a cavalry regiment.

If you want to form a cavalry regiment of this level, you must have a large number of king blood, emperor blood, and emperor blood.

Naturally, no one can do this. The requirement can be lowered a little. It is not necessarily a pure king's bloodline, but only a small part of the bloodline, or a little king's power.

They can all easily become the three levels of cavalry.

These people became the three major cavalry, and their strength was a little stronger than that of ordinary cavalry, because they themselves had the power of kings, and they could merge with the power of kings given by the cavalry regiment, and their strength was definitely stronger than that of ordinary cavalry.

If none of these can be done, it is said that the Knights Guild has a kind of knight inheritance, which can condense its own strength, inheritance, and blood into a knight's seal.

After a king masters the seal of knighthood, he can bestow the knights who are loyal to him. Those knights can rely on the seal of knighthood to grow, and it is easier to become a king's cavalry.

Moreover, having a knight's seal has various benefits. Not only can you gain the power, inheritance, and bloodline of the knight's seal, but it can also stimulate the knight's seal in times of danger, and obtain a very powerful strength improvement.

The Knight's Mark will also improve the physique and aptitude of the knights, making their potential great.

An ordinary knight dreams of getting the knight's seal of a king, because the effect of this knight's seal is really great.

Zhao Fu felt that it was similar to the seal of the king. When Zhao Fu condensed the seal of the king, he gave it to Gai Nie, Wang Ergou, and Liu Mei.

They also gained the power of Zhao Fu's king, and at the same time, the seal of the king can also change their physique and enhance their strength.

At this time, Zhao Fu's seal of the king has become the seal of the source level, but the number is limited, and Zhao Fu gives it to his subordinates.

There is no limit to this knight's seal, you can give as much as you want, and give 10,000 to 10,000 people, but this requires consumption of your own power inheritance and blood, and the general king can't give much.

There is also this method of condensing the knight's seal, which is something that the knights' union has only, and this is something that is monopolized by the knights' union. Others can't teach it to others. If you want to get it, you must go to the knight's union.

If you go to the Knights Guild in this way, you may not get it, even if you are the king, what price must be paid, or what task must be completed, and it is exchanged for extremely precious items.

The Knights Guild is one of the biggest forces in this card world. It has the power to reach the sky. Not to mention the kingdoms that dare not provoke them, not even the empires.

They are distributed in all parts of the card world. As long as it is a city of the card family, there are almost people from the Knights Union.

In the card world, only the Knights Guild is so widely distributed, except that it has no force to do so, and on the other hand, it also confirms the strength of the Knights Guild.

The key is to become a knight and obtain the title of knight, and you must also pass the approval of the knight's union, which involves a large part of the interests, because knight is a profession that countless people in the card world pursue and love, but the knight's union has it in their hands.

As for races other than the Ka tribe, such as the city of giants, the city of elves, and the city of snake people, these places may not have knight unions.

There are also many alien races, demon races, and god races in the card world. Although these three races are also alien races, demon races, and god races, they are different from ordinary alien god races.

The three races in the card world have been changed by the rules of the card world and can be

Carded, the power you have is also the power of the card in the card world.

This card world is dominated by the Ka clan, and the three other races are relatively small, and they have been in a state of being suppressed and bullied by the Ka clan, so the relationship between the three races and the Ka clan is very bad, and they are in a hostile relationship.

There are also some races in the three major races that have mastered the ability to become stuck, especially some of the more intelligent races that are full of intelligence, also have the ability to become stuck.

Their carding ability is not innate like that of the card family, but is mastered through acquired learning.

Because the two sides are in a hostile relationship, the knight guild will also be crowded out among the three clans, so there will be no knight guild there.

As a country of the Ka ethnic group, Rock Country still has one-tenth of the world's face. There are knights' unions in every city. There is also a Knights Union headquarters in the capital that manages all knights' unions in Rock Country.

This Knights Guild headquarters is the headquarters for managing this area, not the real Knights Guild headquarters. Now the Knights Guild headquarters is at the center of the card world.

When Zhao Fu saw this information, he wondered if he should get this knight's seal. This knight's seal would be of great help to him, and he might create a cavalry that surpassed the emperor's cavalry.

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