The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2462 Knight

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Then, Zhao Fu walked to the stone tablet and put one hand on the stone tablet. He only felt that one was wearing armor, holding a spear, and rushing towards him on a horse. Zhao Fu was knocked back a few steps before he could react.

Elena explained on the side, "This is the knight's power of the knight's union, you must become a knight to accept this power, and the power of knight will turn into a knight in your mind, you need to defeat it in your mind, to complete the test.”

Zhao Fu frowned. He didn't expect it to be like this. Before, he thought that he had the bloodline of the Card World, and it was enough to resist that repulsive force. He didn't expect it to be so complicated.

How to solve this problem now? He is indeed not a knight in the card world. Does he really need to practice to become a knight by himself? It will take at least a month.


What Zhao Fu thought, it seemed that he had just acquired the power of knights, which was the power absorbed from the bodies of the eleven elders, and then condensed into a knight's mark.

Why can this kind of knightly power enter his body? Is it a matter of method?

But in front of it was a three-meter-high stone tablet, and it was impossible for Zhao Fu to treat it like a woman.

Maybe I can try this kind of knightly power. Thinking of this, Zhao Fu stepped forward once, put a hand on the stone tablet, triggered the knightly mark, and a powerful knightly power poured out.


There was a roar in Zhao Fu's mind, and the power of a knight from the stone tablet successfully poured into Zhao Fu's mind, turning into a cavalry wearing iron armor, holding an iron spear, riding a big horse, and attacking him. Fierce rushed over.

It is also necessary to use the power of the knight to block, and Zhao Fu has no way to continue to induce the power of the knight's mark into his mind.

I saw that colorful knight's power poured into Zhao Fu's mind and dispersed, turning into eleven knights emitting different rays of light and different powers.

Zhao Fu was surprised. He didn't expect this scene to happen. He felt that he had done the right thing by taking possession of the bodies of eleven knights this time.

Without this kind of power, things might not have been resolved so quickly.

The next eleven knights fought against one knight, but no need to think about it, that knight was besieged by eleven knights and died.


At this time, the stone tablet of the knight exuded a huge momentum, and a huge knight's power poured into Zhao Fu's body.

Everyone was surprised, and they didn't expect that Zhao Fu would really pass the test of the stone tablet.

It was the first time in their history that they had seen someone who was not in the card world, nor a person in the knight profession pass the test of the guild stone tablet.

That huge force kept pouring into Zhao Fu's body and built into runes. This kind of rune is what records the condensed knight's seal.


The colored knight mark that Zhao Fu had condensed before collapsed and turned into eleven different forces that poured into those runes.

Numerous runes continued to condense and change, creating a suction force, Zhao Fu's blood and various forces rushed towards the countless runes.


A huge roar sounded, Zhao Fu's body emitted countless intense rays of light, and a terrifying force poured out from Zhao Fu's body.

Many knights only felt a huge coercion falling on them. This coercion not only came from the body, but also from the spirit, as if facing a king of knights who were aloof and untouchable.

Their strength, blood, and beliefs are forcing them to surrender, and their bodies are out of control, kneeling on the ground.

Many knights did not understand what happened, why Zhao Fu exuded such a terrifying power, and this kind of power made them unable to control their bodies, kneeling on the ground, and a strong fear surged in their hearts.


Feeling this terrible power, they thought of a legend, a legend about the king of knights.

There will be a kind of people born in the card world. They are born kings with talents that others can't imagine. They are people blessed by God. They will lead countless knights to change the whole world. No one can resist their pace. Those who resist are the corpses under their feet.

This kind of person is called the king of knights!

The king of knights is extremely rare in the card world, not everyone can become it, even the emperor can't do it, it is far more terrifying than the emperor, and even the emperor dare not offend them. .

The man in front of him is the one who is qualified to be called the king of knights?

Many knights knelt on the ground, looking at the person who exuded an extremely terrifying aura in front of them, they were sure in their hearts that the person in front of them was the king of knights.

Because of this terrifying power, they surrender their faith, blood, and strength, which almost no one can do except the king of knights.

They felt very shocked in their hearts. They had never thought of having anything to do with someone they could not reach or even meet, but now that man became the king of knights in front of them.

The key point is that he is still a person in the world of Apocalypse, but he has become the king of knights in the card world. This kind of thing has never happened before.

The runes continued to condense in Zhao Fu's body. Various strengths from Zhao Fu's body continued to gather, and the terrifying aura emanating from it became more and more terrifying. The ground was cracked, and many knights knelt on the ground, their bodies trembling, and they dared not dare. He looked up at Zhao Fu.

In the end, countless runes are in Zhao

The body condensed into a mark. The mark was black in color and shaped like a domineering crown, exuding an astonishing aura.

The imprint condensed, and the terrifying aura emanating from Zhao Fu also dissipated, and the surroundings returned to normal.

A smile appeared on Zhao Fu's face. Now that he has condensed the Knight's Seal, he can directly give it to others. The method of condensing the Knight's Seal is to help you condense the Knight's Seal, not to tell you how to condense a Knight's Seal.

To condense this kind of knight's seal, it can only be condensed through the stone tablet of the knight's union. Without the stone tablet of the knight's union, it is impossible to condense this kind of knight's seal.

That's why the Knights' Guild has a monopoly on this kind of Knight's Seal, and no one can spread the Knight's Seal, and can only rely on this Knight's Guild to obtain it.

Now this kind of knight's seal is not an ordinary knight's seal, but a more advanced king-knight's seal.

The power of this kind of knight's seal is much stronger than that of ordinary knight's seals. It can give knights stronger power, and has other functions.

Zhao Fu turned to look at the knight kneeling on the ground, and said with a smile, "You all get up!"

Hearing this, many knights breathed a sigh of relief, stood up from the ground, and saw Zhao Fu with a pair of beautiful eyes.

Now they are more and more curious about the man in front of them.


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