The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2485 Dragon Race

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address:

After the two ends, Zhao Fu came to a new place, which was close to the Demon Domain, so there were quite a few demon clans.

These monsters are very competitive and have built a lot of Colosseum. Every day, many people fight in the Colosseum, and there are also very monsters watching. It is the most popular place here.

When Zhao Fu passed by, he didn't care much at first, but he suddenly heard that a duel competition was being held here, and whoever became the final winner would get a few extremely precious monster treasures.

Among them, there is a kind of Emperor Heaven Demon Horse Stone, which is the thing that Zhao Fu is most interested in.

The Ditian Demon Horse is an extremely powerful demon horse, with a tall and strong body, with the power of an emperor, exuding a noble and powerful aura.

Because there are emperor-level bloodlines in their bloodline, although they are not pure emperor-level bloodlines, they can also be given strong emperor-level power, and they can crush monsters of the same rank without any problem.

The number of Ditian demon horses is also very rare, and it is usually difficult to meet them. Because of their bloodline restrictions, they cannot become humanoids, and they always look like horses.

Therefore, to have such an Emperor Heavenly Demon Horse as a mount is something that is very honorable and pompous to be envied.

The Ditian Demon Horse Stone is formed by the power condensed after the death of the Ditian Demon Horse. If it is used by other horses, it will also obtain a little Ditian Demon Horse bloodline and master a kind of Emperor Power.

I heard that this piece of Emperor Heaven Demon Horse is very powerful, not an ordinary Emperor Heaven Demon Horse Stone.

When Zhao Fu heard the Emperor Heavenly Demon Horse Stone, he thought in his heart that if he got this piece of Emperor Heavenly Demon Horse Stone and integrated it into a horse lair, those horses would have the bloodline of the Emperor Heavenly Demon Horse and could be used as part of the Emperor's Cavalry Regiment. mount.

With the momentum of the emperor's bloodline and the horse with the emperor's bloodline, it is undoubtedly the most suitable pair, which can maximize the strength of the cavalry regiment.

Zhao Fu had seen the strength of the cavalry regiment, and now he has been thinking about how to cultivate a cavalry regiment, so he stopped when he heard this information, and planned to participate in this duel competition.

After a while, Zhao Fu came to the life-saving resistance. On the counter sat a demon clan with the head of a sheep, holding a pen in one hand and a stack of white paper under the pen.

He saw Zhao Fu walking in front of him, and said in a flat tone, "Tell me your name and cultivation base, and I will arrange a duel for you."

Zhao Fu opened his mouth and said, "Magic Night! Cultivation is Emperor Heaven Realm."

The monster's expression was stunned for a moment, then with a smile on his face, he stood up and said respectfully, "It turned out to be an adult with a cultivation base of Emperor Heaven Realm, please don't blame it just now."

Zhao Fu responded lightly, "Nothing, I want to participate in this duel competition."

The sheep-headed demon clan said with a smile, "According to the rules, my lord, please show the strength of your Emperor Heaven Realm."

Hearing this, Zhao Fu nodded, exuding a power that belonged to the Heavenly Emperor Realm.

The sheep-headed demon clan felt the terrifying power emanating from Zhao Fu, and their expressions became more respectful. Although Emperor Tianjing cultivators are not uncommon here, they are definitely a very powerful person.

"Sir! Because you are a strong player in the Emperor Heaven Realm, you don't need to participate in the preliminary competition, you can directly participate in the final finals. I am now ordering someone to prepare a guest room for the adults, because the competition has just started, and the adults still need to board for a while. ."

Zhao Fu said, "Well, I understand."

Afterwards, the sheep-headed demon clan called a sheep-headed youth and led Zhao Fu to a room. This room was located at the top of a colosseum, and one could directly see the duel in the colosseum below.

There are many such rooms around, except for some players participating in the duel, other people are people with distinguished status to watch the game.

Now in the arena there is a monster with a head that looks like a lion fighting with a monster with horns.

Both of them are Heavenly Realm powerhouses. The minimum requirement for this duel competition is One-Day Realm, and the highest limit is Emperor Heavenly Realm. Therefore, as a Emperor Heavenly Realm powerhouse, Zhao Fu directly participates in the final duel, and does not need to participate in the preliminary competition.

With the cultivation of the general Emperor Heaven Realm, it is definitely a monk who can crush the Heaven Realm. This will not be too surprising, and there is nothing worth seeing.

The sheep-headed youth said respectfully, "Sir! You can tell me anything you want to ask, or any request."

Zhao Fu nodded lightly, indicating that he understood.

After that, he got a little bored. As an Emperor Heaven Realm powerhouse, Zhao Fu didn't have much interest in watching a group of Heaven Realm powerhouses fight.

However, the many demon clans in the lower layer were very excited, and the scene was very lively.

For them, Yitianjing is also an extraordinary powerhouse. Seeing these powerhouses fighting fiercely, they are naturally very excited and excited.

bang bang bang...

A dull sound rang out, and the two demon clans were both powerful, punching each other continuously, and they were full of ferocity, and a strong wind blew away.

It is also worth mentioning that in this duel competition, weapons cannot be used, and they can only rely on their own bodies to fight, because the monsters themselves are very powerful and can display great destructive power.


The monster with bull horns slammed out with a punch, and a huge cyan bull head, with ferocious power, slammed into the lion man.


The lion man blocked with both hands in front of him, but was knocked out by the huge force, spat out a mouthful of blood, and had no strength to get up. Finally, the referee came on the field and announced the victory of the bull-horned youth.

With ox horn green

The victory of the year, the surrounding is boiling, and countless people shouted with excitement, venting their happy emotions.

Zhao Fu watched with a bit of boredom. Although the battle was a bit exciting, it still couldn't attract Zhao Fu's attention.

Next is a man in a white coat with a sinister appearance and a big man in a strong suit.

bang bang bang...

The two quickly fought fiercely. The big man threw out a fist and punched a huge punch, which could shatter the steel, while the ruthless young man injected a force into his palm, and both palms radiated a pale light. Formed two light knives and slashed at the big man.

The result was that the vicious young man won and smashed the big man out. A deep wound appeared on the big man's chest, and blood kept pouring out.

Afterwards, the referee ordered someone to lift the big man down and declared the vicious young man the winner.

Zhao Fu still felt bored, and after a few battles, a cute girl with long black hair tied into two braids and two black dragon horns on her head came to the arena.

And her opponent was also a handsome young man in white clothes with two dragon horns on his head.

Both of them are dragons.

Everyone also came to the spirit. Among the demon clan, the dragon clan is one of the strongest races, and the fighting power they exude is not weak.

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