The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2512 Jin Ling

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Qinghe said, "Next, let's find the Golden Sky Spirit Orb, but this Golden Sky Spirit Orb is a very important thing. We can only get it by stealing it, otherwise we won't get the Golden Sky Spirit Orb."

Zhao Fu responded with a smile, and the three quickly came to an area.

There is something special here. The ground is made of metal, and the flowers, plants and trees are also made of metal. Coming here is like coming to a metal world.

The three continued to fly forward and came to the vicinity of a huge steel city. The city walls and houses here were made of steel, exuding a huge and sturdy aura, as if nothing could destroy it.

Qinghe reminded, "The Golden Sky Spirit Orb is in this city. The city owner is also a powerhouse at the power level. He also has a good relationship with several major forces. Generally, powers do not dare to offend him."

"And he also hates immortals very much. If you appear in front of him, he will definitely kill you directly without any hesitation."

Zhao Fu said clearly, "Yeah! Then how do we steal that Golden Sky Spirit Pearl?"

Qinghe opened his mouth and said, "My sister and I will lead out that strong person. If there is that strong person, there is no way to steal that Golden Sky Spirit Pearl. After we lead out that strong person, we will leave the next thing to you. You handle it."

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Then be careful!"

Hearing Zhao Fu's caring words, Qinghe showed a happy smile on his face, "You guys still know how to care about us, and it's worthy of our sisters to pay so much to you."

Qingyao was a little worried when she saw how close her sister and Zhao Fu were.

After a while, Qinghe and Qingyao changed into other clothes and covered their faces with veils. The two of them helped Zhao Fu as their own personal affairs, and they didn't want their identities leaked to cause trouble for Linghe Sect.

boom! boom!

Two roars sounded, and Qinghe and Qingyao flew towards the huge city with a powerful momentum.

The momentum that the two of them exudes belongs to the almighty momentum, which directly changes the color of the world, the situation is surging, and the huge pressure is placed on everyone, making people feel a sense of fear.

A middle-aged man wearing iron armor and a stiff face quickly flew out of the city wall, exuding a terrifying aura.

The middle-aged man's name is Jin San. He is the city lord of this metal city. His cultivation base has reached the realm of great power, which is much stronger than that of ordinary powers. That's why Qinghe and Qingyao are so careful.

With a cold face, Jin San looked at the two people who were unkind, and said, "You two came to the door and don't know what's wrong?"

Qing He said coldly, "We are here to seek revenge. You killed our relatives back then, but now we want you to be buried with the people in your city."

In fact, Qinghe and Jin San have no hatred, Qinghe just pretended to be looking for revenge to cover up his true identity.

As such a powerful person, it is impossible to have no enemies, so Jin San has no doubts, but his face becomes serious, because the existence of two high-level powers is not easy to deal with them.


A huge roar sounded, Qinghe raised a hand, and a terrifying force erupted from Qinghe's body, and countless water vapors condensed into spears, the number of which was not clear at all, covering the entire sky.

Not only Jin San is within the attack range, but the city is also within the attack range.


Qinghe raised it and dropped it hard, and the spears condensed by water, with amazing strength, shot at Jin Sanhe City at a high speed.

Jin San's complexion changed slightly, and he pulled out a silver-white sword and used it for a while. A huge shadow of the sword slashed forward with the power to sever everything, and nothing could stop it.

bang bang bang...

Countless water spears that were shot in the past were smashed by the huge blade shadow and turned into countless water sprays, like a heavy rain.


Qingyao also shot at this time, a huge water dragon condensed and charged towards Jin San with ferocious power, and the speed was also very fast.

Jin San blocked the long knife in his hand in front of him, and an astonishing force was injected into it, and the long knife radiated countless sword lights.


A loud voice sounded, and the huge water dragon slammed into Jin San's long knife, turning into countless splashes of water, and Jin San also stepped back.

Qing Yao's strength is stronger than Qing He.

Jin San had a cold face, exuding a powerful momentum, and rushed towards the two of Qingyao.

bang bang bang...

A loud voice continued to sound, and the three fought fiercely in the sky. The storm was turbulent, and the terrifying fluctuations continued to spread.

Everyone in the city watched with a look of horror, the battle that broke out between the three powerful levels was really terrifying for him.

Jin San immediately led Qinghe and Qingyao to another place. This is his place, and there are countless people below. If a fierce battle breaks out here, the city may be destroyed. I don't know how many people will die, and there are many scruples.

He didn't know how to lead Qinghe and Qingyao to other places, and he just fell for Qinghe's plan.

The eyes of countless people in the city were also attracted by the battle. Although they also believed in their own city lord, they were two great powers after all, so they sent people to watch the battle from a distance, and invited other powerhouses to come and help.

Zhao Fu also understands that he can't waste time, hiding his breath and quickly sneaking into the city.

Qinghe had told Zhao Fu before that the Golden Heaven Spirit Orb is the core of this metal city, and many large formations in the city are centered on the Golden Heaven Spirit Orb. If the Golden Heaven Spirit Orb is lost, it will have a great impact on a kind of city. .

In fact, if he could use Xiantao in exchange, Zhao Fu would be more than happy to exchange Xiantao, so he didn't need to be so troublesome and risk such a big risk.

Zhao Fu still has more than 30 fairy peaches, and there is no problem in consuming one.

But this Jintian Lingzhu is very important to the city. Jin San may not exchange it, and Jin San's power is much stronger than Qinghe Qingyao, and in his place, it would be very dangerous to take out such a precious thing. thing.

Moreover, Qinghe also reminded Zhao Fu that the affairs of Xiantao should be kept secret as much as possible, and the information should not be leaked, otherwise it may lead to the existence of a half-immortal snatch.

As for the cold young man who first exchanged Xiantao, although he has a bad relationship with Qinghe Qingyao, he is also a member of the sect and will not leak the news.

Jin Lingzhu was in the city lord's mansion. Zhao Fu lurked directly in that direction. Now because of the battle, there was a little confusion in the city, and all eyes were attracted, which was helpful for Zhao Fu to sneak into it.

But Zhao Fu didn't dare to be careless. Although there were no powerful powerhouses in the city, there should be spiritual powerhouses and Taoist powerhouses.

If discovered by these powerhouses, Zhao Fu would also be dead, and he would not have much resistance.

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