The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2564 perfect

Remember-remember\\[end-ben-shen-station\\] input-input-address-address: w-w-w.w-a-n-b-e-n-t-x-t.c-o-m


Volume 1 Chapter 11

Zhao Fu didn't reply, but looked at Sister Jianyue, "What's the matter with you dare to come to me at risk?"

Jian Yiyue said seriously, "We want to get that supreme sword intent."

Zhao Fu asked back, "Why do you think you can get it? I am no longer the person I used to be, and you are no longer my opponent."

Jian Yiyue said, "I know that I can't compare with you, the second-generation King of Kings, but we can use one switch to get that supreme sword intent."

"Switch sword intent with one move?" Zhao Fu's mouth lifted into a smile.

Qinghe was already familiar with Zhao Fu, so he stepped forward and pinched Zhao Fu in anger, "You bastard haven't explained why you lied to us, and you want to harm other people?"

Zhao Fu gave a bitter smile, "I can't help myself, you guys are too strong to kill me at will, I can only choose to deceive you."

Jue Li left and said, "You are a fake fairy, where is the real fairy?"

Zhao Fuyi wanted to answer, "I don't know either, but according to what you said, he has lost all his strength and is like a cripple, so he shouldn't dare to make any big moves."

Yang Suran said, "So you really didn't bully my friend. I thought you had been lying to me, sorry for misunderstanding you."

Zhao Fu rolled her eyes at her, "I was chased by the great powers of all parties before, but it was all your fault."

Yang Suran pouted, "I've already apologized, and I've been occupied by you, what else do you want?"

Zhao Fu thought about it and didn't care.

At this time, another group of people poured in, and one of them jumped into Zhao Fu's arms, crying and saying, "I finally found you, this time I will definitely not be separated from you."

It was Xiangqianqian who came, along with her five senior sisters, and a beautiful and mature woman. She was Xiangqianqian's mother, named Xiangyuya.

Zhao Fu's expression was stunned. He remembered Xiangqianqian and had something to do with him. He didn't expect her to appear here, which was really a coincidence.

However, Zhao Fu did not know that this was not a coincidence at all, but that they had been chasing behind Zhao Fu, and finally caught up with him this time.

A few days later, everyone left the inn. The faces of the women were all rosy, exuding a charming aura, and the matter of everyone had been resolved.

Although the girls of Qinghe were very angry that Zhao Fu had lied to them for so long, they had already become Zhao Fu's women, and they couldn't do anything to Zhao Fu, so they could only let Zhao Fu go and not pursue them.

Concubine Succubus still asked Zhao Fu to call her a mistress.

Long Qingqing and Feng Baixue also successfully stayed by Zhao Fu's side, which made them very happy.

Long Qingqing firmly believed that Zhao Fu would be able to unify the demon clan, because Zhao Fu was not only the ninth Dragon Lord, but also the more terrifying second-generation King of Kings.

Feng Baixue is also sure that her choice is not wrong. Zhao Fu will become a strong person beyond her imagination in the future. She will not only get countless opportunities by staying with Zhao Fu, but also gain some benefits for the Feng family. She is happier than Long Qingqing. a little.

Jian Yiyue and Jian June also got the sword intent they wanted.

Zhao Fu gave them two or two strands of the origin of sword intent. Now Zhao Fu has too much top-level power, and he is not a master of kendo. The origin of the two strands of sword intent is not very useful here, but Jianyiyue sisters should be able to play the sword effect of intention.

And the lack of two strands of Sword Intent Origin has no effect on Zhao Fu, and there is no problem with giving a few strands.

Lan Yue also got what she wanted. As a real woman, she chose to forget the past.

In the end, Xiangqianqian's wish was also successfully fulfilled, and she could follow Zhao Fu's side, as did her five senior sisters and her mother.

At the same time, the doubts of the past were also resolved, why the practice of Wanyu Palace could cause confusion in Zhao Fu's practice, because the practice of Wanyu Palace was also related to the Six Desires Immortal Sutra.

The master of Wanyu Palace obtained a small part of the Six Desires Immortal Sutra, and this part of the immortal scriptures are related to the demon species of the Six Desires Devil Sutra. She created the exercises of Wanyu Palace with part of the immortal scriptures, so the people in Wanyu Palace and Liuyu Palace People from Xianzong can also help those who practice the Six Desires Demon Sutra to increase their strength.

Xiang Yuya and the five senior sisters also understood why Xiangqianqian was so obsessed with Zhao Fu, and they were the same as Xiangqianqian.

In the end, Xiang Yuya gave Zhao Fu an Earth Heaven Spirit Orb, which made Zhao Fu still short of a Fengtian Spirit Orb.

And the good news is not only that, Xiang Yuya also brought news about Fengtian Lingzhu, if Zhao Fu gets this Fengtian Lingzhu, he can directly awaken the Lingzhu Emperor Star.

Now Zhao Fu has obtained the great luck of the Yin-Yang Sect and the great luck of the Six Desires Immortal Sect. Both sects are very powerful sects in the spiritual realm. This meets the spiritual luck that Zhao Fu needs, and Zhao Fu's body has also changed. For the yin and yang five elements, he obtained the blood of the spirit race, and also had the foundation for awakening the spirit bead.

In the end, the physical aberration was also resolved, so that Zhao Fu awakened the Emperor Star of the Spiritual Race without future troubles.

It can be said that Zhao Fu is only short of the Fengtian Lingzhu, as long as he gets the Fengtian Lingzhu, everything will be solved.

Zhao Fu was a little surprised by the location of the Fengtian Lingzhu, because Zhao Fu had been there before, and that place was the Ghost Palace.

Hearing Xiang Yuya say that there is a Fengtian Lingzhu in the Ghost Palace, Zhao Fu said strangely, "Isn't that place a trap? I went there before and was almost caught by an almighty."

Xiang Yuya is also a little strange, "It's not a trap

, I have been there before, and the palace master there is still my friend, waiting for you to go there. "

Zhao Fu strangely told her the matter.

Xiang Yuya thought for a while and said, "That should be what her daughter did without her knowledge. Now we can find her together, and now she is still waiting for you!"

Zhao Fu thought that there was only the last Sky Spirit Pearl left, nodded and said, "Let's go there now!"

Afterwards, Zhao Fu and the others flew to the Ghost Palace. This time Zhao Fu only brought the high-level energy, and the others stayed in one place to wait for Zhao Fu, because there were too many people to go together.

A few hours later, Zhao Fu sensed something, fell from the sky, and met more than 20 beautiful women.

Zhao Fu looked at them strangely with his eyes, "They also have six desires and demons in their bodies, but none of them are very strong. It can be said that those women from the former immortals are either very strong or are already dead. What happened to them?"

The savage women originally wanted to go to the Ghost Palace, because there might be a fairy, and even if they couldn't find it, they could get shelter, but they never thought that they would meet the legendary real fairy on the way.

The girls bowed in surprise, "Meet the Lord Xianxie!"

Zhao Fu said suspiciously, "Well, why do you have six desires and demons in your body?"

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