The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2496 Spirit Domain

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Zhao Fu smiled and looked at Evil Nine, "Now that the matter is completed, I will leave here soon, and see you in the future."

Evil Jiuyi looked at Zhao Fu with big eyes, and said reluctantly, "Do you have to leave in such a hurry? I want to stay with you for a while longer."

Zhao Fu chuckled, "Well, that matter is very important to me,"

Evil Nine asked curiously, "What are you doing? Are you in such a hurry?"

Zhao Fu simply replied, "Nothing, just go to the spiritual realm to awaken the supreme emperor star of the spiritual clan."

Hearing this, everyone's expressions were startled. Awakening the Supreme Emperor Star of the race was a shocking event. Why did Zhao Fu say it so easily, and Zhao Fu was not a human race? How could the Supreme Emperor Star of the Spiritual Race be awakened?

If ordinary people said this, they would definitely think it was a bragging and a fake, but if Zhao Fu said it, they would remain skeptical, because Zhao Fu is so terrible, maybe he can really do it.

Evil Jiu believed Zhao Fu's smile and said, "Then after you go to the Spirit Clan to awaken the Spirit Clan Emperor Star, then come and play with me if you have time."

Zhao Fu smiled and nodded.

Looking at Zhao Fu who was about to leave, Long Qingqing couldn't help but said, "Lord Long Zun, we want to know more about you, I don't know if you can say something, and you are really going to the Awakening Emperor of the Spiritual Race. Star? It's not something anyone can do."

Zhao Fu looked at her with a pair of eyes and said, "You know too much but it's not good for you."

Long Qingqing understood that Zhao Fu was not simple, it was getting more and more mysterious, and he had just said the terrible words of awakening the Emperor Star of the Spirit Clan. For the sake of the Dragon Clan, Long Qingqing made a decision.

"Lord Long Zun! I am willing to be your maid and follow you, and please agree."

Everyone looked surprised, they didn't expect Long Qingqing to suddenly say this.

Feng Baixue guessed Long Qingqing's intentions, and also thought of the Feng clan. In order to stop Long Qingqing, she also smiled and said, "Sir! I can also be your maid, and I am willing to follow you."

Evil Jiu said happily, "I'm with Sister Qing, Zhao Fu, let's go to the spiritual realm! It just so happened that I didn't go to the spiritual realm, so I can have fun there."

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "No! I don't want to bring so many people with me."

Evil Jiu looked disappointed, pouted and said, "Why? It's so boring to go there alone, you see how good-looking Sister Qing is, how good it is to bring her with you."

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "I really can't, I'm leaving now."

Evil Nine had no choice, "That's fine! You have to remember to visit me at my place!"

Zhao Fu nodded lightly, then left the city and turned into a stream of light that shot toward the horizon.

After Zhao Fu left, Long Qingqing pondered for a moment and said to the people of the Dragon Clan, "You go back first, and remember that this matter should not be leaked out, or the power of Lord Long Zun in our body will kill you in advance."

Evil Jiu asked strangely, "Sister Qing, let's go back, what about you?"

Long Qingqing replied seriously, "I want to follow Lord Long Zun, his identity is too mysterious and too terrifying, I must find out, and he is the future master of our dragon clan, I must convince him to go to the dragon clan. "

Evil Jiu thought for a while, then said, "Sister Qing, I'm going too, that guy Zhao Fu is very kind to me, but he only treats his friends and subordinates like this. In fact, he is really a very Horrible man, I fear you are in danger."

The other dragon girls and teenagers said quickly, "We are going too!"

Long Qingqing thought for a moment, then showed a smile, "You Jiu, you go with me, and the rest should not go, I don't know what will happen along the way."

Evil Nine nodded happily, while the others looked disappointed.

But there is no way, who called Evil Jiu and such a powerful person as a friend, if she was there, Zhao Fu would not hurt Long Qingqing, and he could also help Long Qingqing persuade Zhao Fu to go to the Dragon Clan as the Lord of the Dragon Clan.

When Feng Baixue saw that Long Qingqing was going to follow Zhao Fu, she also made a decision in her heart, but she didn't say anything.

Because on the side of the Feng Clan, besides her, there are six of her maids, and the last Phoenix Clan youth.

That young Phoenix clan only knew her, and didn't have a good relationship. How he wanted to choose was no longer within her concern.

The young man is also very conscious, and plans to leave alone later, bury this matter in his mind, and absolutely cannot say it.

He also never thought that just by teaching a few dragon youths, he could lead to a dragon master.

Afterwards, Long Qingqing took Evil Nine to chase in the direction of Zhao Fu's disappearance.

Feng Baixue looked at Long Qingqing's disappearing figure with a smile on her face, and said, "Let's follow, I really want to know how terrible that person is, and whether he can really awaken the Spiritual Race Emperor. star."

The maid next to her reminded seriously, "Miss! Are you sure? That person is very dangerous. If we chase after him, we will probably anger him, and maybe we will lose our life."

Feng Baixue said with a smile, "If we follow directly behind him, we will definitely annoy him, but we can just follow behind Long Qingqing. Even if he wants to get angry, he will go to Long Qingqing and the others first."

The maid chuckled, "Miss is really smart."

Afterwards, Feng Baixue took the six beautiful maids and turned into a stream of light to chase after Long Qingqing.

After a while, a

A charming beauty with long purple hair came to this city, and her appearance caused a scream, because she was so beautiful that countless men wanted to possess her, even women would envy her.

Lan Yue ignored these scorching gazes and asked with a smile, but saw a mysterious person wearing a cloak.

Then Lan Yue also learned what happened here, smiled and chased in the direction of Zhao Fu's disappearance.

After waiting for a long time, another pair of beautiful sisters came here, causing countless amazement at one time, Jian Yiyue and Jian June followed the breath to follow here,

They also asked if they had seen anyone with a cloak, and then they also got information from Zhao Fu, and quickly chased after Zhao Fu.

In the end, Xiangqianqian came here, because her strength was not as strong as those of the previous two teams, but she did not dare to come here with a huge force, so she could only rely on induction and chase in the direction where Zhao Fu disappeared.

At this time, Zhao Fu didn't even know that five teams were following him. Long Qingqing and Jiuyi team, Feng Baixue and her six maids were one team, one team was Lan Yue, and the other team was Jian Yiyue and Jian June. , the last team is Xiangqianqian.

Zhao Fu flew towards the spiritual realm at a speed, and used the teleportation array to continuously teleport, and finally came to the spiritual realm.

Because this is the spiritual realm, I feel that there is more spiritual energy than other places, and the spiritual energy is more spiritual.

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