The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2494 Heir

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Zhao Fu glanced at the two of them, "I know what you're thinking. The next time you have such thoughts, the consequences will be serious."

Feng Baixue and Long Qingqing nodded, indicating that they understood.

Then, Zhao Fu left the room with a smile, and came down to a group of people from the Phoenix Clan and Dragon Clan.

Feng Baixue remembered what happened just now, looked at the dragon clan in front of her, and snorted, with a hint of sarcasm, "Congratulations! There is a dragon master in your dragon clan, but unfortunately no one else is interested in going to your dragon clan."

Long Qingqing smiled and said, "At least our dragon clan will have a dragon clan master in the future, and he is still a very terrible dragon clan master. Now he doesn't want to go to the dragon clan, but maybe in the future, when he becomes the dragon clan master, I am looking forward to that day when your Phoenix clan perishes."

Feng Baixue said angrily, "Long Qingqing, don't be too proud!"

Long Qingqing said with a light smile, "Now you are still worried about your Phoenix clan. Since you appeared that peerless genius, there has been no one like her. You will have no way to resist our dragon clan in the future."

Feng Baixue was angry, but she was unable to refute, because what Long Qingqing said was the truth.

Evil Jiu didn't want the two sides to continue arguing, and said, "Okay, sister Qing, don't talk about it, it's about time for Zhao Fu to play the game, I want to see what the real battle looks like."

Hearing this, Long Qingqing smiled and nodded.

Feng Baixue didn't say anything. She came to the window and wanted to see how Zhao Fu fought with others, but she already had some expectations in her heart.

Zhao Fu was already standing in the arena of the duel at this time.

The arena was quiet, and everyone around looked nervously at the duel arena. Now, the battle at the Emperor Heaven level is far more terrifying than the previous battle, and I believe it will be even more exciting.

A young man with a cold aura and a pair of snake pupils came out from the opposite side.

The snake-eyed youth stared at Zhao Fu with sullen eyes, and made a hoarse voice, "Boy admit defeat early, or he will die!"

Zhao Fu chuckled disdainfully, "Hurry up, my time is limited."

The young man with snake eyes was angry, exuding a powerful force, his body twisted like a snake, and disappeared in place in an instant, and appeared in front of Zhao Fu in the next second. Just bit it.


Zhao Fu's body instantly disappeared in place, leaving an afterimage. The big snake penetrated the afterimage left by Zhao Fu, and the attack failed. The snake-eyed young man was startled and sensed something. He raised his head and looked into the sky. .

I saw Zhao Fu fall from the air, and one foot stepped on him with a huge force. Before the young man with snake eyes could react, he was stepped on by Zhao Fu.


A loud voice sounded, and the snake-eyed youth was stepped on the ground by Zhao Fu's foot, and the terrifying force hit the ground, and the ground instantly burst into a big hole.

The snake-eyed youth was trampled under Zhao Fu's feet, blood was flowing from his mouth, and he looked seriously injured.

"So strong!"

Countless people present looked at Zhao Fu in shock. The battle only ended in an instant, and the difference in strength between the two sides was too great.

In the originally quiet venue, countless people shouted excitedly, like thunder, shaking the Quartet.

Long Qingqing and everyone came to the window and watched the battle below. There was no surprise in their hearts, because both of them were strong in the Emperor Heaven Realm, and they could easily be defeated by Zhao Fu.

None of them were Zhao Fu's opponents, let alone the snake-eyed youth.

With a smile on his face, the referee stepped forward to announce Zhao Fu's victory, and Zhao Fu was waiting for the next opponent.

Long Qingqing retracted his gaze and looked at the evil nine who were focused on Zhao Fu. After thinking for a while, he opened his mouth and said with a smile, "Jiu'er! How did you meet such a terrifying person as him? I remember that you didn't come from a New to the world?"

Now that Zhao Fu has become the master of the dragon clan, Long Qingqing wants to know more information.

Feng Baixue next to him also wanted to know a lot of information about Zhao Fu, so he pricked up his ears and listened carefully.

Evil Jiu turned to look at Long Qingqing and said with a smile, "Yeah! I was born in the new world, and Zhao Fu is also a newcomer. We are still in the same place, so it's easy to know each other."

What? That person with such terrifying power and blood is just a newcomer to the world?

Hearing this, everyone only felt that they were hit by a huge lightning, and their bodies almost lost their stability and fell to the ground.

Although Long Qingqing believed in Evil Nine, she asked in disbelief at this time, "Jiu'er! Are you telling the truth? Is that person really a newcomer to the world?"

Evil Nine nodded strangely and replied, "Sister Qing, do you think I'll lie to you?"

Long Qingqing also believed Evil Jiu's words, but he was still very shocked. How could a person who is new to the world possess such ultimate power and still possess the supreme bloodline?

Generally, people who are new to the world have the most cultivation base in the heaven and human realm, and they have no ability to go to the center of the sky.

But now that he appeared in Tianyu, the cultivation base is the Emperor Heaven Realm, which is much more terrifying than the general Emperor Heaven Realm. What happened to him? How could there be such an amazing change?

Long Qingqing looked at Evil Jiu seriously and said, "Jiu'er! This matter is really important,

Tell me everything you know. "

Evil Jiu smiled sweetly and said, "Okay! But I left the human world very early, and I don't know why Zhao Fu became so terrible."

Long Qingqing nodded, "It's okay, tell me everything you know about him."

Evil Nine remembered the time before, and said with a happy smile, "At that time, I was a lord creature in a region, and I lived a carefree life every day. In a certain day, a terrible vision of heaven and earth suddenly appeared, and I only knew that there was a country. The heir appeared in my domain."

Hearing this, Long Qingqing and Feng Baixue's faces were a little surprised. They didn't expect that Zhao Fu was still the heir of a country.

Evil Jiu continued, "The power of that country's heritage site is extremely shatterable, which makes me a little worried every day, afraid that people from that country's heritage site will come to attack me."

"After a while, Zhao Fu ran to where I was sleeping and collected a kind of spirit grass, and then we got to know each other."

"At that time, his strength was weak. Only the second-order cultivation base or the third-order cultivation base. I felt that I could flatten him with one paw, but the breath he exuded was terrible, so I didn't dare to do it."

"The facts also prove that I did nothing wrong. Zhao Fu's power and his power have grown rapidly. Zhao Fu's power soon surpassed mine, and his territory has also annexed countless powers, becoming a very powerful power."

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