The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2473 war

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At this time, Da Qin wanted to re-establish a million cavalry regiment, and there was still a long way to go.

Although there are more than 200,000 sets of Noble Phantasms in the country of Locke, each country's Noble Phantasms are different and have their own unique crafting methods and attributes.

The most important thing is that a cavalry regiment must have the same Noble Phantasm in order to exert the most powerful power. The Noble Phantasm created by the Kingdom of Locke belongs to water, while the Noble Phantasm created by the Kingdom of Lei Ming is Thunder, and the two have different attributes.

Now Daqin can only collect all kinds of materials, and let the equipment engineer of Lei Ming Kingdom recreate the Noble Phantasm.

The last is the warhorse. The warhorse of the cavalry regiment cannot be an ordinary warhorse. It needs a warhorse with relatively strong strength, preferably a warhorse that conforms to the attributes of soldiers.

Almost all of the original war horses were killed.

Those war horses, Lei Mingguo, have also been cultivated, but there is still a shortage of many, and more than 400,000 horses are still needed.

Zhao Fu continued to let people train horses, and bought them through the Knights Guild, but it was impossible to establish a cavalry regiment in a short time.

Now Zhao Fu is thinking in his heart that he will definitely destroy different countries and have different cavalry regiments in the future. If rebuilding is so difficult, it will be very troublesome and difficult.

Shouldn't a cavalry regiment exclusively for Da Qin be established? In this way, people have their own, they have their own Noble Phantasms, and they have their own war horses. They don't need to rely on destroying other countries to increase their cavalry regiments.

This feels very difficult. First of all, Daqin is a force in the world of Apocalypse. Soldiers cannot become knights in the card world, and Noble Phantasms cannot be used. It is impossible to form a cavalry regiment.

Second, a Noble Phantasm with the same attributes as a soldier is needed, that is, the country's exclusive Noble Phantasm, which requires Da Qin to study the exclusive Noble Phantasm.

The third is the war horse. Now the most common in Daqin is the black god horse. The strength is only basically second-order, and a few have third-order, which requires stronger war horses.

Zhao Fu handed it all over to his subordinates for research to see if he could make Daqin soldiers have a similar knight profession and create a Noble Phantasm exclusively for Daqin.

These may take a long time and cannot be completed in a short time.

Bai Zhi had known the strength of the cavalry regiment, and was very interested in it, so he also participated in this matter.

After dealing with various matters, Zhao Fu originally wanted to discuss the next thing with many ministers. A guard came in and reported, "The Tuwei Kingdom has sent an envoy to Daqin to meet His Majesty."

Zhao Fu was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Tuwei Kingdom would choose to contact Daqin. He nodded and let the Tuwei Kingdom messenger come in.

Afterwards, a tall and powerful man from Tuwei entered the hall and bowed to Zhao Fu, "See Your Majesty!"

Zhao Fu felt that the other party's attitude was good, and there was a smile on his face, "Yeah! Do you guys from Tuwei Kingdom come to Daqin for some reason?"

The Tuwei messenger smiled and said, "Our country has heard about the power of Daqin, so we came to visit and brought Tuwei's special products as gifts."

After he finished speaking, more than a dozen people from the Tuwei Kingdom sent several large boxes, and those boxes were filled with earth-type treasures after they were opened.

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "You Tuwei Kingdom are very kind, and I will visit in the future."

Seeing Zhao Fu's good attitude, the envoy of Tuwei said with a smile, "In addition to visiting this time, I actually have something else to ask your majesty."

Zhao Fu looked at him and asked, "What's the matter?"

The Tuwei messenger said with a smile, "Our two countries have entered the card world as the forces of the Apocalypse world. We have to face countless card world countries, have a common enemy, and are so close, our country wants to cooperate with Daqin. Form an alliance and resist the power of the card world together."

"It turned out to be an alliance!"

Zhao Fu pondered, the alliance is not a bad thing for Da Qin. First of all, they can't attack each other as enemies, and they have to face countless card world forces in the card world. One more helper is definitely better. it is good.

After making the decision, Zhao Fu said with a smile, "There is no problem. I, Daqin, are willing to form an alliance with your Tuwei Kingdom."

The earth-tailed messenger was overjoyed that such an important thing could be accomplished in such a simple manner. Without encountering any difficulties, he happily smiled and said, "Your Majesty can form an alliance with us, which is a good thing for both parties. Your Majesty, you are right in your decision."

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Now I order someone to hold a banquet and let Da Qin entertain you."

The Tuwei messenger said humbly, "I'm sorry, Your Majesty, and I need to report the matter to the Tuwei Kingdom and leave."

Afterwards, the envoy of the Tuwei Kingdom sent the news back.

Everyone in Lei Mingguo was very happy. First of all, they thought that Daqin might be stronger than them, and they destroyed the two powerful countries in this place in one fell swoop without encountering much obstacles.

The key point is that the terrifying powerhouse they thought before was not actually a person in the card world, but the master of the Daqin Empire.

To have such a terrifying king who can easily destroy two kingdoms, his strength must be very terrifying. It is a great thing to have such a powerful force as an ally.

Not long after, Tuwei Kingdom suddenly confronted the two small countries next to it, namely Duoli Kingdom and Youyue Kingdom.

boom! boom!

Two huge roars sounded, and the army of the Tuwei Kingdom was divided into two groups, with a huge and heavy force, rushing towards the two small countries.

Although the two small countries had fortified their strong defenses, they were still extremely frightened, and hurriedly notified others to resist together.

other people get this

This news, they were shocked, what they were worried about still happened, without any hesitation, they hurriedly wanted to send troops to attack the station of Tuwei country from all directions, trying to hold back Tuwei country.

When Daqin learned of this news, as an ally, he could give some help, and ordered Daqin soldiers to be divided into several groups to attack several countries respectively.

Zhao Fu didn't really want to attack them, but to scare them a few countries and let them withdraw their troops.

In the face of Daqin's attack, several countries have no choice. They are afraid that they will not be able to resist Daqin. They can only withdraw their troops to resist Daqin. They can't always ignore their own safety for the sake of other countries.

Now they also understand that the two terrorist forces have formed an alliance. One of them feels terrible and unable to resist, and both of them feel a little hopeless.

There was a smile on the faces of the people of Tuwei Kingdom. With Da Qin's help, their pressure was greatly reduced, and they continued to order people to attack the two countries.

His eyes turned to two battlefields.

The two armies continued to charge towards the two countries. The people from the two countries shot arrows one by one, with powerful force, piercing the sky and shooting at the two armies like heavy rain.

This Tuwei Kingdom is indeed very powerful, emitting countless yellow rays of light, and the countless arrows shot in the past were all blocked by those yellow rays of light, as if they were shot on the wall, they flew out and landed on the ground.

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