The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2508 Baoyu

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Entering the Linghe sect, Qinghe and Qingyao brought Zhao Fu to a courtyard. There was a cold and gloomy young man sitting on a stone bench. He was holding a piece of precious jade and looked at it. He sensed that someone was coming, and looked at Zhao Fu and the three of them. His voice was cold, "Is something wrong?"

When the three of them came to the youth, Qinghe said directly, "I want the Shuitian Lingzhu, and I can exchange it for something."

The gloomy young man lowered his head, without even looking up at Qinghe, and coldly refused, "No! Shuitian Lingzhu is useful to me."

Qing He's face was a little angry.

Qingyao showed a wry smile. The cold young man in front of him had a bad temper and had a bad relationship with anyone. It was very difficult to get the Shuitian Spiritual Race from him, so Qingyao said that before.

Qing He had a cold face, and with a wave of his hand, three objects floated in the air, one was a white iron stone with fish scales, the other was a spirit grass emitting fairy light, and the other was a long gray horn. There are spirals on it.

"This is four fish iron, ten thousand bright grass, and Tongling horn. Although each of these things is not comparable to that of the Shuitian Lingzhu, the combined value must exceed that of the Shuitian Lingzhu. I will use these three things with you. exchange."

The gloomy young man still looked down at Baoyu and replied coldly, "No change!"

Qinghe said angrily, "Then what do you want in exchange?"

The gloomy young man raised his head and glanced at Qing He, and said in a cold voice, "I have already said no, please leave if you have nothing to do."

Qing He was so angry that he just wanted to say something.

Qingyao stopped her with a smile on her face, and said, "Now we need the Shuitian Lingzhu very much. We will try to find and exchange with you what you want. It is considered that our sisters owe you a favor."

The gloomy youth remained the same and said, "Shuitian Lingzhu is also useful to me. I won't use it to make friends. If you want the Shuitian Lingzhu, you should go to other places to get it."

Qinghe said angrily, "If you weren't from the Linghe Sect, I would have done it to you now. Can you save the Shuitian Lingzhu with your ability?"

The gloomy young man frowned.

Qingyao showed an embarrassed smile and persuaded, "Qinghe don't say that, we are from a sect after all, since he doesn't want to exchange, let's go somewhere else!"

Qing He snorted coldly, now that the other party is unwilling to exchange, she has no choice, there is no way to grab it directly, she is about to leave.

Zhao Fu suddenly said, "I have something here, I don't know if I can change the water and sky spirit beads?"

Seeing the two sisters Qinghe and Qingyao, in order to obtain the Shuitian Lingzhu for himself, Zhao Fu felt very sorry in his heart. He wanted to solve this problem by himself, so he took out a peach.

This fist-sized, bright red surface, entwined with fairy light, exudes a faint peach fragrance, it is not an ordinary thing at first glance, the peach fragrance enters the nose and feels that the body is much more comfortable and there is no fatigue.

The peach that Zhao Fu took out was an immortal peach, and it was not an ordinary immortal peach, but a 9,000-year-old purple-patterned immortal peach, a peach picked from a fairy peach tree in the half-immortal world.

As soon as Xiantao was taken out, the eyes of the three of Qingyao were attracted.

Qingyao and Qinghe looked a little stunned. They sensed that this fairy peach contained a huge immortal power and had an unimaginable and peculiar effect. Even a half-immortal would need it very much. It is definitely an extremely rare treasure.

They were all very excited. If they ate the fairy peach and felt one step closer to being a half-immortal, they would never have thought that Zhao Fu had such a precious thing on his body.

Seeing this fairy peach, the gloomy young man said without any hesitation, "I can exchange it with the Water Sky Spirit Pearl."

Qinghe said dissatisfiedly, "This immortal peach is obviously the fruit that has grown from the immortal peach tree for tens of thousands of years. It contains this huge immortal power, and its value is much higher than that of the Shuitian Lingzhu. Do you want to get it so easily?"

The gloomy young man frowned, "I can add a bottle of Water Spirit Pill in exchange for this fairy peach."

With a smile on her face, Qingyao asked Zhao Fu, "Water Spirit Pill is a very precious medicinal pill. It can help a water-type cultivator break through to the Great Power Realm. Do you think it can be changed?"

Zhao Fu had no opinion, and now he just wanted to get the Shuitian Lingzhu, and said, "It can be exchanged!"

Qing Yao smiled and stretched out one hand to pick up Xiantao, then turned to look at the cold young man.

The gloomy young man took out a jade bottle and a ball the size of an egg.

That round bead is condensed from water, and there is still running water in it, emitting a slight spiritual light, as if there is still life, moving in mid-air, this is the water sky spirit bead.

Qingyao handed Xiantao to the gloomy young man, and the young man also stretched out his hand, and the two things in his hand flew to Qingyao.

The gloomy young man stretched out a hand and grabbed Xiantao in his hand, looked at it carefully, with a smile on his face, raised his head and looked at Zhao Fu, "Who are you? You can actually take out such a precious treasure?"

Qinghe said bluntly, "It's none of your business!"

The cold young man didn't care about Qinghe's words, and continued, "If you still have Xiantao, I can exchange it with you for other things."

Zhao Fu said with a light smile, "This is a precious thing of the 10,000-year-old peach. I also accidentally got only one, and I have been reluctant to use it."

The gloomy young man sensed that the breath on Zhao Fu's body was very ordinary. He felt that such a precious fairy peach, Zhao Fu was unlikely to have a second fairy peach, so he didn't say anything.

Qingyao handed the Shuitian Lingzhu and the medicine bottle to Zhao Fu, and said with a smile, "Let's go!"

Zhao Fu accepted the two things with a smile, and now he has obtained the Shuitian Lingzhu, which is one step closer to awakening the Emperor Star of the Spiritual Race.

Afterwards, the three of Zhao Fu left the courtyard and went outside.

Qinghe stretched out a hand and pinched Zhao Fu, looked at Zhao Fu and said, "You are not a holy son of a holy force, are you? How come there are such precious peaches? He still refuses to reveal your identity. "

Zhao Fu stepped aside in pain, and said, "Do you think I'm a holy son or so? And can you stop doing it?"

Qinghe glared at Zhao Fu, "Why do I pinch you? Do you want to be taught a lesson?"

Zhao Fu sighed helplessly, he couldn't beat the woman in front of him at all, otherwise Zhao Fu would definitely take care of her.

Qingyao smiled and said, "Okay! You two get along better, and Qinghe, you really can't pinch Zhao Fu."

Qinghe simply replied, "Oh!"

Qing Yao continued with a smile, "It's getting late now, let's take a night's rest at Linghe Sect, and continue to look for other Heavenly Spirit Orbs tomorrow."

Then, the three came to an elegant courtyard.

Qingyao said, "This is where I live, Zhao Fu, you sleep next to the room next to you."

Zhao Fu nodded, then took out two peaches and said, "These peaches are for you, thank you for your help to me, the peaches should be of great help to you too, right?"

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