The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2561 Betrayal (unblocked and updated)

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Volume 1 Chapter 8

Yao Ye is still sluggish there. The inheritance of the Six Desires Demon Sutra, which he relies on most, has disappeared. He doesn't know what to do now. This feeling is like falling from the sky to the ground. , and now he is nothing.

Although he can continue to practice, he is not destined to become a peerless powerhouse without the Six Desires Demon Sutra in his practice.

Seeing that he didn't speak, the savage woman snorted coldly, "I'm leaving!"

The gentle woman said, "Don't leave in a hurry, we can easily reveal that we are women who are immortals when we leave his side, and we will also be discovered at that time. We are not the powerful women who were immortals in the past. A strong Taoist can obliterate us."

The savage woman said angrily, "What do you say? So many great powers are chasing and killing immortals. If we fall into their hands, the result may be worse than death."

The gentle woman said, "Let's find a rest first and see what happened."

Hearing the words, the others also nodded.

Afterwards, a few people helped Yao Ye, who had no strength, and came to a nearby big city to inquire about news.

Finally, they also learned an unacceptable news.

They also understood why Yao Ye lost all of his power. It turned out that the inheritance of the Six Desires Demon Scripture was broken, and Yao Ye would not be able to return to the previous state in the future, and there would be no immortals in the future.

There are more than 30 women in the room, each with a beautiful appearance, a graceful figure, and a good talent. They were obtained by Yao Ye using various methods in the past.

Now they stood there with ugly faces, the room was quiet, and the atmosphere became a little depressed.

Yao Ye is already abolished, and their results will not be good.

The gentle woman asked suspiciously, "I also heard that the twelfth generation of immortals voluntarily abolished the inheritance of the Six Desires Demon Sutra and repaired the exercises of the Six Desires Immortal Sect, but our husband is not the twelfth generation of immortals? The one who voluntarily abolished the inheritance. Who is the person? Why does he also have the inheritance of the Six Desires Demon Sutra?"

A woman with a mature temperament looked at Yao Ye with a pair of eyes, "No, you are the fake, who is the true inheritor of the Six Desires Demon Sutra? You have been deceiving us?"

The pungent woman glared at Yao Ye angrily, "It must be like this, in order to thank that person for repairing the exercises of the Six Desires Immortal Sect, the Sect Master of the Six Desires Immortal Sect personally thanked him, as the Sect Master of the Six Desires Immortal Sect, can he still admit the wrong person? We have never seen a real fairy, we just heard him say he is a fairy."

The woman with a cold temperament said calmly, "I think Yao Ye is a chess piece arranged by the real fairy, in order to attract the attention of all parties, he, the real inheritor of the fairy, works hard to grow up, Yao Ye may not know about this. , I thought that I was the real inheritor of immortality."

A sweet-looking woman said angrily, "Yao Ye, you have disappointed us too much. We are already your women, and we risked danger to hide everywhere, but I didn't expect you to lie to us all the time. Now I cut off all ties with you."

A quiet woman also nodded, "I also want to cut ties with you, you will not be my man in the future."

The gentle woman sighed and said, "I can help you through this difficult time as a friend, but I am no longer your woman. I will leave as soon as you cultivate your body."

The woman who originally cared about Yao Ye was also silent. She didn't expect Yao Ye to be such a person. She was a counterfeiter, and she kept scolding others for being counterfeiters.

Why did those immortals leave with that person in the past, and the girls also understood that that man was the real immortal, and they would definitely leave with him, not the fake Yao Ye.

Yao Ye looked at the girls in the room coldly, and said, "You hurry up, I don't want to see you either. I thought you would always love me, stay by my side, never give up, I did it myself. passionate."

The beautiful woman with a cold temperament said coldly, "Think about what means you used to get me? Are you sincere to me, or are you greedy for my beauty? You still say this now, if you don't care about your previous feelings, you Believe it or not, I can kill you right now."

Yao Ye yelled angrily, "Bitch, you still want to kill me? Are you capable of doing it?"

The icy beautiful woman's eyes were cold, but she raised her hand but still couldn't put it down. She could only hold back her breath and tilted her head, not wanting to see Yao Ye.

The woman who cared about Yao Ye advised, "Okay, don't be like this Yao Ye."

Yao Ye said angrily, "You don't care about my affairs. If you want to get out now, get out immediately, and I don't want to see you."

The woman who cared about Yao Ye lowered her head and fell silent.

In fact, she is the friend of Yang Suran, the woman in the red dress, the woman who was scourged by the fairy, although she has not been with Yaoye for a long time, her feelings are not light.

Hearing his words, all the girls in the room were a little angry, and some even really planned to turn around and leave immediately, but were pulled by the people next to them.

The gentle woman asked, "What should we do now?"

Now this is what they are most concerned about. What will they do next will determine their future and life and death, and they will naturally not stay by Yaoye's side.

The quiet woman said, "If we don't leave the spiritual realm and go to live in other places, people in other places should not be able to discover our life. If we go there together, we can help each other."

A woman with a weak temperament said worriedly, "But

Can we go somewhere else with our strength? Now the spiritual realm is very dangerous, maybe we will be caught on the way. "

The woman with a cold temperament said, "This is our only way. As his women, we must not stay in the spiritual realm, we can only leave here and go to other places."

The quiet woman frowned, "I don't know why, the six desires and demons in Yao Ye's body disappeared, but the six desires and demons he left in our body did not disappear, if the six desires and demons in our bodies disappeared, no one would be able to find us. It's his woman."

The gentle woman also said strangely, "This is a bit strange, is it related to the real fairy? The root of the six desires and demons in our body comes from him?"

The pungent woman said with a smile, "It should be, why don't we go to him? Anyway, we all have his six desires and demons in our bodies, and we can't escape from his palms, and they can be regarded as his women. People like him are the real ones. The genius of the world should not be like Yao Ye."

A charming woman also smiled happily and said, "I have no objection. I also want to be as happy as before. As a real fairy, he should be more powerful than Yao Ye."

Hearing this, Yao Ye's face turned green with anger, and shouted angrily, "If you dare to do this, I will definitely not let you go."

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