The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2618 The first evil fairy (unblocked and updated)


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Volume 1 Chapter 65

When the auction started, Zhao Fu brought Alasna and a few people to the auction. The auction in this chaotic world is different from the world of Apocalypse. It is a stone building or open air, and it looks like a colosseum. , also divided into layers. .

Zhao Fu has the VIP status and can sit on the top floor, but the top floor is a platform, with a stone table and a few stone benches, there is nothing else, and there is nothing blocking it, and the whole audience can see it.

This is very different from the auction house in Apocalypse World. Zhao Fu didn't care too much, sitting on a stone bench and waiting.

As time passed, there were more and more people in the auction. At first glance, all of them were people. This auction was held by the Yaoming Merchant Group, which attracted the attention of many people.

Zhao Fu looked at the people who were also sitting on the top floor with interest. They were also VIPs of the Yaoming Merchant Group. They had distinguished status and strong aura. The reason why Zhao Fu was interested was the blood of these people.

Their bloodline is the king's blood at the lowest level, and there are various other powerful bloodlines.

Zhao Fu's current No. 1 Evil Immortal's bloodline can feel the strength of each person's bloodline. Generally, hiding is ineffective against Zhao Fu. This ability is mainly to facilitate the first evil fairy to devour other bloodlines.

At this time, the auction officially started. A young man stepped onto the stone platform at the center, and a few pushed up a cage covered with a white cloth. .

The young man said with a smile, "My name is Bai Shiyue, and I am honored to host this auction for everyone. Now I will introduce the first auction item."

Bai Shiyue said, and pulled the white cloth down. In the cage lay a calf, covered in purple, with three eyes, and the horns of the ox were arcing purple.

"This is the cub of the Thunder Tide Cow. It has a very large power of thunder and lightning. When it breaks out with all its strength, it will form a thunder wave. It has good qualifications and the starting price is 100,000 gold coins."

It's not a loss for the Yaoming Merchant Group, the first auction item was so good, everyone felt the power of thunder and lightning, and they were also excited and began to bid.

"200,000 gold coins!"

"300,000 gold coins!"

"500,000 gold coins!"

"650,000 gold coins!"


In the end, this Thunder Tide Bull was sold for 1 million gold coins. It was bought by a strong man. The price of 1 million is already very high. The advanced alliance task only has 1 million gold coins, and every advanced alliance is not easy.

Zhao Fu and the high-level people must have no interest. The Thunder Tide Bull's thunder and lightning power is not weak, but it is a little weak to everyone.

The second item was pushed up, and it was a large insect egg, one meter long, which emitted a white light and a strong breath of life. .

Baishiyue introduced, "A white worm egg in the valley can be integrated into the body and save your life at critical moments. The starting price is 250,000 gold coins."

This kind of white worm egg in the valley has a very powerful life force and can be integrated into the body. When injured, it can consume this worm egg to obtain a strong vitality, so that the injury can recover quickly, and it can indeed save lives at critical moments.

"300,000 gold coins!"

This is a life-saving treasure for everyone, and it is impossible to miss it, and someone will bid soon.

Zhao Fu is still not interested, because it is now integrated into the blood of the Valley White Insect King, and also has the ability of the Valley White Insect. Now that Zhao Fu is integrated into so many bloodlines, he is sensitive to every race that has the same bloodline.

In the end, the egg was obtained by a middle-aged woman, and the price was 1.5 million gold coins.

Afterwards, the third item was quickly brought up. It was a piece of ore, the size of a watermelon, dark gray in color, exuding a cold and dead aura.

Baishiyue explained, "Soul Death Iron is the best material for making death attribute weapons. The starting price is 20,000 gold coins."

It is also a rare material, and people with the death attribute also bid immediately.

"400,000 gold coins!"

"500,000 gold coins!"

"700,000 gold coins!"


In the end, the third item was obtained by a gloomy young man. The auction price was 1.7 million gold coins, which was a little more than the price of the second item.

Next is the fourth, fifth, sixth.

Everyone was bidding, and the scene was very lively.

The seventh item is the seed of a flower, called the October flower. It is also a very rare flower, which has the effect of strengthening the body. The starting price is 00,000 gold coins.

This is also a treasure that strengthens the body, and everyone wants it very much, just when they are about to bid.

A voice sounded on the top floor, "5 million gold coins!"

Everyone looked up, looking at the beautiful and mature woman, and they were still very surprised. At this time, there were high-level people participating in the bidding. They all knew that none of these high-level people were distinguished and powerful.

The other people sitting at the top were also slightly surprised, looking at Zhao Fu and everyone.

Zhao Fu also looked at Thrush eyebrows with a face that was not surprised. With her personality, she would definitely not let this rare high-level spiritual flower go.

Facing Zhao Fu's gaze, Thrush Mei said with a hint of negotiating tone, "I'll buy this one!"

Now her money and valuables are in Zhao Fu's hands, but Hua Gumei doesn't have that much money, so she's a little scared

Zhao Fu didn't buy it for her.

Zhao Fu chuckled, "You can buy as much as you want!"

Hua Gumei breathed a sigh of relief, a smile appeared on his face, and he had a good impression of Zhao Fu, but it felt a little strange, because Zhao Fu originally stole the money from Hua Gumei, and now he is the owner's Hua Gu Mei. To ask for money, Zhao Fu had to agree.

The price of this flower is at most 3 million gold coins, and the thrush is directly sold to 5 million. Everyone doesn’t want to compete with the thrush, and they understand that they can’t compete with the thrush, so they didn’t bid for it. This flower was successfully painted. Bone eyebrow shot.

She became very happy to get this flower, and the most meaningful thing in her life is to collect all the flowers in the world.

Next, the auctions were brought up one by one, and the value was getting higher and higher.

The twenty-ninth item is a medicine bottle.

Baishiyue said, "This one is a life-saving pill, which can cure the disease of insectization. The starting price is three million gold coins."

Insectization disease is a very terrifying soldier in the chaotic world. The body will turn into insects little by little. People who get this disease will die in pain. The monks can't do anything either.

This medicinal pill that can treat the disease of worming can be said to be extremely precious, so there are also many people bidding.

"3.5 million!"


"4.2 million!"

The price soon reached five million gold coins, and there were fewer bidders. Zhao Fu was not interested in this medicinal pill, so naturally he would not bid.

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