The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2510 Shuitian Lingzhu (for subscription)

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The old man frowned, "Mutian Lingzhu is an important treasure in this place, and we won't give it to you."

Qing Yao said with a chuckle, "We won't take it for free, we can exchange it for something."

The old man said apologetically, "This really doesn't work, please forgive me, you still need to go elsewhere to get the Mutian Spirit Orb."

Qinghe frowned and said coldly, "We must get the Mutian Lingzhu. If you don't want to, then we can only use force to snatch it."

The old man felt a bit of a headache. Only his power reached the Great Power Realm here, and the other wood spirits were at the peak of the Dao Realm at most. If they fought, they would not only cause huge damage to this place, but they might also lose.

The Mutian Lingzhu contains powerful spiritual power, which can enhance the spiritual power and spirituality of the forest forbidden area, and can give birth to more wood spirits.

Qingyao and Qinghe had serious expressions on their faces, and they didn't want to do anything if it wasn't necessary, because there were countless wood spirits here, and fighting others would be in great danger.

When the two sides are at a standoff.

Zhao Fu stood up and said, "Neither of us want a fierce battle, I have a solution."

Qingyao, Qinghe, and the old man all turned their attention to Zhao Fu.

The old man said, "What method?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "If someone with the same level of cultivation here can defeat me, then we will leave immediately, and we will not be robbing the Mutian Spirit Orb. If none of you can defeat me, then please hand over the Mutian Spirit Orb. ."

After thinking about it, the old man sensed the power of Zhao Fu. It wasn't very scary. He felt that this method could work, and it could avoid the battle between the great powers and cause huge damage to the place. He smiled and said, "Yes!"

Then, the old man returned to the forest to discuss this matter with the others.

Qingyao looked at Zhao Fu with her beautiful eyes, "Are you confident, Zhao Fu?"

Zhao Fu smiled and nodded.

Qinghe also smiled and said with a confident smile, "Sister! Don't worry, this guy's power is terrifying."

Because Qinghe had an in-depth communication with Zhao Fu last night, and understood that Zhao Fu's power is very powerful, and the power he possesses may be more terrifying than the power they possess.

After a while, the old man brought up a tall young man who exuded an aura of the peak of the Emperor Heaven Realm.

Zhao Fugang said that as long as he can defeat him at the same level, Zhao Fu's cultivation base is only Emperor Heaven Realm, while tall young people have Emperor Heaven Realm peak cultivation base, and tall young people have enough advantages in terms of cultivation.

The old man smiled and said, "He can be your opponent in a duel, right?"

Zhao Fu glanced at the young man and said with a confident smile, "No problem!"

Seeing Zhao Fu's confident appearance, the old man became suspicious. Did he feel wrong? The power this man possesses is terrible?

However, the young man he brought is the strongest person in the Emperor Heaven Realm in the forbidden land, and he is still at the peak of the Emperor Heaven Realm.

Zhao Fu and the young man came to a sky.

The young man had a serious face, but he didn't care because he had a great advantage, and said, "I won't let you get the Mutian Lingzhu."


A roar sounded, and the young man burst out with a very terrifying force, his body ignited a huge green arrogance, and the surrounding air instantly became dignified.


The young man charged directly at Zhao Fu with enormous strength, like a beast, with a huge gust of wind.

Zhao Fu stood in place without moving, a huge force also poured out from Zhao Fu's body, and a terrifying black arrogance ignited on his body.

The young man rushed in front of Zhao Fu and threw a punch, as if he could shatter the void.

The corner of Zhao Fu's mouth rose, revealing a smile, clenched his right fist, and blasted it out with terrifying power.


The two fists slammed together with terrifying force, and a terrifying force spread out, forming a huge wind that blew away, and countless trees swayed with force, very terrifying.

Zhao Fu stood there without taking a step, but the young man took a few steps back.

The old man was startled, and it turned out that he was wrong. This person is more terrifying than imagined. There is no advantage at the peak of Emperor Heaven Realm. If you are in the ordinary Emperor Heaven Realm, you may be defeated in a few strokes. This person is true of power.

It was also the first time that Qingyao saw Zhao Fu make a move, and she also showed a surprised expression. She understood Zhao Fu's strength, and her sister was right.

The young man's face became ugly, he roared unwillingly, and a more terrifying force erupted. The green color became several times, and then condensed into a green wolf, which bit Zhao Fu with terrifying power. past.

Zhao Fu had a faint smile on his face, and countless black arrogance gathered in his hands, forming a black dragon head, exuding an astonishing breath, and punched out,


A huge explosion sounded, the green giant wolf and the black dragon head collided, and a more terrifying force spread. A stronger storm formed, and countless trees swayed violently.

Zhao Fu stood still and didn't move, the young man flew upside down more than ten meters, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Now it is obvious that the young man is not Zhao Fu's opponent. The young man's face has become very ugly. He also understands this fact. Even if he is not reconciled, there is nothing he can do.

Zhao Fu chuckled and said, "Do you want to continue? Now I have to use all my strength, and I can't blame me for being injured."

The young man's face changed, and his heart was very shocked. This person hasn't used all his strength, so it's too scary, right? He is also the number one powerhouse in the forbidden area, why is he so weak in front of this person?

It was so simple to admit defeat, then he had no face, and burst out with all his strength, and charged towards Zhao Fu with a ferocious aura.


In the next second, the young man's body was kicked out by Zhao Fu, and the score fell to the ground like a meteor, hitting a huge pit, and countless rocks were shot, and the vegetation was destroyed.

The big man was lying in the big pit, spitting out a mouthful of blood, his breath weakened, and he looked seriously injured.

There is no need to say now, Dahan has already lost.

Zhao Fu turned his gaze to the old man.

Now the old man's face is ugly, he originally thought that his side would probably win, but he didn't expect to lose so easily.

Zhao Fu saw the old man's thoughts, and in order to convince him, he said, "You can send ten Emperor Heaven Realm to attack together. If they win, we will leave immediately. If you lose, you must hand over the Mutian Lingzhu. Otherwise, we can only grab it."

The old man nodded helplessly. If none of the ten Emperor Heaven Realm were his opponents, then he had no complaints and could only hand over the Wood Heaven Spirit Pearl.

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